"I don't get it," Sung Hwa muttered as she took seat across Hyun Ah, her elbows propped up on the table as she rested her head in her hands. For the past five weeks since their debut stage, SOUL had been busy promoting their newly released debut album. It was also a good timing for them to promote afterJinkyo had finally recovered from her sprained ankle. By the time they ended their promotions with a goodbye stage in SBS's Inkigayo with their latest addition to their album, "Chocolate Love," the six girls of SOUL knew that their promotions ended in success. So to celebrate it, their manager decided to give them a week off to recover before they proceeded to release their individual activities, along with the start of their new reality TV series. Today, apparently, is the third day of their week off. Most of the members, with the exception of Sung Hwa and Hyun Ah, were apparently sleeping in or just busy entertaining themselves with something in their respective rooms. 

Hyun Ah looked up from her cup of coffee and raised an eyebrow, "I'm sorry. Get what?"

"Why we are called the female counterparts of EXO, babo," Sung Hwa said, rolling her eyes as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. The fearless leader of SOUL shot her a quick glare before saying, "So?"

"We're nothing like them!" Sung Hwa reasoned. Hyun Ah just snorted, "Oh really? Name the things which we aren't apparently like EXO."

The Main Vocalist then proceeded to name those things. "We haven't done any promotions in China. We aren't divided into subgroups. We are not aliens. We have a different style in music. We — "

"Okay! Okay! I get it!" Hyun Ah said, cutting off Sung Hwa's ongoing rant. Then, she proceeded to let out a sigh, frowning. "Besides, what exactly do you have against them?"

Sung Hwa's eyes widened at Hyun Ah's statement, as she didn't expect that the older girl would say that. "N-nothing, of course! I just read those comments from the netizens about our comparison to EXO, and I'm beginning to get annoyed with that!"

"Which is why I don't always go on the internet and spend all my precious time reading those pointless comments." Hyun Ah said in a nonchalant way. 

"But it's good to be read those comments, too, you know!" Sung Hwa exclaimed in a defensive way. "That way, we'll know if the feedback regarding our performances as a group is good or bad."

Hyun Ah shrugged. "True enough."

Just then, a yawn was heard from the doorway and both heads turned to see Hyeomin standing there, her face apparently still had that sleepy, disoriented look on it. "Hyun Ah unnie, Sung Hwa unnie, you guys are so loud," She muttered, the sleepy tone noted in her voice. "It's still early in the morning, you know."

"Hyeomin, it's already ten in the morning," Hyun Ah stated calmly as she finished her coffee. Hyeomin took a seat besides Sung Hwa, nodding sleepily. "... Oh."

"Why are you still sleepy anyways?" Sung Hwa asked, rounding up towards the maknae. Hyeomin shrugged and rested her head on her arms, which were folded on the table. "Still lacking sleep... Xiong Mao unnie's been plotting her new scheme to prank someone..."

Hyun Ah shook her head. "Aish, really that girl... She's becoming more like that Kyuhyun day by day."

"I'm not exactly surprise that she would do that all night long," Sung Hwa said pointedly. "But I've been wondering if she needs a taste of her own medicine..."

Suddenly, a devilish smirk begins to form on Hyun Ah's face. "... Wanna show her what karma could really do?"

Sung Hwa and Hyeomin looked at each other before turning to their leader, nodding. "We're in."


"Hey girls, what do we propose we should do for the day?" Chaerin asked, entering the living room wherein most of the members were just sitting there in front of the TV screen, their eyes practically glued towards it. Nobody bothered to answer her question. Chaerin frowned, as it was most definitely unlike them to ignore her question like that. She went towards the middle of the living room and practically flailed her hands in front of the SOUL member's eyes. Some of them blinked, but other than that, Chaerin failed to elicit at least a short response from any of them.

"Oh, Chaerin unnie. Good afternoon." Jinkyo looked up at Chaerin from her position, her voice coming out as flat and enthusiastic. Chaerin stared at the other with a quizzical expression. "Why are you guys doing nothing? Isn't it our week off?"

"It is," Hyeomin said, nodding in agreement. "But we're kind of used to being busy during the album promotions period." The others chimed in agreement at Hyeomin's statement. Chaerin scratched her head. "If you guys are so bored, why don't you go to sleep?"

"Can't," Sung Hwa said, as she swatted away Xiong Mao's hand, who was attempting to annoy her, off her arm. The amazing thing was that Xiong Mao didn't snap back at the older girl. Which meant that they were really rotting of boredom.

"Well, how about we do something together with our other label-mates then?" Chaerin proposed enthusiastically, trying to bring back the life to the members of SOUL. Hyun Ah stared at the umma figure of the group incredulously. "We all know how our previous bonding time ended up," She stated simply, turning to shoot a glare at Hyeomin, since it was mostly her idea about that previous bonding time. The other girls shuddered at the memory of dining in with the Super Junior members only to ended up having an upset stomach for three or more days, courtesy for Kyuhyun cooking up the dishes for them. The youngest girl of SOUL just grinned guiltily at the others, rubbing the back of her head awkwardly.

"Well, we could do something that doesn't require any eating..." Jinkyo suggested. 

"Like shopping?" Jinkyo said, twirling a strand of her hair in boredom.

"No, Jinkyo, we'll be hounded by the fans." Xiong Mao said, continuing to annoy Sung Hwa, who was still rather unresponsive.

"I have an idea!" Hyeomin sat up abruptly, alerting the other members who looked at her oddly. "Why don't we go bonding with the EXO guys?" She suggested, and the other girls continued to look at her as if she had just returned from being abducted by an alien. With the exception of Xiong Mao, and Jinkyo, who's eyes sparkled at the mention of 'EXO'.

"May I remind you the last time we went bonding with one of our label-mates, Hyeomin?" Hyun Ah queried.

"Actually, I think it's a great idea!" Xiong Mao exclaimed.

"Xiong Mao, anything that involves the EXO guys is a good idea to you," Sung Hwa pointed out.

"At least we could try to get to know them a bit more," Jinkyo spoke up, causing all heads to turn to her. "After all, they are the only group from the same company as ours whom we don't exactly know that well."

"Fine." Hyun Ah said, after minutes of contemplating. Sung Hwa turned to the soft-spoken member of the group, shooting her a quick glare. "You better have a death wish, Jinkyo-ah, if this turns out bad."

Jinkyo just nodded meekly.


"Of all the things we could have done... it has to be jungle-trekking?" Hyun Ah exclaimed, glaring at Hyeomin. She just flashed a guilty smile before she proceeded to took a step backwards from the fuming leader of SOUL. Baekhyun just let out a chuckle. "Relax, Hyun Young noona. It's only a trip to the waterfall."

"A trip which should have ended five hours ago," Chanyeol pointed out, glaring at Baekhyun. 

"Don't worry! We'll get there soon!" Xiong Mao said, leading the group with the map and compass in her hands. 

"You said that two hours ago!" Kyungsoo (or more preferably called D.O.) exclaimed, wiping the sweat off his face. Suho tried his best to calm down the agitated boys (and girls). "Now, now, let's just allow Xiong Mao to lead us for a while."

"I don't think we should place our fates in her hands, Suho." Chaerin said, frowning. "Besides, I don't recall her being able to read the map properly."

"Or the compass either..." Sehun muttered, coming up next to Chaerin. They both shared a look, then at Xiong Mao with a worried look on their faces.

Xiong Mao flipped the map a couple of times, and proceeded to glance over the compass in her hands. She looked at the group wearily, and then took a big gulp when she decided to tell them the ominous news.

"Um..." She started. "I think we're lost.."

Within a split second, Hyun Ah was already having her fingers wrapped around the Jokester's neck, trying to cut off her oxygen supply. Kai and Suho tried their best to pry the older girl from Xiong Mao, but to no avail. After all, Hyun Ah is a lot stronger than she looks. It only took one bellow from the umma figure of SOUL to make them stand in perfect attention, as if nothing had ever occurred in the last five minutes ago.

"Do you think that killing each other would be the solution to this whole mess?!" Chaerin questioned, the trace of anger evident in her voice. Hyun Ah mumbled unhappily, "Blame the person who decided who brought us in the wrong direction."

"But Hyeomin was the one who suggested we go trudge the forest!" Xiong Mao said defensively. With that, everyone turned to glare at the youngest girl in line, who just smiled guiltily and said, "Oops."

That made Chaerin lose her cool. It was now her turn to pounce on the youngest member and proceeded to trying to cut off her oxygen supply. The roles were now reversed as the boys and girls tried to get the umma figure off the maknae of SOUL. "Don't tell that you live in Korea and yet you haven't studied its geography!" Chaerin exclaimed angrily, her hands flailing around, causing Sehun and Baekhyun, the two boys in charge of hauling Chaerin off the poor girl, to lean back to avoid getting smacked in the face.

"What do we do now?" Chanyeol asked wearily, glancing at EXO's leader.

"We can't do much," Kyungsoo sighed, picking up the map that was left on the forest grounds. "We don't exactly know our location so I doubt that the map and compass would be any help to us."

"This is why I hate having bonding times, especially if Hyeomin's the one who suggested it," Sung Hwa muttered. 

"Nobody exactly asked for your opinion, Sung Hwa," Kai said, causing the Singing Virtuso of SOUL to glare at him. This proceeded for them to have a verbal war. The other boys and girls just shook their heads at their antics.

"Guys, keep quiet for a second," Baekhyun said, furrowing his eyebrows in deep concentration as he started to turn slowly. Suho looked at the younger boy quizzically. "Baekhyun-ah, what exactly are you doing?"

"I think I hear the sound of water," He said and proceeded to go to one part of the forest. The rest of the boys and girls picked up their stuff and followed him. Soon, they emerged from a pair of thick bushes to be meet with the fantastic view of a waterfall.

"We're here!" Hyeomin exclaimed happily.

"See! We were on the right track after all ~ " Xiong Mao said happily, but the smile faltered when she was met with some glares from the members of her own group. 

"Well, now that we're here, let's enjoy the moment while we can!" Chaerin said, earning a chorus of happy cheers from the group. Sung Hwa then turned to the maknae of SOUL. "Hyeomin?"


"Next time, don't suggest we go out for a hike to the waterfall. Ever again."





Updated! Haha, I had fun writing this down. The waterfall experience is based on the story from a friend of mine told. For those who were wondering where EXO-M had gone off to, let's just say that they were busy with their promotions in China. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it! ^^

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shin_neolah #1
Chapter 23: may i comment too??

i like it. i have read all of the chapter :) and that's great..
especially when jinkyo got an accident and tao visits her xD.
ahh, by the way, do you make the song by yourself??
it seems hard to make the lyrics..
honestly, for me..

but, you make it like they are real ones.
update soon^^ i'll be waiting for the next chapter^^
kinri08 #2
SOUL TV~ I love this idea
I hope it will be as great as 2NE1's >.<

OuO CL's secret is really big
she really trust the girls
xaverri #3
haha, chaerin's being pranked with coffee is cute. the girls are determined to do that... ooh, I must have missed her being biual, but I like it, it's realistic. her and sunghwa working together on their song is sweet. aww, they bonded! hyun ah is a drinker?! shockshock more of a shock than chaerin's biuality, haha. I mean, I'd think it would affect her activities but she's really tough so maybe not.
dorm time was love ;)
Ooh... SOUL TV just like 2ne1 TV! yey! I hope it'll be as great as 2ne1's.

I totally agree with AKApop that it's a really serious matter. She really trust the girls...

Oh! Nice bribe MinT! Daebak!

Ahh... so i'm older by 1 year. Ok! Anyways, i'm Second Year Highschool. Oh well.
/I'm curious about AKApop's Age :3/
Goodluck to Sunghwa and Chaerin unnies ! SOUL TV? Yeah, just like 2NE1 TV, nvm. Chaerin is bi /gasps. Good thing end up with a male /wipe imginary sweat.
Ahh. So it's Chaerin's fault - HAHAHAHA. Chill, Hyun Ah~ the group's umma is only trying to look out for her members~ derp de derp. :P

oh wow. *______* that's really a serious matter. Chaerin revealing such a big thing - it kind of means she trusts the girls now... no matter if she doesn't know it herself yet. xD I personally support any kind of relationship, really - but I seriously think SuJu's and SOUL's ummas will be adorable togetherrrr~ * 3 *

And ohh! :D You're a freshman! Freshman in high school? Wahhh, so much younger than me. OTL I suddenly feel old... LOL OTL
Sorry late comment. i forgot :(

Anyways, good luck to chaerin and sunghwa unnie~!
Hyun Ah scared the crap on me when i first read this *sigh* She's so scary. I hope Hyeominnie wouldn't make her angry.
Ahh, even I'm scared of Hyun Ah from that kind of outburst. OTL
Poor Xiong Mao and Sunghwa? XD ahh, I would never want to be on the end of her yelling. OTL

Sunghwa and Chaerin, you can do it! Ahh, the two main singers of SOUL~ a ballad for Sunghwa and somewhat a pop-song for Chaerin? *_* wonder how they'll pull it off. Hahaha. :D

Ohh, and-!
Lee Seung Chul's Can You Hear Me Now and Park Bom's Don't Cry? *_*
Nice song choices! :D

[p.s.; did you mean soju by the way? *_* instead of coffee, I mean - okay, wait no. Alcohol in the day = not a good thing. OTL Hyun Ah why you such an alcoholic in my head??]
kinri08 #9
hehehe they are planning to prank xiong mao
poor maknae getting blame again

omo sung hwa and chaerin's solo activities
and poor chaerin
*kick the producer*
Awww~ poor Hyeominnie and Xiong Mao.

Nice poster... it's cute. ♥

Ex-Soul Bonding~