
Nyongtory Oneshot Collection
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Yongbae sighed deeply. Tonight was his and his best friends night and all he did was listening to Jiyongs crying. As Youngbae arrived at Jiyongs apartment, he found him drunken like hell on the couch, sluring some incomprehensible things. He sighed again as the other one threw his empty bottle on the floor and it broke into thousand pieces. So the older one stood up to clean the mess, when Jiyong started screaming.

“WHY THE ISN'T HE COMING HOME! THIS STUPID LITTLE PIECE OF !” and out of rage he wanted to kick one of his couch pillows, but missed it and rolled off it. Finally Youngbae understood why his best friend was behaving like that and shook the head. “oh... those two idiots....”, he thought and knelt down next to him to look if his friend got injured by the cullet.

After cleaning his little wound, he carried his friend to his bedroom and waited until he fell asleep. Before his friend finally drifted off to the dreamland, he had to listen how mean his maknae was, how idiotic that he didn't come home after a scandal like this and how he could cause another only some days later.

When he was sure that Jiyong slept deeply, he went back to the living room and finally cleaned the mess, took a beer out of the freezer and sat down on the couch. “What a great night...” he told himself while taking the first sip of alcohol.


~*~ ~*~ ~*~


He let himself fall on the bed and closed the eyes immediately. After everything that happened in the last time, he needed to relax a bit. Seungri took his cellphone out of his pocket and looked at the wallpaper that he used since that day he took it. It was the selca he made of Jiyong and himself when they did a concert. Jiyongs lips formed a kissing-mouth, like he loved to do it for quiet a while, and Seungri loved it. He didn't know how long he was looking at this picture, but he had to slide his finger over the touchscreen several times, so the light won't go off. He missed his Hyung, but how could he go back after all those scandals? He would be killed the moment, when he walks through the door... “I have to wait a little longer...”, Seungri thought, when his cellphone started to vibrate.



“Bae Hyung?”, Seungri asked a little confused. Normally Yongbae would write him messages which he sometimes didn't understand, because his Hyung loved to use english phrases.

“Yo Maknae! How have you been?”, Bae tried to sound cheerful, even so he didn't feel like it.

“Hyung? Is something wrong? You don't sound that good.”

“Well, you know... it's because of Jiyong...”

“Jiyong?! Whats wrong with him?! Tell me Hyung, come on tell me!”

“Yah shut up Maknae and listen to me! You know that tonight should have been our night, but Jiyong was drunken and got injured, so we couldn't....”, but before Yongbae could finish his story, he already heard the “biep biep biep” on the other line and sighed again. He typed something on his phone, stood up and left Jiyongs apartment.


~*~ ~*~ ~*~


Seungri ran upstairs to Jiyongs apartment as fast as he could. After hearing what Yongbae told him, he rushed out of his flat in Japan and nearly forgot his pocket, drove to the airport and took the next plane to Korea. He felt bad that Jiyong got injured and he wasn't with him... it surely was his fault that he got drunken in first place, so this injury is his fault as well. When he opened the door with a shaking hand he looked around but he didn't find anyone. “Jiyong?... Where are you?”, Seungri a

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Chapter 12: Haha jiyong is really a drama queen..
Chapter 9: I can't stop crying T_T...I'm happy that some or the other way they are together...
Chapter 6: This is so cute;)
Chapter 3: Thier love is just soo precious T_T
Chapter 1: Jiyongie only belongs to Riri❤️
pandari_1212 #6
Chapter 9: Oh my God
Im crying again
Finally they are can be together
pandari_1212 #7
Chapter 4: Im crying :(
Dont die ri
Chapter 1: Thankfully those didn't dare did more towards jiyong.. Manipulated tge drunker jiyong is really bad :3 but the panda behave really so scary kekekekkeke good job seungri ah
Chapter 9: Im dying!! My broken heart! I love them so much!
Chapter 8: Chapter 7: Beautiful! Every story is so captivating!!