Half Way There

Chicken Story!


"GAH!! Huhh.. Huhh.. Huh.. Finally.. We.. Are... Here.. Hyung.." Kai was panting in between each words he said.
Daehyun can only nods while still controlling his breathing. What makes him shock is that it's bright, and the sun is heating.

Jonghyun who's sitting up on the hill with the others, saw Daehyun and Kai from afar. He quickly stood up and ran to Daehyun and Kai.

"Daehyun-ah! Jongin-ah!" Jonghyun shouted loudly.

"Hyu..hyung.." A smile formed on their faces.

Jonghyun quickly hugged his dongsaengs. "Huhh.. Glad that you two are okay, I don't know what's Byul's reaction when she knows there's something happened with you two.."

"Don't worry hyung.. We're fine, most importantly we need to worry about byul now.." Daehyun said.

"Ne, I don't see any sign of Byul already came, or maybe?" Kai turned to Jonghyun who shook his head.

"Oh.." That's the only respond which came out from Kai's mouth.

"Better if we gather togethere with Minra, Baekhyun, and the others.."

"Minra and Baekhyun?" Daehyun asked and replied by a nod by Jonghyun.

"They are the ones who came first, they arrived last night.."

"Woaaaa.." Kai mumbled quietly while sticking his stare on Minra and Baekhyun who are eating their lunch up in the hill.

"Emmm hyung.." Kai started.


"Can we also have our lunch?" Kai asked. Jonghyun chuckled and pushed the two of them to gather with the others.




"Sehunnaaaa~! Sehunniee~! Sehunna.. Sehunnie.. Sehun--Aish Jinjja! Hyung.. I'm hungry.." 

"I'm not the one who told you to waste your energy right?" Myungsoo answered with his poker face.

"Aishh.. Can we rest for a while??" Myungsoo just stay quiet and keep on walking.

"Hyung.." Sehun pulled Myungsoo's sleeve. "Hyung--" "AISH! STOP PULLING MY SHIRT SEHUN...!" Finally the poker face Myungsoo, bursted out into flames. Sehun who saw Myungsoo like this can only widened his eyes and stepped a few steps back.


"Enough, sit!" Myungsoo shouted again.

Sehun only nods and leaned his back on the wall as his body slumped down in exhaustion and he hugged his backpack in fear.

'Aish.. Damn that bastard symbol..' Myungsoo cursed in his mind.

Myungsoo took a glance at Sehun and saw Sehun who also looked at him quickly looked away and focused his eyes on his backpack. Myungsoo let out a long sigh before finally walked to Sehun who bit his lower lip in fear.

"Yah sehun-ah.. Mianhae, I didn't mean to burst out like that.. I'm just.. Em.. Tired.." Myungsoo said quietly and messed with Sehun's hair.

"A-an-aniyooo.. I should be the one who said sorry for not noticing your tiredness hyung.." Sehun answered quietly.

Myungsoo smiled and gave Sehun the backpack from Victoria. "Eat first, I'll try to look around for a while.."

"H-hyung.. You're serious?? Don't go anywhere far, I'm scared if something happens to you.." Sehun widened his eyes a bit.

"Anii.. I'm not going to be that far.. Forget it, just eat first arasso?"


With that Myungsoo put his backpack beside Sehun and started to look around with his flashlight. He kept on putting his expressionless face, which honestly he actually can't take this game anymore. Maybe Sehun and himself have already stuck in there for days, since he can't see what's going on on the outside world.

Myungsoo can't stop scratching his head and bit his lower lip in full frustration. 'Arghhh.. Where could that damn symbol be!??'

Myungsoo slowed his pace while rubbing the wall surface, he stopped when he feels something. And guess what? All he got is the rough surface of the wall and looks like its making him even sicker.

Myungsoo dragged his palms against the wall hoping to find something until finally there's something making him stop.

'Mwooya!?' Myungsoo shouted in his mind. 'Is this the symbol? Or..' Myungsoo started to run back to Sehun and he stopped
half way when he saw Sehun's hype face while eating the sandwich. 'I better not disturb him..'

With that, Myungsoo ran back at where he found the symbol and tried to think what's its meaning. Its a sun gulped half way under the sea. 'What the hell is this? I don't understand..' Myungsoo narrowed his forehead with his still poker face on.

Myungsoo the picture. 'A sun being gulped down by the wave? Emm.. Maybe its the sea..' 

Myungsoo leaned in towards the picture while his chin with his thumb. 'When the sun is gulped down under the sea? Ahh wait.. its not that..' He opened his mouth and closed it again his mind is full of doubt. 'I have to answer this carefully..'

With that, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. When he's sure enough he opened his eyes and... "Sun set..."


Myungsoo's eyes widened in shock when the picture suddenly popped into the walls. Not long after that, he heard something falling from above his head. A scroll fell from above and gladly Myungsoo caught it at the right time before it damaged his visual face. 'Don't tell me..' Myungsoo's eyes widened even more when he opened the scroll and pulled a paper out and it turned out to be the map for him to escape the cave. A smile formed on his lips.





"What did she do to you Taeminnie?" Taemin just let out a long sigh. "Hmm?" Hayoung asked again.

"She's like making me her baby sitter... Yea.. Something like that.." Taemin answered with a lazy voice.

"What do you mean?" "Yeaa.. Well like I said, she's making me her babysitter... She pulled me wherever she wanted to go and it's making me sick.." Taemin sighed. Hayoung can only smile sympathetically at Taemin and tapped on his shoulder.

"And again, she kept on telling me about her favorite cartoons which are all about unicorns.. Unicorns... And unicorns.. I don't get her... I mean how old is she?" Taemin shooked his head in disbelief.

"Hmm.. But, to be honest.. You both look cute together.."

"MWOH--" "--THOUGH... I don't like her attitude.. I'm saying that you two look alike.. And yeaa.. You know what I mean.." 

"Youngie.. You're kidding.." Taemin widened his eyes.

"Just forget about it.. Catch!" Hayoung throws a sleeping bag and Taemin caught it.

"Go sleep.. We need to find the symbol tomor-- emm.. I mean.. In a few hours again.." Hayoung said with a little tint of doubt. 'I, myself don't know what time is it now.. Why would I left my hand phone at home in the first place!? Argh..' Hayoung cursed in her mind.

Taemin unfolds the sleeping bag to positioned it on the floor before he settled himself in. "Good night--aahhh whatever, sleep tight~"





"Aishh this is wasting our time Kyungsoo-ah! Let's just go!" Sungrin sighed and quickly stood up.

"Yah! Y-yah! Mwooyaa!?"

"We have rest already so let's just go on!" Sungrin started to walk away.

"YAH! KIM SUNGRIN! Are you out of your mind?!?"

"WHAAT!?" She quickly turned around.

"WE JUST SIT HERE FOR GOD'S SAKE! Its not even until 5 minutes and now you wanted to walk again!? YOU'RE NUTS!"
Kyungsoo bursted out and shouted at Sungrin.

Sungrin walked back towards Kyungsoo and let out a long whining sigh while stomping her feet and ran her fingers through her hair in frustration. 

"Arghhhhh... I wanna be the first one getting out of here!!" Sungrin kept on stomping her feet on the ground.

"What the hell is wrong with you!? I think there's someone who's already escaped first--"

"AAAAA IMPOSSIBLE!--" "STOP SHOUTING AND REST... AT LEAST. SIT FIRST, DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT CUTTING MY WORDS!" "But--" "BUT WHAT!?" Kyungsoo sighed and closed his eyes. "SIT. DOWN." Kyungsoo sent her an electrifying glare.

"A-arassoo.. Arasso.." She grumbled as she slump herself down back in front of Kyungsoo who's now sighing in relief.

"You hungry?" Kyungsoo asked. Sungrin nodded slowly, when she finds it embarrassing.

"Aishh, you just realized it now.. Your stomach is already grumbling ever since we started the game you know?"

"MWOH!?" Sungrin's eyes widened in shock. 'How can I not noticed that I'm hungry all along..'

"What food is this!? Unhealthy frozen meal..." Kyungsoo mumbled his protest while roaming through Victoria's given backpack.

"She said we'll survive with this kind of food!? Huh.. She must be kidding me.." Kyungsoo smirked evilly which makes Sungrin startled as she never sees this side of Kyungsoo.

'What the heck is that? Did I just see Kyungsoo smirk... Then again evilly? Well, that's new..' Sungrin shooked her head, amazed.

"Yah, why are you staring at me like that?" Kyungsoo raised his eyebrows.

"Aniyooo.." Sungrin shooked her head.

"Arghh.. Damn unhealthy frozen food.. Here just eat it while it's still there.." Kyungsoo said and threw a beef sandwich to Sungrin.

"Gomawo~" sungrin said while unfolding the sandwich's plastic bag.


'I think Myungsoo is probably already out of here.. How can a guy as smart as him can't get through a game like this.. Emm..
But I'm still hoping that I'm the first one who'll make it out of here.. HMPH! YOU CAN DO IT SUNGRIN!' Sungrin nodded to herself.

Kyungsoo on the other side who's looking at Sungrin raised his eyebrows in confusion. 'What's wrong with her? Is she thinking about there's a ghost in here.. Emm.. No no no.. No way that there's a ghost in here right? But, what if it's true.. Emm..... Minra??'




"Gomawoo Baekki~ this is beyond delicious..."

Minra smiled at Baekhyun who has just finished making his legendary sandwich.

"Nee, cheonmaneyoo~" baekhyun smiled and nodded.

With that, Minra stood up from his seat and walked up to the entrance of the cave where Kai and Daehyun just went out. With a sandwich still in her hands, she stood there staring at the dark cave.

'I hope the others are going to come out okay.. Its going to get dark again.. But not a single group has arrived yet after Kai and Daehyun..'

"Yo!" Suddenly Onew popped out of no whereand tapped lightly on Minra's shoulder.

"Aishh.. Jinki! You scared me!"

"Kekeke.. Mianhaeyoo.." Onew smiled while scratching the back of his neck.

Minra's eyes focused back to the cave's entrance which Onew noticed. Onew looked at his sister for a while before he finally set his eyes at the cave's entrance.


"Hmm?" Minra answered while biting her sandwich.

"You must be worried at them?" Minra nodded slowly as an answer. Then the atmosphere turns quiet before finally Minra narrowed her forehead while glancing at Onew.

"Jinki-ah.. Isn't it weird for someone like me escaped first from this cave? You know that I'm... Emm.. A slow thinker? Emmm let's just say that.. Emm pabo?" Minra asked in hesitation. Onew turned to Minra and shrugged, his body gesture is saying 'I don't know'

"Maybe its normal for Kai and Daehyun to escape early.." Minra took another bite on her sandwich.

Onew can only let out a sigh. 'Haishh.. My dongsaeng just can't get how innocent she is.. Her innocence is the reason why she can escape first in the first place... I don't know, my dongsaeng is a little bit weird, yeaa I can say that.. Perhaps?'

"Forget it.. Don't get it all in your mind.. I don't want you to protest me about your hair falling out cause you're thinking too much.."

"Yah!" Onew just rolled his eyes and chuckled and walked back to the others.




"Yah.. Wake up..."

"Errmmmmm..." Zelo stirred in his sleep and turned his body around.

"yahhh..." Yoonri shook Zelo's body.


"CHOI JUNHONG!!" This time Yoonri shouted loudly.

"Aishhh.. Arassoo.. Arassoo.. I'm up.." With that Zelo woke up and stood sit up as he rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"We need to find that symbol again.." Yoonri said.

"Ahh n-nee.." Zelo nodded.

"Emm.. Yoonri-sshi..--" "call me Yoonri" yoonri smiled.


"Have you eaten?" Yoonri shooked her head at Zelo's question. "Can we eat first.. Then we continue our search?"

"It'll waste our time.. But--" "waste our time? It looks like that blondy noona never said anything about time limit.."

"Emmm.. You maybe right, okay.." Yoonri nodded before finally grabbed Victoria's given backpack and tried to look for food in it.

"Emm.. We have.. Emm.. What's this?" Yoonri pulled 2 boxes which covered in aluminum foil. Zelo grabbed one of them and opened it.

"Emm.. What's this? A chopped beef?" Zelo narrowed his forehead.


Zelo nodded. "Yea.. Its only a chopped beef.. A slice of meat which is chopped? Aishh, what kind of food is this?" Yoonri can only let out a long sigh and closed her eyes. 'And they said that we can survive with this kind of food? How? Even I'm in this kind of clothing... Honestly I can be dead from the coldness with this short skirt..'

"Yah yoon.. Gwaenchana?" "Ahh.. Ne.. Gwaenchanayoo.."

Zelo just nodded while unwrapping the aluminum foil and started to eat it. Zelo took a deep breath until.. "Its not bad.. The
beef tastes good actually.." Zelo nodded to himself.


"Jengmalyooo.. Try it for yourself.."

With that, Yoonri opened her food and started eating the chopped beef. "Hmph!" Yoonri nodded to herself while looking at Zelo with a smile. Zelo smiled back while eating his food. Yoonri grabbed the bacpack and pulled out 2 bottles of mineral water. "When we finish our food, we continue our search again, ne?"

"Neh~" Zelo squealed.

'Aishh.. Neomu kyeopta..'




"KYAAAAAA WE'RE HERE HYUNGG!" Sehun hugged Myungsoo tightly while jumping happily. Myungsoo can only smile and nodded. "Myungsoo! Sehun!" Baekhyun and the others walked up to them who are the second ones out from the cave.

"Woaa.. There's already 2 pairs who came??" Sehun's eyes widened in amaze when he saw Baekhyun, Minra, Kai and Daehyun in front of him.

"Eh-hmm" Baekhyun nodded and put on a wide smile on his face.

'Woaa it looks like hyung is in a good mood..' Sehun smiled. 

"Alright then, kaja.. Follow me.." With that Baekhyun lead Myungsoo and Sehun to the villa. He stopped in front of the door
and knocked. When someone opens the door-- "NOOOONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA”

Sehun shouted loudly as he slump his two arms towards Minji's small figure.


Minji was jumping too with Sehun. While Baekhyun and Myungsoo exchanged looks while shooking their heads.

"Emm.. Myungsoo-ah.. You can was up first if you want? Just put your belongings there.." Baekhyun pointed at a bedroom.
"You're gonna be on the same room with me together with Sehun, ne?"






New Chapter has comeeee~~ kekekeke

i don't know what to say, but i really sorry that chapter 25 is erased because tha meintenance...

but i'm back with "the new" chapter 25 and chapter 26! WOHOOOO~~~!

Keep on reading CHICKEN STORY GUYSS~~!

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capitalHS #1
Chapter 35: Yeay finally! XD
capitalHS #2
Chapter 33: Hi there author nim, please update soon, dont give up. This fanfic is really awesome, im serious. So please keep updating okay? :)
ugh..author please update soon..i'excited to this story~
Anastacia #4
Ur story is interesting ... Update soon