In the peace of the storm

I don't belong here


November was coming faster than what I thought. I left The Golfen Feu Café sooner than usual thanks to an especial someone that convinced my boss to let me go earlier. Yeah, Key told me to go to SHINee’s dorm to celebrate my birthday with him since he was going to be extra busy for the next 2 weeks. He just ended with his musical and now he’s starting new projects with other member of the boy group. Ugh, and I thought I had a busy life…

We only talked in the phone from some time to another. With the other members I hadn’t had much contact either. I saw Jonghyun once when I was arriving to the café. The dorm was 3 streets away from where I worked, which explains why I ran into them the first night I met them. Jonghyun and I drank a coffee while talking about random stuffs. I told him when my birthday was so I wasn’t surprised when Key called me 10 minutes later to invite me to his current house.

I was now in front of the building. A big man in black was standing there. He saw me and pushed me against a wall. Wait, what? He had his huge and rough hands in my shoulders, pressing me against the wall. He was almost hurting me. What is wrong with this monster? I swear I could see smoke coming out of his nose like those bull cartoons. Had they found out about that time when I accidentally step on my baby chick pet when I was a kid?

-No fans allowed on this area. – He said looking into my eyes.

-Mmmm but… I’m…

-Let her go Chan. She is my best friend. – Key came out of nowhere. Hearing this, Chan let go of his grip. Thanks God, I thought I was going to die smashed by that gigantic gorilla. - Please don’t be this rude. Even if they are fans, remember they have good feelings and money to buy concert tickets.

-Ne, boss. I’m sorry. - He bowed at Key, then at me and went back to his original position.

-Ufff… that was close! You should put some advices about your bipolar cat over here and there… you would save lives! – I wasn’t upset because if there were creepy girls following me everywhere and taking pictures of me all the time, I would also want them as far as possible away from the place I walk around .

-Hahaha, you Sloth… is for our security. I really hope Chan haven’t hurt anybody, especially our fans. He is nice, deep inside. You’ll see. - I was about to enter the building but Key stopped me. A very tall man joined us taking me by surprise. Onew oppa was behind him. - Oh, I’m ready to go, Manager hyung. I’m sorry Sophie but Jonghyun hyung went to the hospital to check on his sister so I have to replace him in Star King. But wait for me here, I shouldn’t take too long! Our dorm is on the 8th floor. Bye!

I was going to answer but the manager pushed them into the van that parked in front of us. Ok, I guess I’ll wait for him upstairs as he said. I took the elevator to the 8th floor. The door wasn’t locked so I went inside. Their dorm was very spacious. I left my bag on the couch and was about to start with a little tour around the house when someone appeared.

Yes, it was Taemin. Ugh, HIM. I said Hi just to be polite and he did the same.

-I will do a little tour. - yeah, I wasn’t even going to ask him for his permission.

-Do you want me to help you with that? Come.

What? It was suspicious but I followed him anyways. He showed me everyone’s room, the kitchen that was next to the living room, the computer room, the guest room and the bathroom. It was a really pretty apartment and it wasn’t as messy as I thought it would be. We didn’t talk AT ALL. But he didn’t give me any mean looks like he did the last time we saw each other.

Then, I sat on one of the couches of the living room and remained there… for hours and hours… until I died from boredom and hunger. Jk jk I actually waited for a really long time, like an hour or two. I had enough time to look at EVERY LITTLE detail of their living room; I also watched tv a little and saw how it started to rain, and how that rain became a freaking huge storm. It wouldn’t have been this boring if I had had my cell phone. But I still hadn’t saved enough money to buy a new one.

I heard steps coming closer and I saw Taemin’s face appearing from the hall. I recomposed myself (since I was lying in the couch with my feet on the wall and my head hanging.

-Key hyung called. There is a horrible storm over where the studio is so he won’t be able to come back tonight. He wants you to sleep here tonight since I told him the storm was starting here too.

-What? Sleep here? I mean… storm? I don’t see a storm; it’s just a little rain to m- KABLAM!! A thunder lightened the living room. It made a terrifying noise and I immediately jumped and grasped to Taemin’s arm. - See? Just a little drizzle…-He looked at my raising an eyebrow. - Ok, where is the guest room?

He smirked and led me to the room on the right next to Key’s room (that was in front of Taemin’s room). I entered and he left. Ok, Sophie you can do this. It’s just one night with a person you don’t like. You can do this. To be honest I was really good at pretending I didn’t have any hateful feeling toward someone but Taemin encouraged me to be honest with him.

If I was going to sleep there I was going to do it comfortably. So, I opened the door and went looking for the boy. I was wearing a dress and tights so I was going to ask him if there was anything I could use as a pajama. I opened the door of his room without knocking first. I’m sorry ok? I just forgot! Anyway, he was standing there with a box in his hands. When he saw me he opened his eyes in surprise and turned around. What is up with this guy? A little paper that was stuck to the box fell down when he moved suddenly so I picked it up. I read what was written with a quite pretty handwriting (I can’t say anything, I write like a half-brained handless pig with myopia).

-“Mianhe”. Mianhe?- I looked at him but he wasn’t looking back. He slowly turned around again but his eyes were still on the floor. I waited; silence is the best way to make someone talk.

-Ne. Mianhe…- He finally said. He then handed me the box he was hiding a minute ago. I took it and looked at it more closely. It was a mobile phone.

-Mwo? You, you bought this for me? - NO WAY. He didn’t. That would be… weird and unexpected! He nodded. I was about to ask a billion questions as I used to but he talked first.

-I regret throwing your cell phone away the other day. I was just mad because Manager hyung was going to scold be again for not paying attention and losing everything. But it’s okay if you don’t want it. It’s too expensive for a girl like you anyway. - Ugh, the kid was doing so well… until he said the last part.

-YA! What do you mean by that? Whatever, I want it.


-Yes, but let me finish. You are a brat and I don’t like you. You must NEVER EVER do anything like that to me again. And I haven’t forgiven you 100% but thank you anyways. - I looked to the wall full of pride as I was.

-I know what you would make it a 100%. - I gave him a quick glare. He was smirking. - Give me the phone. - I opened the box and the little and very pretty device. I gave it to him curious about what he was going to do. He started writing something in the phone with his fingers and handed it back to me.

-What did you do?

-I saved my number on it. - Aish… jinja!

-Pfffff. You are a lost case…- I looked down shaking my head when I saw something very interesting between some books in a shelf. - Isn’t that… The Lion King?

-Yes, wanna watch it? It’s one of my favorite movies.

Considering the kind of person he seemed to be I wouldn’t have watched ANY movie with him. But the Lion King is not a movie, it’s like the Bible to me.


We went to the living room and he played it on the dvd. But before that I went to Key’s room as Taemin said and changed myself into something comfortable he had in his closet.


There we were. I was crying like a hopeless baby while he laughed at me. I’m sorry but what human being doesn’t cry when Mufasa dies?

-I’m sure you have cried so many times in this part your eyes are just dry… - I said while hiccupping a little bit. He laughed again and through a pillow to me. We were both in the couch in front of the tv with many pillows and a blanket for both of us because it was a big one.

We laughed at the same parts and hated on Scar together. I swear nothing makes two people get along better than The Lion King. May the fairies be with you, Disney.

The movie ended and we were both smiling like retarded seals.

-I’m hungry- he grumbled. - Would you cook something for me… please?

-Me? - hahaha this guy had some serious suicidal impulses.- I don’t know how to cook anything eatable. I mean, I eat it myself but that is maternal love.

-I don’t know how to cook either. Only pasta, rice and eggs. - And the sad thing is I believe him.

-Well, pasta, rice and eggs it will be then.

We cooked together combining our poor skills. It took us an hour because we had to try many times, so many that we ended up with just pasta because there were no more eggs and rice. It was pasta “bolognese” though.

We sat at the table with a jar full of banana milk. Now I was glad we had that passion in common. We had enough pasta for the 2 of us. We started eating compulsively for the first 5 minutes and when our stomachs we’re not killing us anymore we started to chat.

-And where is Minho oppa? I know Onew oppa and Kibum are at Star King and Jonghyun is with his sister in the hospital…- Jonghyun’s sister fainted this morning according to the news my roommates announced me during breakfast.

-He is… Wait, should I tell you? - He examined me for a few seconds and I gave him a dirty look. - Ok, but you can’t tell ANYONE. - I nodded while making a sign with my hand telling him to continue. - He is “chez Krystal”.

-What? Dude, Taemin, I don’t speak Portuguese…- Ugh, he really knows how to get on my nerves.

-It’s French but anyway, I said he’s staying with Krystal.

-Mmmmm and… who is Krystal? Oh wait! I know, the girl from F(x) right? - He was beautiful, y, cute and cool. Woah, Minho did have good taste! [A/N: I don’t especially ship MinStal but I needed a couple here. But don’t worry! I won’t talk much about them]

-Yes, they have been dating for a while now.

-And it’s okay for you guys to date? I mean, don’t you have crazy fans and all of that?

-That’s way it’s a secret. -Yes, it must be complicated for celebrities when it comes to the love department I think.- Manager hyung is very strict with that.

-Doesn’t that bother you? That cold man telling you who you should date? - I though the manager was cool when I saw him this morning. He was so imposing and elegant. But I can’t stand people minding other people’s business.

-Mmmm I haven’t been in a situation like that before but to us Manager is like a father. We spend with him more time than with any other member of our family. Plus, he gives very good advice. – it seems Taemin really loves that man. - The good thing about their relationship is that they are both celebrities, so they understand each other’s situation. - I gave him an I-don’t-get-it-very-well look so he continued with his explanation- They know idols are very busy people. We can spend hours without sleeping, just in our vans moving from a show to another and such. People usually don’t understand that our work comes first, even before love and family. That’s why I think a relationship between a not-famous person and a celebrity is destined to fail.

Actually, I never thought Taemin was this matured. He talked clearly and with ease. I had been thinking only about myself and how hard my life was. I guess that’s why I thought he was just an annoying brat. But he’s life is pretty tough too. Many people are going through difficulties just as us but we usually don’t realize it.

-Wow, it must be hard having to keep this a secret…

-We basically keep half of our lives a secret. To be honest… sometimes I feel like I can’t take it anymore.- I got worried when he said this and I guess he realized it because he added- But we get a lot of good things too! Like money and recognition and, over all, the unconditional love of our fans. I am thankful to them because they give me the strength I need to keep going everyday.- He smiled to himself when saying this. And he was so cute!

-You’re a good man Taemin.- I said smiling too.- That’s why I’m going to reveal to you my secret to escape those moments when you feel you have too much in your head.

He was curious about what I said. Buahahaha. I told him to go put himself in comfortable clothes and come back.

While I was waiting for him in the living room I laid on the floor. I love to lie on the floor, I don’t know why. He came back and lay on the couch next to me. I started explaining the rules to him. The game was called Padam. Why? Because of any reason in particular, the name has nothing to do with the game itself. Well, to play Padam you must: be completely honest, be relaxed and be with someone. Check. Next, you have to tell the person a secret and she/he will tell you a secret too. I invented this game because I believe that, in order to keep your mind and hearth healthy, you have to have a balance between the things you know. Sometimes, we just feel the need to tell someone something but if we do that we will feel bad after doing it. That’s why the other person playing with you have to tell you a secret too. You both are going to release some tension but keep your heart and mind in harmony at the same time. And that’s what Padam it’s about.

He chose to start.

-My mom gave me the rosary I have on my left hand.- Nice, it’s not a big secret but it’s a good start.

-During exams, when I get bored I start to check if I have super powers.- He laughed a little bit after hearing this.

-I think Onew and Luna should date already. - Luna was the great singer of F(x). Haha my roommates had taught me well about kpop artist.

-I hate cheesy songs because I think they are stupid. The sad thing is that deep inside I believe what they say. - Ok, I was starting to talk too much, I think.

-I have liked just one person in my whole life but she didn’t feel the same way I did. - Thank you for not making me feel like a loser exposing my deep thoughts. I guess I was ready to let it out, my embarrassing and deep confession. Not even Myung Hee knew about it.

-I… I’m a fangirl over U-Kiss’ Kevin Woo. - I was blushing. It was a nice (and freaking scary) thing that the light went off because of the storm in that moment. Taemin’s head was higher than mine since he was in the couch and I was in the floor anyways.

-See, not even the light gets what the heck is wrong with you. Kevin Woo? - He was having a blast up there.

-Shut up. Your turn, and this better be a good one!

-Mmmmm In my dreams, I’m never able to fly. I stay there floating while everybody enjoys their flying skills. - No way. That dream is really like one of mines! It’s sooooo frustrating to be in that situation.

-I… I understand how you feel. Ok, emmmm, I thought my life was boring until I met Kibum. That’s why I am thankful towards him. - That’s true. Korea is an awesome country but life has been hard lately. I didn’t regret my choice of coming here, though.

-I think you like Key. - What? Taemin… go see a doctor.

-I will never like Key more than as a best friend. It’s a different type of love. The same I feel towards Myung Hee.

-I see…

Then we remained quiet. I just had left it all out. Not especially the things that have been bothering me but little things I felt like talking about. Taemin didn’t say anything. But it was not an awkward silence. More like a moment of thinking without being alone. The storm outside the window suddenly didn’t seem so scary.

We stayed like that for a long time until I decided it was about time to go to my temporary bed before I fall asleep on the floor. I stood up and looked at Taemin. To my surprise he was sleeping, a deep sleep if I may add. His breath was heavy, his mouth a little bit opened and his face more charming than any other time I’ve looked at it. Man, he was perfect like this… Ugh, that must be because I want him dead or something. I better go now. I didn’t know if I should wake him up or carry him to his room. The first option would mean he would stop looking so adorable and the second one was too much effort for a noble cause. I wasn’t feeling charitable today so I decided to leave him there. Ok, ok, I will put the blanket over him. A part of me wanted to cover his face like he was a dead body but I decided to go for the uncreepy option.

I went to sleep and I dream of butterflies that night.


End of the 3rd chapter!! I hope you like it JBE PREPARED!! Hohoho

Xoxo and leave a comment! I will love you forever <3





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SweetSkyStar #1
Chapter 6: This story is getting interesting but please update. I'm curious to see what comes next. :))
HeartGold426 #2
I really like your story so far~ ^ - ^ It's good!
fruitbombs #3
-screams from the cute-
ahhhhhhhhh this chapter was awesome and soooo romantic, well kinda ^^
anyways I loved it =)
VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL!!!! OMGG. finally~ hohoho so good so good! is excited for the next chap! HWAITING!!! XD
flower_sandra #6
This is really Good :-)
ohhhhh this is good, no its great awesome, amazing I dunno but I definetly like this story and hope you will update soon.
fruitbombs #8
Omg YESSS she likes him!!!
cute :''> please upload ^_^