EXO on Music Bank

Chicken Story!

"Minra-ah.. Taemin-ah.. I have to go to the make up room now, why don't you two change clothes first!"

"Nee~" with that, kyungsoo left Minra and Taemin to make-up. Minra and Taemin went to the changing room and changed from their stinky and sweaty uniform into proper clothes.

Well like those ummas out there, before going to school, Kyungsoo has already packed all his things for the show like make-up, perfume, deodorant, comb, and other things that needed for the show. Yeaah, all of those things are useful for the show-_-

Minra changed into a simple black summer dress along her knee with a jeans jacket, and she used all those things "umma" has prepared. And what a coincidence her dress matched with her white converse she wore that day, and little did you know? Kyungsoo is the one who suggested her to use those white converse, cause knowing that it will match with her dress his "child" will wear.

"Minra-ah!" Taemin approached Minra with a simple tourqoise t-shirt covered in a black vest and a pair of white jeans.

"Taemin-ah! Kaja.." Minra pulled Taemin's wrist and walked towards the stage room. All the way there, they saw their 3 friends waiting in front of Infinite's changing room, and they are no other than Sungrin, Key, and Baekhyun.

"Kibum-hyung?" Taemin started.

"Taeminnie~ Minra~ You guys came too~"

"Ne.." Minra smiled. "You too?.. But.." Minra stopped and stared at Sungrin and Baekhyun. "What are you guys doing?"

"Hmm.. As you can see, one of us is nervous cause well will meet with her 'Bias'..." Key glanced at Sungrin.

"Woaa.. One of you are an Inspirit?" Key nodded at Taemin.

"And that 1 person is..?" Minra hang her words.

"Sungrin" baekhyun and key said at the same time.

"MWO!?" Taemin and Minra stared at Sungrin in disbelief.


"YES, I'm an Inspirit... There laugh as much as you can!" Sungrin looked away.

"What should I laugh at? Its necessary for young girls like us have a bias..--"

"A girl like me?" Sungrin cut Minra's words.

"Ne! Why not? You just never see how crazy I went when I saw Gikwang Oppa in TV.."

"Don't tell me, your a B2UTY too???!" Minra nodded. "MWOYA!? Me too!"

"Kyaaaaaaa~ have you seen their new photoshoot?!" Minra held Sungrin's shoulders.

"YES! And Yoseob!!?? I can die if I stared at that photo for too long!"

"Mee tooo!!! Kyaaa~"

Feels like finding what they have in common, sungrin and Minra screamed like fangirls as they told each other stories about B2ST. Key and Taemin can only giggled at their behavior. While Baekhyun? 


Minra and Sungrin froze while Key and Taemin stared at Baekhyun in shock. "WHAT!?" Taemin and Key looked away and Baekhyun turned his face away, as if they don't know anything.

"Hyung! You take care of this Inspirit! I have to finish my make-up!" With that Baekhyun walked to EXO's changing room, he left those innocent little faces who stared at him in disbelief.

However they all came back to their senses when someone opened the Infinite's changing room door from the inside. 

"Sorry.. Is there some--  Kim Kibum, Lee Taemin, Kim Sungrin, Lee Minra?” A confused faced Myungsoo popped out from the door.

Out of no where, looks like he already memorize their names, even their full ones.

"Myungsoo! You recognized us very well!" Taemin started.

"N-ne.." Myungsoo came out from the door and closed the door behind him slowly. "A-all of you.. W-what are you guys doing here?"

Now three eyes are laid on Sungrin who stared at Myungsoo in disbelief. Myungsoo who didn't understand anything trailed to who they referred to.

"Kim-.. I mean.. S-sungrin?"

'AIGOO! Otokkhee!!!??' Sungrin shouted inside her mind.

"Hmm.. So..." Key started. Now Myungsoo shifted his gaze to Key.

"My cousin here... Is one of the Inspirits out there.." Myungsoo stared back to Sungrin, shocked. Now his lips formed a smile.
"Then again, you are one of her Top bias.." Myungsoo looked down while scratching the back of his neck shyly. "And the point of all.. She wanted an autograph from L, and it means.. It is from you Myungsoo-ah.."

With no hesitation, sungrin pulled out an album she brought. "I-if you don't mind.." Sungrin still looking down.

"Su-sure!" Myungsoo took out the album and signed his signature there.

"G-Gomawo.." Sungrin accepted back her album from Myungsoo.

"Ne.. And by the way, why don't you just asked for my autograph at school? We are classmates at all sungrin.."

“ah.. um.. err..”

"Nde.." Key started again. "Sungrin feels like you have already been chased by the girls at school, and she thinks this is the only chance for her to have an autograph from you without a rough time with those inspirits2 at school.."

"Ohh.. Nee.." Myungsoo nodded understandingly.

"Hmm.." Taemin caught attention. "Looks like you guys still wanted to chat, and we need to go to the audience's seat first.. If its fine for you hyung?"

"Ohh.. Its okay.. Just go there first then.." Key smiled at Taemin.

"Alright.. We'll get going then.." The 3 heads nodded at Minra. Minra and Taemin then walked towards the audience's seat first.

Not only in the hallway, now Taemin and Minra found someone they know sitting with an unfamiliar face.

"Byul!" The 2 heads shifted to Minra and Taemin.

"Minra! You camee??"

"Ne, kyungsoo invited me and Taemin here to watch him.."

"Same as me then... Kai also invited me here.."


Ahh I forgot.." Sungbyul turned around and faced a girl who's sitting beside her.

"Yoonri.. These are my friends, they are Taemin and Minra.."

"N-ne.." The girl stood up from her seat shyly.

"Taeminnie.. Minra.. This is Yoonri.."

“Park Yoonri imnida..”

“Lee MInra imnidaa..”

“Lee Taemin imnidaa..”

"As you guys see, Yoonri is one of Suho's friends.. If you guys didn't notice the students in Kai's class carefully, maybe you'll never recognized her.."

"Hmm.. You're right, I haven't seen you before.. And you're in one class with my brother, Kai?"


"How can I don't recognize you!?" Taemin shook her shoulders.

"Yah Taeminnie! Hajima... Can't you see how frighten she is from your sudden behavior!!?" Minra pulled Taemin away from Yoonri.

"Hmm.. Maybe you guys didn't notice me cause I always spend my recess at the library.." Yoonri scratch her neck.

Taemin and Minra stared at Yoonri in disbelief. Their mouth opened a bit, while their eyes widened.

"Don't misunderstood.. I'm not as nerd as you guys think I am.. I always update on k-pop too.."

"If you guys knew, she is not as nerd as you think she is.. Wait, she's not even a nerd at all.. You guys wanna know what she did in the Library?"

"Reading books?" Taemin started. "Or... Do her homework?" Minra continued.

"Your answers are far from the fact, you know?"

"Then!?" Taemin and Minra asked together.

"Not only knows about k-pop updates, but Yoonri is one of those people who created one of the blogs for k-pop updates. Especially EXO, how can she not update about k-pop news. When she is the source and the k-pop dictionary itself.."

"Jeongmal!!?" Again they said it together. However their eyes laid on Yoonri.

"Yah sungbyul.. You're overacting.."

"Aniyooo.. You think Jjong didn't tell me everything about what Suho told him about you?"

"That means your brother is overacting!"

“aniyoo aniyooo.. Relax Yoonri, I've seen your blog about EXO and its very complete, no one can compare with it! Daebakk!"
"Is it that complete?" Minra started to get curious.

"Ne! You need to open her blog!"

"Give me the link!" Minra hurriedly took out her phone and opened the browser. Minra gave the phone to sungbyul. Sungbyul type the link of Yoonri's blog. And she gave back the phone to Minra.

"Woaaa~ So this is your blog Yoonri??"

"Ne.. What do you think?"

"Omo! EXO-M's photoshoot is out already? I thought they were doing the photoshoot just a few days ago.." Taemin locked his eyes on Minra's phone. 

"You're right Taeminnie.. Kyungsoo told me that too. And.. You already upload their photos in your blog? Otokkhee??!" 

"I got that from Suho.."


"Ssstt.. Don't be too loud, if Suho knows about this he'll be mad at me for sure.."


"Not only from Suho.." Now Minra and Taemin curiously looked at Sungbyul. "She sometimes got informations from other blogs.. Or the magazine's official blog? Oh yea! There are several photos from tumblr to--hmpph!" Yoonri covered Sungbyul's mouth.

"Enoughh.. Don't tell them all of my sources!"

"N-w-ee! B-w-ut p-w-lease l-w-eat m-w-e g-w-oo.." (Nee! But please let me go..)

"I'll let you go if you shut your mouth!"

Sungbyul nodded surely. Yoonri let go of her grip and Sungbyul took a deep breath.
"But.." Minra started.

"Your blog.." Taemin continued.

Now Their eyes shifted to Yoonri. "Is really DAEBAKKKKK!!" Taemin and Minra shouted together.
"You really think so?" Yoonri scratch her neck. “Kamsahamnida…”


20 minutes later, the Music Bank started. Many boybands and also girlbands performed there. Including, EXO-K, BAP, and Infinite. That night, SHINee didn't perform cause Onew and Jonghyun had to follow the additional lesson for the upcoming festival, and remembering Minho who has just recovered from his fever. BAP performed in first, their performance went well. So did Infinite who were performing afterwards. Sungrin who locked her gaze at Myungsoo who's waving his hand to her. Sungrin didn't know that Myungsoo knew where she sits. 

And EXO-K??

"Kyungsooo!!" Minra ran to Kyungsoo. She locked her grip at Kyungsoo's arm.

"Your performance was amazing! I've never saw EXO-K performed live before.."

Kyungsoo who seems to be dizzy almost fell but still manage standing on his feet.

"Gomawo.." Kyungsoo answered with a exhausted voice. Seeing that Taemin giggled behind Minra and shook his head.

"Yah.. You have any schedule after this?" Minra let go off the grip.

“ani, wae?”

"I'm hungry, umma..."

"Aigoo.. Arasso.. I changed first okay? Then we can go home.."

"Woohoo~ Okay! I'll wait for you outside.."

"Nee.." Kyungsoo went into the changing room and left Minra with Taemin.

"Minra-ah.. Kaja!" Taemin and Minra walked to the building's lobby to wait for Kyungsoo and other EXO-K members.


15 Minutes passed, the members of EXO-K came out from the lift with their casual clothes. Only Baekhyun wasn't there, looks like he needed to take care of his 'Inspirit' cousin. Taemin, Kai, and Sungbyul proceed to go home first, so did Chanyeol, Minho, and Hayoung. While Suho and Yoonri went to a cafe' down the street. And lastly Sehun has an appointment with his dearest favorite noona, so rushed his way out of the building to find a taxi. While Kyungsoo and Minra...

"Kyungsoo-ah, I heard on the radio. They said that you like to make a Spaghetti.."

"Not really.. But it can be said that the members liked my Spaghetti.."

"Is that so? Hmm.. Can you cook me that tonight?"


“Jinjja?! Wohoo~”

"Do you have the ingridients Minra?"

"Ne! Why would I ask for that if I don't have the ingridients?"


Not long, the taxi stopped in front of their apartment and they went straight to the 8th floor. While they were walking down the apartment's hallway they saw someone familiar standing in front of Minra's apartment.


“Minra.. Kyungsoo.. Finally you guys came!"

"What are you doing here?" Minra started while unlocking her apartment door.

"There's something I need to tell you.."

"Tell me what?" Now Minra opened her apartment door and went in with Onew and Kyungsoo.

“hmm..-“ "How about I make the spaghetti for all of us, then we listened to hyung's story?" Kyungsoo cut Onew's words.

"Ah ne! Kyungsoo want to cook spaghetti tonight.." Minra continues. "And I heard that his Spaghetti is very Daebak!"

"Jinjja!??" Onew turned to Kyungsoo.

"Stop it! I'm starting to cook now!" With that Kyungsoo wore his apron and ran to the fridge.

Onew and Minra giggled at him and the TV while waiting for Kyungsoo with his cooking.

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capitalHS #1
Chapter 35: Yeay finally! XD
capitalHS #2
Chapter 33: Hi there author nim, please update soon, dont give up. This fanfic is really awesome, im serious. So please keep updating okay? :)
ugh..author please update soon..i'excited to this story~
Anastacia #4
Ur story is interesting ... Update soon