Victoria's Secret

Chicken Story!

"Onew hyung? Jonghyun hyung? Even Sungbyul and Kai? What are you guys doing here?" Taemin narrowed his forehead confusingly.

"Minra-ah.. Do you mind if we hang in just for a while?"

"Ne.. Gwaenchana byul.. But, what makes all of you came here?"

With no hesitations, everyone pointed at Kyungsoo who looks like he knows what they meant. With no words he walked to the kitchen with his apron.

"15 minutes.."

"YEAY!" Everyone cheered excitedly.

"Minra-ah.. You sure you have enough ingredients to cook for all of us?"

"Ne.." Minra walked up to the kitchen and put on her apron.

"What are you doing?"

"Helping you cook?" Kyungsoo kept on staring at Minra. "W-waeyo? Why are you staring at me like that? I can't help you cook?"

"Anii... Erhmm.. Since when did you start helping me cook?" Kyungsoo raised his eyebrows.

"Since you're going to cook for all of us in here and I know its impossible for you to cook for all of us in only 15 minutes, so I thought you need a helping hand?"  

"Ne.. Ne.. Arasso.." Kyungsoo turned around to the fridge. "I'll make the sauce and you start working on the pasta arasso?"

"Ne.. Arasso!" Minra untied her scarf and put it on the dining table. Kyungsoo who's arranging the ingredients realized it.

"Why did you take it off?"

"Wae? I don't want this to be dirty.. You know? This scarf from you brings me luck.. Where did you get it?"

"In an accessories store? Wae? Don't you ever think that I used some kind of spell or something.."

"Aniyoo.." Minra shook her head with a chuckle.

"How can a scarf brings you luck?" Kyungsoo laughed a little.

"I don't know, since you gave it to me. I often wearing it... And you know umma? When I hurt my waist cause Luna pushed me? I just remember that I didn't wear your scarf, and the next day. When I use it, Kai and Sungbyul came out to help me. Isn't that luck?" Minra smiled and pulled out the pasta from one of the drawer.

"Jinjja? You do know that can be a coincidence right?"

"Andwae.. There's just something about that scarf.. I don't know.. I felt really happy when you gave it to me.."

"Tsk.. Whatever you say.."

"Yah Umma.. I'm serious.."

"Ne.. Ne.. I know.. And if you payed a attention a little bit my beanie hat that I wore when we went shopping, it has the same pattern as your scarf.."

"M-mwo? Jinjja?"

Kyungsoo nodded. " I thought that why not giving it to a friend, at first I was about to give it to one of EXO members, and from the looks of it that scarf sure it suits for a girl. And when Onew hyung told me about you that's when I decided to give it to you.."

"Ohh.." Minra just nodded to herself.

"And it looks like I'm not wrong to give it to you Minra.."

"Yeaa.." Minra nodded again to herself.

“YAH.. APPA! UMMA! PALII!” Suddenly Kai shouted from the living room.

"Yah Kai! Can you show at least some respect?" Sungbyul shrugged Kai.

"Haish.. You're no fun byul.." Kai rolled his eyes. Then suddenly he leaned in to whisper something to Byul. "Can't you see them? They're too dangerous if they were left together for too long"


"They're like a married couple.. And its dangerous.."

"What's dangerous? Isn't that great?"

"Kyungsoo hyung will be the Umma and Minra will be the Appa...?? That's dangerous.."

"Yah Kai! Get back to your senses!" Sungbyul shrugged his elbow once again and moved away from him to the left side.

"PUHAHAHA.. But, I'm serious.. They really look like it, Kyungsoo Umma and Minra Appa.."

"I HEARD YOU!" Kyungsoo protested from being called an Umma again.

"You see that byul?" Now Kai turned down his volume. "If Minra is the Umma, there's no way Kyungsoo will be the one
who protested.. You know what I mean right? Umma nags a lot more than Appa.."

"Kai.. Seriously stop your crazy slash odd imagination.."

"Mwoo?? I'm not imagining.. Its a fact.. Its right in front of your eyes byul.."

"Yea.. Yea.. Yea.. Whatever you say.."

Sungbyul nodded several times and Kai laughed to his own imagination.





"Who is it??"

"Its me, Yoonri.."


"Nee.. Open upp!" Yoonri hurriedly stood up from her bed to open the door.

"When did you come? and how come you knew that i'm here..? i mean, my house.."

"Hmm.. 10 minutes ago? Looks like you didn't hear me, so Omoni opened the door for me.. and about you're here.. emm.. just my instinct?? our apartment was empty.. so i thought you're here..." Suho scratched the back of his neck.

"yeahh rightt.."Yoonri nodded to herself while rolled her eyes. "And by the way, why didn't you tell me you would come? Good thing I already came home.."

"Haha.. Mianhae.. Like i said... Instinct?" Suho scratch his head. Yoonri just shook her head, and pushed Suho ouit from her bedroom.

"Oh yea! Yoon.."


"How was it? Ermmm..  The game?"

"Hmm.. Not as hard as I thought it would be, its just I have to ride the 'crazy' Atlantis.. And you know very well that I hate that ride?" Yoonri sighed and threw herself on the couch.

"Mwo!? Atlantis!? Then, were you okay??" Suho sat beside Yoonri.

Yoonri shook her head. "Of course not.. Yeaa you know right? My stomach?"

"Aishh.. You and your stomach problem.." Suho just shook his head.

"Good thing Sungrin helped me, if she didn't help me I would've bursted out my stomach there.."

"Alright, better if we don't talk about that part, its gross.. How about.. Hmm.. The challenge? What challenge did Sulli give to all of you?"

"Hmm.. Its not that hard.. We were divided into two groups. I'm with Taemin, Minra, Kyungsoo, Sungrin, Key, Baekhyun, and Myungsoo. We have to ride the ride with F(x)'s symbol on it. 2 chosen people will have to ride each one and they have to find the puzzle pieces on the ride.. The end.."

"And you were chosen to ride Atlantis? With who?"

"I'm alone.."

"Mwo!? You said that each ride there 2 persons??"

"Ne.. And their 'Princess Sulli' took Taemin with her and I was supposed to ride that stupid Roller-Coaster with Taemin.."

"What the hell!? She took one of your fellow members?"

"Nee.. But it turned out that we did it pretty well.."

"Congrats for all of you!" Suho put on a big grin on his face.

"Gomawo Joonmyun-ah.." Yoonri smiled back.

"Soo what are you guys gonna do for the next challenge?"

"We still didn't know yet but they told us to gather all in the school's backyard tomorrow.." Yoonri blank stared.

"I see.." Suho paused. " Well good luck on your next challenge Yoon-ah.." Yoonri quickly snapped out of it and turned to Suho.

"Gomawo.." Yoonri smiled.




"Mwo!? Its 8 already!?" Jonghyun widened his eyes while looking at his watch. "Byul! We have to head home, i don't want Donghae hyung to explode tonight.."

"Aishhh.. Arasso, let me finsih my food firs--"

"There's no time for that!" Jonghyun quickly pulled Sungbyul's hand. Sungbyul was dragged by Jonghyun to the door.

"Kyungsoo-ah! Minra-ah! Gomawoo.. We're going home first~ Anyeong~!" With that, Jonghyun and Sungbyul left Minra's apartment.

"Kekeke.. I wanna finish Sungbyul's spaghetti.." Minra grinned as she took Sungbyul's plate and moved the spaghetti to her plate. All of a sudden, Onew stood up from his seat.

"Looks like I have to go home too.."

"Wait hyung, are you coming tomorrow for the next challenge?" Kyungsoo asked.

Out of no where, Onew giggled. Kyungsoo arched his eyebrows.

"Yah hyung.. Answer me.."

"I'll tell you later, kay?" Onew smiled widely. "I have to see my schedule for tomorrow first.."

"Be careful hyung!" Taemin and Kai said together.

"Take care Onew-ah~" Minra smiled.

"Minra-ah.. Look at your face.. The sauce is all over it.. Ckckck.." Onew shook his head before finally turned around and headed to the door.

"Alright.. Anyeong!~" With that Onew went home.

"Hmm.. Kai, we better go home also.. We have to prepare ourselves for tomorrow.." Taemin stood up.

"Ne hyung.." Kai also stood up.

"Minra-ah.. Kyungsoo-ah.. Thanks for today.." Taemin smiled.

"We're leaving.." Kai also smiled.

"Ne.. Be careful on your way home Taeminnie~ Jonginnie~" Minra smiled and waved at them.

"Be careful, hyung.. Kai.." Kyungsoo smiled.

Taemin and Kai nodded and left Minra's apartment. Minra and Kyungsoo took the dirty plates and wash the dishes.

"What's with Onew?" Suddenly Minra asked.

"You mean why he giggled back there?"


"Molla.. Maybe there's something funny on your face?"

"What's funny anyway?"

"Can't you see? The spaghetti sauce is all over your face.."

When she heard Kyungsoo, Minra quickly cleaned her face with her fingers. "Aishh.. How can I eat this messy!?"

Kyungsoo chuckled. "It's gone Minra-ah.. And about hyung, I think he's hiding something from us, don't you think so?"

"Hmm.. Maybe? He looks very happy... Too happy to be exact.." Kyungsoo just nodded at Minra's words.

"Yep! Everything's done.. Its time to prepare for the things I need tomorrow.." Minra ran to her bedroom to grab her favorite turquoise backpack. Not long after that, Kyungsoo went into her room.

"I think you might need help.." Kyungsoo crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows.

"Yes I do.." Minra nodded.

Kyungsoo shook his head and started to help Minra put her things on her backpack.


When she heard her phone rang, Minra ran from her room. While Kyungsoo opened Minra's closet.

"Yeoboseoyo? Hayoung?"



"Check your closet. Now." Hayoung pressed her words. Out of curiousity Minra ran back to her room and saw Kyungsoo
who narrows his forehead in confusion.

"Kyungsoo-ah.. What's wr--what is this?? Where's my clothes!?" She widened her eyes when she saw her closet that her clothes are already taken out and only a few clothes remaining.

"Don't tell me.." Kyungsoo hurriedly rush into his apartment with Minra who follows him behind.

He rushed his way to his bedroom and open his closet. He gaped when he saw half of his clothes are gone too. Just like what he thought.




"KEYYYYY WHERE DID YOU HIDE ALL MY CLOTHESSSS!?" Sungrin slammed her door opened with a pissed off face. "AND YOU THINK THAT ONLY YOUR CLOTHES ARE GONE!? THEN AGAIN, I DIDN'T HIDE ALL YOUR STUPID CLOTHES!" Key answered with a loud shout. 

'Haish.. Those pabos..' Baekhyun rolled his eyes peevishly and went to the dining room. Same as Key and Sungrin, half of
his clothes are gone as well. Its just that he didn't react the same way as Key and Sungrin. Yeaa, like all of you know..
Baekhyun? What thing he doesn't know in this world? And.. Yes.. Baekhyun knows what's behind all of this. That's the reason why he didn't react like them.

He took a few snacks at the kitchen and brings it all up to his room to pack it up in his backpack.

'Are they too stupid to even realize this thing?' Baekhyun sighed while zipping his backpack. Baekhyun went out from his room and saw his 2 relatives screaming at each other. Baekhyun took a deep breath before he finally.. 


Both Key and Sungrin stop their screaming and turned to Baekhyun's way. Baekhyun stomped his foot and crossed his
arms with his eyebrows arched. Slowly Key and Sungrin straightened up their selves and lowered their head.


"Tsk.." Baekhyun rolled his eyes in a pissed manner, and went into his room with a loud bang he caused when he slams the door. Then he sighed.

'Where is she going to take us tomorrow? Haish.. I hope its not somewhere dangerous...'




The next day, it looks like its only Minho, Hayoung and Chanyeol who are already arrived at the school's backyard.
Minho and Hayoung sat on the bench while Chanyeol leaned his back at one of the trees.

"Aish.. I hate wearing this shirt.." Hayoung grumbled and kept on staring her shirt.

"What's with your shirt? There's nothing wrong about your shirt.. You look.. Hmm.." Minho narrowed his forehead while looking at Hayoung from up and down.

"Look what? Weird?" Hayoung raised her eyebrows while crossing her arms on her chest.

"You look pretty normal for a Hayoung.." Minho nodded to himself.

“yah! Mwooya?!”

"I'm just kidding Hayounggiee.. You look great wearing that.."

"You're too smart to lie, Mr. HOHO.."

"Huh?? What did you call me?"

"Mr. HOHO." Hayoung pressed her words.

"I like that nickname, then I'll call you... Hmm.. Hayoung.. Young.. Young.. Young.." Minho clasped his hands together while shutting his eyes shut and shake his head around like some kind of guru or something. 

"What now? You're a guru? Huh?" Hayoung half giggled at her Namja's actions.

Minho nodded. "I can see your future.. Hayoung young young young.."

"What can you see Mr. HOHO?"

"AH!" Suddenly Minho cheered. "I see you.. Emm.. You will whine in pain.. Emm.. Any minute now.." 

Hayoung just narrows her forehead while shooking her head. Then Chanyeol suddenly came with his sneaky smile.

"AW!" Hayoung squeaked when Chanyeol suddenly stomped on her foot.

Once again Hayoung her foot in pain, Minho and Chanyeol high-fived and laughed out loud. Not long after that, one by one the members came and so did F(x). When F(x) enters the school's backyard, all eyes are on them. They look different that day. To be exact their hair changed. Victoria turned blonde, Luna and Amber brunette, and lastly Sulli with her black hair with a few highlights. Krystal only straightened her usual bangs not much of a change actually.

"Hello everyone.." Victoria greeted. Then none of them greet her back, except for Sehun who always put on his innocent face. He waved at Victoria with his poker face. "Hey.. Where's Minji noona?" That sudden question makes everyone roamed in confusion except for Baekhyun, Kai and Kyungsoo.

"So you already know why all of your clothes are gone huh?" Victoria smirked. "I guess I can't let you down just like that, Oh Sehun.." "Where's Minji noona?" Sehun asked again.

"Let me explain my game first.."

"Then give Minji noona to me.." Sehun shot back.

Victoria nodded. "So, the next challenge will be held in somewhere all of you never thought about it before.." Victoria shifted her gaze to Baekhyun who's intensely staring at her. "Maybe a few of you already consider about where is it.."

"All of you are going to..." Victoria hang her words with a smirk not leaving her face for a few seconds until she finally spoke. 














(A/N : i changed this chapter a little bit.. so... ENJOY~!)

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capitalHS #1
Chapter 35: Yeay finally! XD
capitalHS #2
Chapter 33: Hi there author nim, please update soon, dont give up. This fanfic is really awesome, im serious. So please keep updating okay? :)
#3 please update soon..i'excited to this story~
Anastacia #4
Ur story is interesting ... Update soon