Dangerous Much?

Chicken Story!

'What am I supposed to do now..' Sehun bit his lower lip.


"Hmm?" Kai raised his eyebrows. "What did he say?"

"Emm.. He.. Emm.. Luhan gege.. He.."

"He what sehun.."


"Mwoh? Slow down sehun-ah.."

"He.. He turned the speaker.. On--" "Mwo!?" Kai slumped back to his seat. “Ottokhaeee?!"

"What is it Kai?" Onew who's sitting behind Kai asked.

"Sehun.. He accidentally told EXO-M.."

"About?" Onew raised his eyebrows.

"This game.." Onew widened his eyes at Kai's words. Then after that, he shut his eyes closed and sighed.

"Forget it.. Since we can't do anything about it.."  Kai closed his eyes and sighed while Sehun kept on biting his lower lip with Luhan still on the other phone line.

"Anyeong.." With that, Sehun hang up on him. Minji can just smile sourly while her favorite dongsaeng's hair.




"I wonder what kind of game we're going to play this time.. What's on your mind?" Minra turned to face Kyungsoo who looks a little sleepy.

"I don't know.. I can't think of anything.." "So do I.." Minra crossed her arms on her chest. "But.. Why China?"

"Victoria.. She's from here right? It'll be easier for her to held a challenge in her own hometown.." Kyungsoo answered.

"Okay, I know your brain works differently with mine.. But you got a point.." Minra closed her eyes.

"Honestly, I'm curious about the symbols on the puzzle we found yesterday.. there's 8 right?" Minra nodded at Kyungsoo's question.

"Do you know what those symbols means?" Kyungsoo asked again.

"I don't know.. I can't even remember the shapes.." Minra paused. "How about you? Do you know what those symbols means?" 

"I just remember there's something with a horn and something circles around.. I can't remember the rest.."

"Circles?" Kyungsoo nodded. "Like.. Emm.. A lollipop? I don't know.."

"Huh? Lollipop? What thee..." Minra narrowed her forehead and started to laugh.

"I don't know, that's just something popped in my mind when I saw that.."

"But lollipop? You serious?" Minra asked again and started to laugh again.

"Yah, why are you laughing??"

"No.. Its just, emm.. Your sight--MPH!" Minra's words were cut by Kyungsoo who stuffed a big bread into .
"Shut up, you talk way too much.."

When Minra was about to open again, Kyungsoo pushed the bread to go into .

"Haven't I told you to shut up!" Kyungsoo crossed his arms while shutting his eyes closed.

"Mwee wemmaa.. (Nee eomma)" Kyungsoo's eyes fluttered open knowing Minra can still talk with a bread inside .

"Mohh? Why awre you loowfking awt mwe like daft? (Why are you looking at me like that?)" 

Kyungsoo shook his head. 'I'm not sure a human can still talk with something in their mouth like that..'

Minra raised his eyebrows and lifted his shoulders confused.




"Yeoboseyo?" "Noonaaaahhh~" Victoria raised her eyebrows. She recognizes this weird voice somewhere.

"Who's this?" "Its me! You're dearest cousinnn~"

'Ahh.. Of course..'

"Yah.. You don't have to make that annoying voice earlier, its annoying, and by the way what are you suddenly calling me, shorty?"

"Shorty? I'm not short.. And by the way, I heard you're in China.. GUESS WHAT!? I'm also in China now, and Appa told me to call you for--" "For what? For me to babysit you huh? Tell your appa I'm busy.."

"Yah noona! Do I look like a 2 year old who needs someone to babysit me? I'm a grown man! I just need a tour guide that's all.. Come on.. Noon.. Help me out.."

"No, and what are you doing here anyways?"

"I'm here for a holiday! Ooohh come on noonaa~ You don't want your dongsaeng to be lost somewhere in China right?"
Victoria rolled her eyes, irritated. 'Uggh, I have no choice do I?'

“aishhh nee.. nee.. arasseo! Arasseo!”

"ASSA! Send me a message where you are ne? Anyeong noona~" with that, the coversation ended.

"Eonnie, who's that?" Sulli tilted her head to the side.

"You know my cousin right? That little shorty namja.."

"Ahhh ne~ I know, what's up with him?"

"He's here.." Victoria sighed. "Alright, better if I start the game now.."

Now all of the players are gathered in the game arena. This game will be held in a cave which is under a view hills and looked barely visited by people which makes it a little bit scary.

"Follow me.." With a lantern, Victoria entered the cave. Which is surprisingly huge!

Everyone followed Victoria until they finally proceeded in the center of the cave. The cave was extremely dark, and only
Victoria's face can be seen since she's the only one holding a light.

"Let me explain this game.." Victoria started. "You already saw the symbols on the pieces of the puzzles you found in Lotte World right? And now, your purpose here is to find those symbols once again and guess what's the key word of the symbol's meaning"

"Obviously you aren't going to search for it all the 16 of you together.. I will divide you guys in 8 groups 2 people in each group.. And every group gets a backpack along with a flashlight, food, sleeping bag, and everything you need along the journey.. A day isn't an ideal time for you to finish all of this and to find the keywords, that's why I 'kindly' packed everything up for you to survive in this cave.." No one responds her, which makes Victoria sighed. 

"Alright, I'm not willing to waste anymore time.. After I turn off the lantern, take only one hand of anyone near you.. And they are the ones who'll be paired up with you, arasso?"

“hanaa.. deul.. set!”


Victoria turned off the lantern. Everyone immediately took one hand for their partners. After a few seconds, the lantern was back on. And everyone get to see who'll be their partner.


"So I'm gonna be partnered up with you? Woaaa I'm so lucky.." Taemin nodded excitedly at Minra.

"EONNI!!! WHY TAEMIN GETS TO PAIR UP WITH THAT NERDY YEOJA!? REDO IT EONNI!!!" Sulli shouted loudly making it echoed all around the cave.

"What the hell!??" Minra protested.

Victoria smiled and tapped on Sulli's head. "Nee.. I'll redo it Jinri-ah.."

"WHAT THEEE!???" Now Minra shouting out her protest. Taemin held Minra's shoulder back when she's about to make a move while shaking his head. Making Minra calmed down a bit then long sighed.

"Alright, after the lantern is off. Just take another random person's hand like you did earlier.. Hana.. Deul... Set!"


The lantern was off once again. Everyone started to pull the person beside them. After a few seconds, Victoria the lantern again. Everyone turned to look at their partner.

Sungbyul and Key, Kai and Daehyun, Kyungsoo and Sungrin, Minra and Baekhyun, Yoonri and Zelo, Myungsoo and Sehun, Chanyeol and Minho, and the last pair, Taemin and Hayoung.

"Sulli.. You don't mind if Taemin gets to pair up with Hayoung right?"

Sulli shook her head. "As long as its not that nerdy yeoja over there.." 

"YAH!!" Minra shouted out her protest once again, and Sulli only stuck her tongue out at her. "Merong.."

"Arghhh..." Minra messed her hair up in frustration.

"Okay, you can go get your backpacks here.."

With that, Key, Kai, Sungrin, Baekhyun, Yoonri, Myungsoo, Chanyeol, and Taemin went to get their backpacks for backup food and other survival things.

"I see all of you already got your backpacks.. As all of you can see that there's many road way you can choose.. Now each groups of you can choose the way the two of you pleased.."  

With that everyone seperated themselves with their own partners to pick each way each. Kyungsoo raised his eyebrows.
'Isn't this a bit dangerous?' Kyungsoo turned to look at Victoria who's putting on her evil smile. When Kyungsoo was about to let out his protest, he sighed. 'I forgot that they're nuts..'. He rolled his eyes at Sungrin who narrowed her forehead staring at the road way their going to take.

"Kyungsoo-ah.. Don't you think its too dangerous? I can't see anything there.." Sungrin pointed at the way they're going to take.

Kyungsoo just shrugged it off and looked back at Victoria. His eyes widened when he noticed Victoria wasn't there anymore.

"What thee..--"

"Test.. Test.. Emm.. Can everybody hear me?" Suddenly someone's voice can be heard. This time it's a boy who's speaking.

"Maybe all of you were shock at why noona weren't there anymore.. And here's me, on behalf of her for starting this game.." He continued.

"As all of you already know, all of you are gathered here to find those symbols in the puzzle you guys have found in Lotte World before.. And now its time to guess the keywords of the symbols.. Each group will get different symbols.."

"After we found it and guessed the keyword's meaning, then what will we do?" Sungbyul's sudden question makes everyone turned to find the owner's voice, since they didn't know where Sungbyul was. (C/AN: Well, except for key :D)

"Good question.. You guys have to escape from this cave that's for sure.."

"But how--"

"Better if you all start running through your road way before the stones get in your way.." The namja's voice makes everyone turned to look at their own ways. And yea right, a small rock starting to pile up blocking their way. And finally everyone hurriedly run through their own ways.


The stones stopped piling up and the cave stopped shaking due to the gateway closed tightly.




A flashlight's on.

"W-wh-where are we now?" Sehun stuttered to ask.

"I don't know.." Myungsoo can only lift his shoulders. "Maybe we'll know it when we kept on walking through this way?"

Sehun nodded and follwed Myungsoo who's already walking ahead of him. Lucky for them there are two flashlights each for the two of them which makes it easier for them to look and search around them.

“sehun-ah.. sehunnie.. sehun-ah.. sehunnie.. se…hun.. se.. hun..-ah.. lalala lalala lalala lalala..” Sehun started to sing
happily which makes Myungsoo furrowed his eyebrows and turned to look at Sehun who's behind him.

"Sehun?" “lalala… sehun! Lalala… sehun-ah! lalala… sehunnie! Oh sehun!” Sehun ignored Myungsoo and kept on singing.

“sehun-ah!” “go sehun! Go sehun! Go sehun!” Myungsoo was ignored once again.

He gave up and only shook his head while cursing inside his mind. 'Oh godd.. This is gonna be a long journey..'




“go dae-hyun.. go ka-i.. go dae-hyun.. go ka-i..”

Daehyun and Kai stepping out excitedly. Even their footsteps are the same. Not feeling any burden or what so ever, their face have no sign of worries. Its the opposite a happy and smiley face are allover them.

"This is much more fun than I thought it would be.." Kai hang his clasped hands behind his head. Daehyun nodded. "You're right.. I hope Sungbyul is also having fun like us.." Daehyun smiled widely, so did Kai. "Hmm!" Kai nodded excitedly. 

But something is bothering his mind which made his smile faded. 'I hope Kibum hyung's feminism aren't bothering byul.. Worse if he started talking about make up and forcing her to wear any, she can stood rooted there and die out of it too much.. Ahhh no no.. I can't think negatively like that, if Sungbyul died, I can be dead by being haunted by Daehyun hyung who hasn't have the chance to confess his feelings to byul.. And I don't wanna die young..' Kai shook his head.

"What is it Kai?" Daehyun's voice makes Kai snapped out of his crazy thought.

"Ahhh aniyooo.." Kai waved his hands in front of his chest. Daehyun arched his forehead before finally nods and started to look around again.





"How can a girl can be so anti with make up?" Key widened his eyes. "Waeyo? It makes us looking like living barbie dolls, I don't wanna ruin my face.. And.. Its not comfortable.." Sungbyul her cheeks with the both of her hands.

"YOU!" Suddenly Key shouted making Sungbyul cover up her ears.

"I HAVE TO DO AN EXPERIMENT ON YOU BYUL!" Key walks closer to Sungbyul who makes her stepping back. 

"Uh-oh.." Sungbyul bit her lower lip. 'At a time like this!? Really? ARGH! RUN BYUL!' With that, Sungbyul ran away from Key.






"Argh.. What time is it--Aaaa I can't even see my watch! What the hell is this.." Minra kept on cursing on herself which makes Baekhyun rolls his eyes getting irritate.

"Yah Minra.. Can you shut up? Be quiet for a while?"

"What did you say?! Be quiet!? You must be kidding me.. I can never be quiet at situations like this.. I can't!" Minra trailed her
fingers through her hair and started messing her hair up in frustration. 

'Why did I have to take this idiot's hand..' Baekhyun stared at Minra in a weird manner.

"Okay Baek.. I know you probably thinking that I'm an idiot right now, don't try to hide it okay? Your stare explains
everything.. You call me an idiot? Its not even you to start with, Kyungsoo always tell me that.." Minra said and looked at Baekhyun.

"Then again.. You're right, it was your biggest mistake for you to take my hand earlier.." Minra continued.

'Amazing..' Baekhyun widened his eyes.

"What? Now you're thinking I'm amazing for reading your mind? Well you're wrong.. I'm just too weird and absurd for someone who's beyond genius like you, okay? Better we continue looking for the symbols so we can get ourselves the hell out of here.."

'W-what the hell..' Even Baekhyun stuttered on his mind.

"Idiot.." Now Baekhyun said it out loud while rolling his eyes pissed.

"Hmm!" Minra just nodded to herself.






"Ah noona! You're back.. Emm.. How's the passage way? Its not too small right?" Youngmin rubbed the back of his neck.

"Aniyoo.." Victoria shook her head. "But my clothes are a little bit dirty.. But it doesn't matter.." Youngmin smiled and nodded.

"By the way.. How is the 16 mices are doing?" Victoria crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Not even one of them getting any closer to the symbols.." Kwangmin answered while shooking his head.

"Hmm.. Good then.." Victoria smiled. She put two hands on both Youngmin's and Kwangmin's shoulders. "I count on you two.."

"Ne noona.." Kwangmin and Youngmin nodded.

'And.. Good luck my little mices..' 





I guess we'll start an author note at the end of story from now on...(:

And btw... i hate a silent reader :''''( pleasee left at least a comment just for let us know what do you think about this story, neh?I'm not forcing you guysss >.<

and again.. sorry for late update :"

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capitalHS #1
Chapter 35: Yeay finally! XD
capitalHS #2
Chapter 33: Hi there author nim, please update soon, dont give up. This fanfic is really awesome, im serious. So please keep updating okay? :)
ugh..author please update soon..i'excited to this story~
Anastacia #4
Ur story is interesting ... Update soon