Life is the sweetest when you have banana milk and ice cream

I don't belong here


There has been 2 weeks since the incident with Taemin. What did I do after that? I beat myself for 2 hours every night. Jk Jk I didn’t but my boss did. Well, not literally but if he could do it without going to jail he would have done it for sure. It’s unbelievable how I’m not fired yet to be honest. I think he’s just waiting for them to come again looking for revenge or something. But personally I find it really fascinating how I am able to not give a about anything if I really put myself into it.

Ok ok, I’ve bring up the subject a few times during those 2 weeks. I talked about it with Kibum when he came to me house one night. He told me Taemin was not a rancorous person. That really made me feels better. It is amazing how Key and I became good friends in a matter of days taking into consideration the fact that he had little free time, if he had free time at all.

I didn’t actually talk about what happened with other people but I did talk about SHINee with them, just to make sure Taemin wasn’t a hell of a popular guy and that her fans wouldn’t kill me if they knew what I did to him. It was a nice surprise to hear from my room mates how they will kill anyone that hurt him in any way. Since then I never forget to lock the door of my room at night.

The other person I talked about them was Myung Hee, my best friend from college. It was a nice surprise when she told be how she will help anyone who did something to any SHINee member to finish their job and make sure they’re dead. Since then I never forget to avoid any subject involving SHINee, or my friendship with some of them.

Nice, my life was just… perfect.

And to make it even better, Key called me a Saturday morning. He wanted me to join him at the mall to do some shopping since we would be able to meet next week because he was going to be part of a musical. I took a bath, put some decent clothes on and went out.

He was waiting for me next to an Abercrombie shop, he and 2 more other people.

-Nice try, chingu-ah~ but that fake angry-Mexican-man moustache will not hide your identity.- I took his little head with both of my hands and squished it. He did a merong.

-Well, it’s worth the try I guess… Let me introduce you to the extra gigantic scarf man: Jonghyun and to the beanie and glasses boy: Taemin- he said showing me the 2 guys next to him.

I bowed to them and smiled. I really really really hope Taemin has forgotten about everything or this is going to be very awkward.

We decided to walk around for a while. SHINee only had 2 hours before their next schedule. Key entered a video games shop while we waited outside playing with the dog of a woman. He came back with a smile on his face.

-Haha, guess what! The lady on the counter recognized me and gave me a 2nd video game just like the one I bought. Who wants it? It’s about One Piece and stuff… - he handed the video game to us. Taemin stretched his arm but HAH I took it first! No one will beat me when it comes to one piece. I looked at him but he just looked away. Ohhh don’t be a baby… be a good loser, pabo Taemin!

I talked to Jonghyun and he seemed very nice. But over all he was funny as hell. I get now why Key loves him so much. The both of them together with their cheesy attitude made me laugh as a crazy person. Me and Taemin? Well, we didn’t talk at all.

I believe (and there is a high possibility I’m right) that this is why Key did what he did next.

-Ehhh… Jonghyun and I we are going to… a secret place for people older than 20 years so mmm bye!- They went away fast and left us there, just the 2 of us.

-Are they… going to buy ? - I asked with a disgusted face.

-I don’t know… I’d rather not to. - He answered coldly and started walking.

-Ya! Wait for me. - I started moving my feet to and went next to him.

I tried talking to him asking random questions, from the weather to Greek mythology. EVERYTHING. But the guy just didn’t talk. This was getting on my nerves - -“

At the end I decided to remain quiet. And that’s how we were for half and hour. I bet the fairies were bored so they used us as a way of distraction because then things became extremely bizarre and the way they were connected between each other is just sick. It was one of those moments when you realize everything is a chain of consequences, a chain you sadly can’t escape.

It all begun when a random kid put a coin in a machine to get some banana milk. Then the machine stopped working. You would say: that happens to me ALL the time. But this is Korea, machines don’t break so easily. Anyway, we past next to the machine when the kid had just left and we both looked to it because… I don’t know, for the same reason you look at something that has taken away something precious for somebody (especially when you are talking about banana milk). But then (hold on tide to your seats), the banana milk that was stuck in the machine felt as it should have done a few seconds earlier and stood there where the kid was supposed to have taken it in order to drink it. Taemin and I stopped looking at the machine. We suddenly rushed to take out the little bottle but he did it faster. UGH.

-Mmmmm do you mind sharing that? - I asked him with a cute smile.

-No, I don’t want to. - He said, stabbing the upper part with the straw and starting to drink it. He was mad. He has been like this since an hour ago. I’ve tried not to pay attention to it but it’s seriously starting to bother me now. I mean, I was thirsty and tired and sick of his attitude.

-Ya! Why are you like this? Why do you treat me bad all of a sudden? I haven’t done anything to you, at least not today.

-Because I want to. Because you can mess with One Piece but for nothing in the Earth you can take banana milk away from me. – Is this for real? This. Guy. Is. Seriously. Annoying.

I kicked him in the shin and while he bent down to deal with the pain I took the banana milk away form him. He tried to take it back from me but I was faster. This was a fight between 2 banana milk lovers and anyone who has ever tasted banana milk would know that this is a fight full of PASSION. So much passion that people started to crowd around us.

In one of my fail attempts of taking the banana milk away from him I accidentally pulled his beanie and his hair was exposed. His sunglasses also felt. . We stopped fighting and we looked at each other. There was fear in his eyes. The next thing I knew was that A LOT people were approaching us at a high speed from everywhere: men, women, girls, old people, babies, ninja assassins. Ok, maybe it wasn’t exactly like that but it felt that way. Taemin took my wrist and pulled me through the crowd. We run, run like our lives depended on it. And it kind of did. We passed next to a small door, the type of door I know because I work in a café. I made him stop running and pushed him inside the little room behind the door. It’s the little room where they put mops and brooms for cleaning. It was very small so we were very close. I had my arms together in front of me, they were touching Taemin’s chest but they were the only thing that separated us. He had no other choice but to put his hands in the wall behind by back, next to both sides of my head. I could feel his breath near my face. It was dark so I couldn’t see him but my arms in his chest let me know his heart was beating fast. I suppose it was because we had run a lot.

We heard steps outside, many of them to be honest. We stayed like that for a few minutes and then I opened the door.

-They’re gone. - I said looking everyway around.

-Hahaha that was fun- He smiled at me. He. Smiled. At. Me. And Jesus-Christ he looked wonderful when he did it. I felt a sudden bliss, like anything couldn’t go wrong as long as he smiled at me.

-Yeah… it was. - Those were the only words that came out of my mouth.

After that, let’s say the ice broke. We chatted about light things like what I did in college and Greek mythology. Until we came to the subject of ice cream.

-Let’s buy some! - I said. - I’ll treat you to one.

-But this time, don’t throw it at me. Pabo- He smirked. I looked at him with an angry face.

We bought vanilla ice cream and went outside the mall to call Key and Jonghyun. He started to look for his cell phone. He introduced his hands on his pockets and on his bag, but his mobile phone was nowhere.

-I think I lost it when we were escaping.

-Don’t worry, I have mine. - I took it out from my pocket. - , but I have no battery.

He was looking at the floor.

-Taemin, are you okay?

He lifted his head. He was clearly upset. He took my phone away from my hand all of a sudden.

-This is YOUR fault. Why did you have to fight with me over banana milk?

I could respond because he quickly moved his arm in the air and through my baby right into a water fountain in front of us. I ran trying to catch him but of course I couldn’t. It was too late and when I finally got him out of the water it was all wet.

-Ya! Are you crazy? You can’t just blame me for everything and break my cell phone!!! YOU STUPID INSENSITIVE PERSON. - what the… what has he done? My contacts? My emails? My pictures of my family? My freaking mobile phone was precious to me!

-Ya, you started it! And it’s just a cell phone. Are you really this greedy about money?

You have to be kidding be. I took the ice cream from his hand and crashed it in his face. ALL over it.

-Well, I can ask you the same question. Stupid !

And then left.

Lee Taemin. You are a disgusting human being.




 Hohoho second one! Don’t worry, things are going to get more interesting from now on.

Keep reading and leave a comment! I love those

Ps: Taemin always ends up covered in sweet things hahaha

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SweetSkyStar #1
Chapter 6: This story is getting interesting but please update. I'm curious to see what comes next. :))
HeartGold426 #2
I really like your story so far~ ^ - ^ It's good!
fruitbombs #3
-screams from the cute-
ahhhhhhhhh this chapter was awesome and soooo romantic, well kinda ^^
anyways I loved it =)
VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL!!!! OMGG. finally~ hohoho so good so good! is excited for the next chap! HWAITING!!! XD
flower_sandra #6
This is really Good :-)
ohhhhh this is good, no its great awesome, amazing I dunno but I definetly like this story and hope you will update soon.
fruitbombs #8
Omg YESSS she likes him!!!
cute :''> please upload ^_^