Bad starts can lead to good endings

I don't belong here


-Daphne, go check if they need something over the table 4!- Mr. Kang screamed.

-My name is SOPHIE, not Daphne, mr. Kang. And I’ll be right there.- Jeez… I’ve been called Agatha, Esther, Judith and who knows what else today…

Ugh, my first day of work in the Golden Feu Café hasn’t been anything at all as I expected it to be. First, mr. Kang was basically a horrifying man who loved to torture me by sending me over here and there while doing this and that. Ok, ok. I’m complaining a little bit too much. But mr. Kang really did give me a freaking lot of shores and stuff for just a 18 years old girl like me.

I moved to Seoul 4 months ago to study in college. Seeing how life here is expensive and knowing I wouldn’t be able to return home for at least 2 years because plane tickets were too expensive, I decided that working will be a good idea. That’s why I put on my boots and my rain coat a cloudy day of the beginnings of fall and I went out, fulfilled with courage and the hope that one day I will be looking at the sunset with satisfaction and breathing bliss and joy of not needing to live a precarious life anymore. Jk, actually I decided it will be more efficient to look for a job online and I ended up with 5 job interviews. 2 of them were a major failure: one because it wasn’t on my plans to become a hooker, and the other because, as always, I’m really not good with being formal and all that Korean crap. But I got the chance of choosing between my other 3 job offers: one giving food and cleaning the cage of potential fatal animals at the zoo, the other picking up garbage at 3am, and the last one working in a lovely café called Golden Feu. Guess which one I picked. But trust me, I wish I had picked the cleaning cages one…

Anyway, I get depressed easily when talking about my life so, let’s go to the interesting part. After dealing with mr. Kang’s petitions, washing the dishes, serving 4 times water to a lady that complained about how it was not 100% purified water (I gave water that came from the same place -aka the tap- every time and she didn’t even realize…), carrying the tables that were outside to the inside of the shop when the night came and changing to my casual clothes after wearing that lame server uniform for 5 hours, I went out at midnight to go back home.

There was only 1 bus I could use to go home at that time of the night, but that was not the reason why I was panicking. Do you know how everything looks completely different when it’s dark to when it’s not? Well, THAT was my problem. How was I supposed to find the bus stop if I couldn’t even recognize where the heck was I? Yeah… The best thing about it is that if I didn’t hurry up  I will lose my bus and then I will have to walk home, my dear home that was at least 1 hour away if I went there walking.

12:30. AHHHHHH Ottoke? I need to get there before 12:45 or I’ll lose my bus! I decided to star walking to no matter what direction. There were to possible results to that: I will go in the right direction and find the bus stop or I will go in the wrong direction but then I will continue walking until I eventually find I place I recognize and I will know what to do then. So I took a deep breathe and turn to the opposite direction I was facing. Why? Because that way, if I went the wrong way I would at least have the excuse that I was right at the beginning before I changed my mind.

To my surprise (and here is where things get interesting) (sorry for keeping you waiting), I bumped into someone. Of course I didn’t fall since my speed was of 0 but I guess I hurt the other person’s chin.

-I’m sorry! Did you hurt yourself?

-No, no. I’m fine.- the man looked at me and then he covered his face with his scarf. The 2 people who were with him did the same.

-You… YOU!- I pointed at them.- You are… YOU ARE…- they were shaking their head telling me they were not, but I was sure they were- You are the ones that are going to bring me home!

2 of them let out a deep sigh and the other one a little laugh. He said:

-hahaha, I thought you  would say: SHINee oppas or something like that.

-Oh! You guys are from SHINee? Sorry, I really don’t know your faces. Plus, you must be very ugly now without make up and stuff… - nothing but the truth as always… oops!- I mean, Uhhh oppas! Please please, will you bring one of your fans home? She is lost. Ppuing ppuing~

-Ohhh jinja…- The guy gave me a ‘this-bish’ look.

-Ya! Don’t look at me like that…

-Where do you live?- said the one with who I hadn’t had any contact yet.

-Mmmm near Jongno street. – Was he going to be my savior?

-We will take you there –He said smiling nicely. Te be honest he seemed very nice and down to earth, nothing like I imagined from an idol.

-YA! Onew hyung! That is at least an hour away from here!- The blond guy that I didn’t like protested.

-Kibum, don’t be like this. Onew huyng is right. We can’t leave her here even if her house is like a lot of kilometers away.- reply the guy that I ran into.


We were walking down a street where there were not many lights. They decided to avoid crowded places so they wouldn’t be recognized. Their names were Onew (the nice one), Minho (the one I bumped into) and Key (the annoying diva that didn’t believed I was a poor lost fan).

-So I came to Korea 4 month ago. Do you like it? - Minho asked.

-Mmmm the first months have been very difficult because people here are different than they people I used to be around back home. But I’m getting used to it and I like it more every time!

-We can be as good as the people you used to know. What was special about them? - Key asked letting me know he was offended.

-Well, dear Kibum… they are more crazy and wild. For example, if I were walking with them, they would do THIS.- I suddenly rang in all the apartments of the building we were passing next to.- RUN!!

We all started running like mad people. When we reached a park I stopped and the guys did the same. We were all breathless. I started laughing.

-Ya!- Key looked at me angrily but then he bursted out laguhing too. Minho and Onew followed.

-Hahahahahahahahahaha We could have got arrested! Hahahahahahahahaha but that was so much fun! –Minho put his hands around his tummy.

-Ok, to make it clear, I’m not like a troublemaker or anything… I usually was the one running behind my friends. But God, now I know why they did it so often… People here in Korea take themselves too seriously.

We continuing walking for half an hour before I recognize where we were and I led them to my place. We talked about numerous things on the way. I didn’t know they were so famous and I was glad they were because they had so many funny anecdotes that have happened to them in tours and fan meeting, or even in the streets of the city!

Key was particularly entertaining. Not that Onew and Minho weren’t but I just felt more connected to his childish diva side. I thought of Onew as a father that would be especially good at embarrassing his children and of Minho as an uncle… Yeah, that’s exactly what they were in my head. Aish! I’ve disconnected from reality again! This happens to me all the time. I tried to get myself back into the conversation without anyone noticing that I was gone for a few seconds.

-So I’m telling you Onew hyung… I REFUSE to eat chicken next week. I cook for all of you and my hands are tired of touching chicken…

-Ne, ne… we will talk about this at the dorm.- Onew looked at him threateningly and for some reason Key covered his . I do NOT want to know what all this is about o.O

-Sophie-ah~! Help me!- Key grab my arm.

-I’m afraid I won’t be able since well… there are a few things of this conversation I will like to forget as soon as possible. Oh, here we are!- We reached the front door of my building.- Thank you very much for coming with me. I didn’t think there will be anyone this nice to do this for me. You are awesome guys! I really hope to see you soon.- Oh, I was starting to feel sad because of course they were stars and they would never want to hang out with people like m-

-Give me your number! I’ll call you this week so we can go out.- I was speechless. -Ne.- I said looking to all of them with a huge smile. Jeez, they must have thought I was creepy.- haha sorry, I… what?- I gave my phone to Key and he gave me his. They other guys hadn’t brought theirs so…

-Ya, pabo! Wake up!- Key hit me in the head.

-Aish! I’m sorry… Anyway, thank you again and good night Oppas and Kibum!- I bowed to them and went inside. The last thing I saw was key’s frowning face hoho, I won’t call you Oppa.

I opened the door trying to not waking up the girls I lived with. When I got into my room I jump on the bed and screamed of joy. No, not because I had met famous people and I had their number but because for the first time in months I had talk to people I actually wanted to become friends with. Thank you, fairies!

I came up with something before I went to sleep and I texted Key.

“Kibumie~ Do you remember where I told you I work at night? Come visit me some time, I’ll treat you to something :3”

“YA! I’m your Oppa remember? I’ll be there soon. You better be a good waitress, who knows, maybe I’ll bring a potential girlfriend ;)” He replied a few minutes later.

“Aneeyo~ I don’t see you as an oppa… more like a chingu! I’ll call you chingu-ah~ then ;) A potential girlfriend?”

“Ah this girl… jinja… We are not from the same age! But call me whatever you want. I’ll call you Sloth then!

Wae? You thought you had a chance with me?”

A chance with him? Why would I want that? Pfffff this pabo…

“Andwae! I thought you were gay ^^ (and there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay)” I hope he didn’t get mad :/

“YAAAAA! I’m not that! I’ll sleep now… Dream with me, I know you secretly love me”

PFFFFFFF again being all presumptuous… I didn’t even reply to that. I was already half asleep.

--------------- ----

The following day was nothing out of the usual. Until THAT happened. So let’s jump until a few minutes before that moment.

I was serving an old couple when Min, my new friend from work, called me.

-The guys on table 8 want YOU to serve them. Oh, you are so lucky! Their faces are half covered but I bet they are super good looking…

-Mwo? Ok, I’ll get there. Thanks, Min!

I went to table 8. 2 guys were sitting there looking at me as I approached.

-May I bring you something?- I put on one of those fakes smiles.

-That doesn’t fit you, Sloth. Bring us some cake. We want cake. And apple juice.- the guy took his sunglasses off.

-Ommo! Chingu-ah~ What are you doing here? And don’t call me sloth!

-Pabo, you told me to come yourself! I brought a friend with me. - He pointed at the person next to him. It was someone with shiny perfect hair and beautiful skin. This must be the person Key was talking last night. Hohoho I better help him in this case!

-Oh, so you must be her, the person he talks about all the time.-I smiled brightly at her. Key looked at me with surprise. Hah! I must be doing a great job. - Wah! He wasn’t exaggerating; you are a really pretty girl. It’s very nice to meet you…- I waited for her to tell me her name.

-…Taemin.- She answered. Or I may say he? Because the voice that said the name was clearly the one of a man. O.O

Hahahahahahahaha Key bursted out laughing and snapping his hand on the table. He was now literally rolling on the floor laughing. You are not helping ¬¬

-Ah…ah… ne. Mmmmm I’m sorry… I thought…- Taemin was just starring at me with a poker face.

-Hahahahahahahaha I guess this doesn’t help Taemin to go through his I-want-to-be-manly-phase… Hahahahahahahaha

I bowed to him and left. What else was I supposed to say? Ahhhhh I’m so stupid! I’m not used yet to how some Korean men look so much  feminine.

But the night wasn’t over yet…


Ok, Sophie. Breathe. Breathe.

-You, brat! You better not ruin this for us!-mr. Kang was all over me. He had been like this for at least 10 minutes. Of course him and Min had soon realized the guys on the table 8 were celebrities and now they were putting pressure over me to serve them well so they will come back.

-Sophie-ah~ Please please be nice to them! And take pictures while they are not looking! Yeah… pictures! - She was grabbing my skirt.- I’ll bring my cell phone. Kyaaaaaaaa~

Ok, Sophie. Carry the extra heavy ice creams and cakes (because mr. Kang wanted to give them 4 times what they had ordered for free) and come back. The guy hates you. Don’t risk your head for nothing.

I took a deep breath and started walking over the table 8. Taemin looked at me and turned his face to the window.

Just leave the food there and leave. Just leave the food ther- NO! Don’t fall you Pabo!

BAMMMMM! Too late. I had spilled the food all over the place. More precisely, all over Taemin.





Hello! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter JI’ll upload the next chapter in a few hours! And sorry if the story is a little bit too slow…

Don’t forget to comment!

I’m Valeria and it’s nice to meet you haha







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SweetSkyStar #1
Chapter 6: This story is getting interesting but please update. I'm curious to see what comes next. :))
HeartGold426 #2
I really like your story so far~ ^ - ^ It's good!
fruitbombs #3
-screams from the cute-
ahhhhhhhhh this chapter was awesome and soooo romantic, well kinda ^^
anyways I loved it =)
VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL!!!! OMGG. finally~ hohoho so good so good! is excited for the next chap! HWAITING!!! XD
flower_sandra #6
This is really Good :-)
ohhhhh this is good, no its great awesome, amazing I dunno but I definetly like this story and hope you will update soon.
fruitbombs #8
Omg YESSS she likes him!!!
cute :''> please upload ^_^