by certified_dreamer - May 14, 2012 at 3:33 PM                                                              5601999 views | 2728 comments

The long wait is over as SM Entertainment finally reveals SOUL's fourth member!

Seo Jinkyo is said to be SOUL's sub vocalist and dancer. They say she is very soft-spoken and sensitive but her love for singing and dancing brought her to be this far. Jinkyo is good at singing and dancing but reasons on why she is only the sub vocalist and dancer were left unknown. And with the way she looks, netizens think that Jinkyo could possibly be the maknae. But no such information was revealed yet.

Exo-M's Xiu Min on Jinkyo's personality: "Her personality? She's very soft-spoken and shy. She sometimes wavers and hesitates. She is really sensitive. She's always aware of everything around her. She is the most insecure person I know. And she listens to other people's thoughts rather than hers. But other than that, Jinkyo is really compassionate. She would always make sure that the person is okay and she never forgets the fans. She's also a good listener and gives out great advices."

f(x)'s Krystal on Jinkyo's abilities: "She has this child-like voice (not like Sunny unnie, of course) which is really sweet to hear. Although she has a good range in vocals, her voice strains easily, which is why she has been placed as the sub vocalist. As for dancing, it's her forte. She expresses every dance she learn with such meaningful emotions. She shares a strong passion for it and expresses each dance with strength and love. Don't be fooled by her introvert and sensitive personality 'cause Jinkyo is exceptionally talented. I can really see why she is placed in SOUL."

Below is Jinkyo's profile:

Full Name: Seo Jinkyo

Stage Name: Jinkyo

Position: Sub Vocalist; Sub Dancer

Age: 17

Date of Birth: September 14, 1995

Place of Birth: Suwon, South Korea

Hometown: Suwon, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Fanclub Name: Hijinks

Fanclub Color: Maroon



SOUL's resident introvert is the sub vocalist and dancer! ^^

Congrats to xaverri for being the fourth member of SOUL. :D

Expect a teaser afterwards. :)

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shin_neolah #1
Chapter 23: may i comment too??

i like it. i have read all of the chapter :) and that's great..
especially when jinkyo got an accident and tao visits her xD.
ahh, by the way, do you make the song by yourself??
it seems hard to make the lyrics..
honestly, for me..

but, you make it like they are real ones.
update soon^^ i'll be waiting for the next chapter^^
kinri08 #2
SOUL TV~ I love this idea
I hope it will be as great as 2NE1's >.<

OuO CL's secret is really big
she really trust the girls
xaverri #3
haha, chaerin's being pranked with coffee is cute. the girls are determined to do that... ooh, I must have missed her being biual, but I like it, it's realistic. her and sunghwa working together on their song is sweet. aww, they bonded! hyun ah is a drinker?! shockshock more of a shock than chaerin's biuality, haha. I mean, I'd think it would affect her activities but she's really tough so maybe not.
dorm time was love ;)
Ooh... SOUL TV just like 2ne1 TV! yey! I hope it'll be as great as 2ne1's.

I totally agree with AKApop that it's a really serious matter. She really trust the girls...

Oh! Nice bribe MinT! Daebak!

Ahh... so i'm older by 1 year. Ok! Anyways, i'm Second Year Highschool. Oh well.
/I'm curious about AKApop's Age :3/
Goodluck to Sunghwa and Chaerin unnies ! SOUL TV? Yeah, just like 2NE1 TV, nvm. Chaerin is bi /gasps. Good thing end up with a male /wipe imginary sweat.
Ahh. So it's Chaerin's fault - HAHAHAHA. Chill, Hyun Ah~ the group's umma is only trying to look out for her members~ derp de derp. :P

oh wow. *______* that's really a serious matter. Chaerin revealing such a big thing - it kind of means she trusts the girls now... no matter if she doesn't know it herself yet. xD I personally support any kind of relationship, really - but I seriously think SuJu's and SOUL's ummas will be adorable togetherrrr~ * 3 *

And ohh! :D You're a freshman! Freshman in high school? Wahhh, so much younger than me. OTL I suddenly feel old... LOL OTL
Sorry late comment. i forgot :(

Anyways, good luck to chaerin and sunghwa unnie~!
Hyun Ah scared the crap on me when i first read this *sigh* She's so scary. I hope Hyeominnie wouldn't make her angry.
Ahh, even I'm scared of Hyun Ah from that kind of outburst. OTL
Poor Xiong Mao and Sunghwa? XD ahh, I would never want to be on the end of her yelling. OTL

Sunghwa and Chaerin, you can do it! Ahh, the two main singers of SOUL~ a ballad for Sunghwa and somewhat a pop-song for Chaerin? *_* wonder how they'll pull it off. Hahaha. :D

Ohh, and-!
Lee Seung Chul's Can You Hear Me Now and Park Bom's Don't Cry? *_*
Nice song choices! :D

[p.s.; did you mean soju by the way? *_* instead of coffee, I mean - okay, wait no. Alcohol in the day = not a good thing. OTL Hyun Ah why you such an alcoholic in my head??]
kinri08 #9
hehehe they are planning to prank xiong mao
poor maknae getting blame again

omo sung hwa and chaerin's solo activities
and poor chaerin
*kick the producer*
Awww~ poor Hyeominnie and Xiong Mao.

Nice poster... it's cute. ♥

Ex-Soul Bonding~