"Sung Hwa unnie, what are you doing?"

Immediately, Sung Hwa closed her notebook and whirled around, finding herself face to face with a curious Xiong Mao. The Chinese-American girl had her amrs folded over her chest, raising an eyebrow on what the Main Vocalist was doing. "I'll say this again: Sung Hwa unnie, what are you doing?"

"Nothing." Sung Hwa murmured, clutching the notebook close to her. Xiong Mao wasn't fooled by what the former had just said. "It doesn't look like nothing."

"Mind your own business," Sung Hwa snapped, narrowing her eyes at the Main Rapper. "Don't you have anything else to do? Like pull a trick on the others or something?"

Xiong Mao shrugged. "I would but Hyun Ah unnie's giving me her last warning, saying that if I pull another prank on her or any of you guys again, I'm dead."

"Then why not the sunbaes instead?"

"They're busy." Xiong Mao said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Besides, we still need to prepare for our debut stage later."

"Right, right. Now go away. I need to think in peace." Sung Hwa said, looking at Xiong Mao expectantly. But she just stood in her place, a sly smile on her face. "Thinking about Baekhyun?"

"No. Of course not." Sung Hwa said, scoffing at what the younger girl said. But the slightest shade of red was visible on her cheeks. Xiong Mao took note of this and her smile widened. "Aha! So you do like Bacon!"

"It's 'Baekhyun', XIong Mao." Sung Hwa said, emphasizing the correct pronunciation of EXO-K's Lead Vocalist's name. "And like you don't even a small crush on Kyungsoo?" Sung Hwa queried, raising an eyebrow at Xiong Mao. She waved her hand dismissively, "He's just my enemy, okay?"

"And a friend who you obviously like," Sung Hwa added, a triumphant smile on her face when she saw the Main Rapper's face turning a slight reddish color. 

"We're going out of topic," Xiong Mao said, averting her eyes from the older girl. "Besides, what exactly are you doing, unnie?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," Sung Hwa said, getting up from her seat and leaving the room. Xiong Mao just let out an exasperated sigh. "Aish, she's really that infuriating..."


"Yah, Hyeomin! How can you fall five times in a row?" Sung Hwa scolded, looking at the Triple Threat in disbelief. 

"My shoe laces were untied!" Hyeomin defended herself as she cleaned the scrapes and wounds she received with a wet cloth. 

"You fell five times in a row because your shoe laces are untied?!" Sung Hwa bellowed. Hyeomin just nodded meekly, scared of what the older girl would do. To her complete surprise and relief, Sung Hwa just sighed in exasperation and dropped down, tying the young girl's shoe laces to prevent her from falling again.

"Sung Hwa! About time you — Hyeomin! What happened to you?!" Chaerin exclaimed, staring at the numerous scrapes that the resident choding had received. Hyeomin just gave a sheepish smile. "I fell."

"Five times in a row." Sung Hwa muttered under her breath, just soft enough for Chaerin to hear it. The Lead Vocalist widened her eyes but she just shook her head. "Aish, Hyeomin... be more careful next time. And where's Xiong Mao, Sung Hwa?"

Sung Hwa shrugged. "How should I know? She's probably still in the dorms..."

"She's still in the dorms?!" Chaerin exclaimed. Then, she immediately exited the room, making a call to the Jokester. Hyeomin just let out a chuckle. "Chaerin unnie worries too much."

Sung Hwa just nodded her head. "I still can't believe that she isn't the leader, though. She really acts like one yet she wasn't chosen as the leader of the group."

"Unnie's more mother-like to be a leader." Hyeomin commented. Sung Hwa raised an eyebrow at the young girl. "And like Leeteuk oppa isn't motherly-like? Or Victoria unnie or Taeyeon unnie, for the matter?"

"What Hyeomin means is that Chaerin doesn't have the exact qualifications to be a leader." Hyun Ah said, joining in the conversation as she entered the room. "Besides, SM Entertainment's groups' leaders are always the eldest. It's sort of like a tradition to them, don't you think?"

"Hello to you, too, Hyun Ah unnie," Sung Hwa said sarcastically. Hyun Ah ignored that remark and raised an eyebrow at them. "Aren't you guys supposed to get in costume right now? And where's Xiong Mao and Jinkyo?"

"Xiong Mao's still at the dorms, and as for Jinkyo, I don't know where she is," Sung Hwa replied. Hyun Ah shook her head when the Main Vocalist stated where the Jokester was. "Really, that girl..."

"I'm back." Jinkyo's soft voice floated across the room, causing all heads to turn to her. Jinkyo stood there in the doorway with Xiong Mao, who was looking slightly bored. Just then, Chaerin came back running in, breathing heavily as she turned to see Jinkyo and Xiong Mao inside the room. Then, she went over to Xiong Mao and began shaking her shoulders. "Yah! Xiong Mao! Where the hell have you been?! I've been searching the entire building for you!"

"Xiong Mao unnie just arrived from the dorms, Chaerin unnie," Jinkyo said quietly. "We met up in the entrance and decided to go together here."

Chaerin stopped shaking the Main Rapper and turned to the rest of the members of SOUL, letting out a sigh. "Well, at least she's here. Anyways, we're schedule to perform in three hours. Might as well get in costume and get ready. Aigoo, I'm getting really nervous..."

"Why should you be nervous?" Sung Hwa questioned. "We already made it this far, might as well show the whole world how talented we are. After all, Mr. Lee Soo Man didn't just have put us in this group for nothing."

"Sung Hwa's right." Hyun Ah said, getting up from her seat. "Now, come on everyone, we need to get into make-up and costume. They are not just going to come to us and get us all glam up. Come on now!"

At Hyun Ah's command, everyone dispersed and began to prepare for their debut stage, a mixture of excitement and nervousness wafting within the room.

Sung Hwa smiled to herself as she the hair stylist began to fix her hair. 'Time to show the whole world what we got.'



Sung Hwa's teaser is done! Kyaah ~ it's almost time for the story to start! But we still have one more teaser and a special interview before the story to officially begin! ;)

Now, if you guys are wondering, here's the list of the members, according to their ages:

Im Hyun Ah (Hyun Young) - 23

Kang Chaerin - 20

Lee Sung Hwa (Arisu) - 18

Seo Jinkyo - 17

Xiong Mao (Xianrin) - 17

Park Hyeomin (MinT) - 17

As for Jinkyo's Teaser, I made an error regarding the ages of Hyeomin and Jinkyo. Jinkyo should be older than Hyeomin, but I'm too lazy to edit it out.

Anyways, final teaser will be up soon ~

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shin_neolah #1
Chapter 23: may i comment too??

i like it. i have read all of the chapter :) and that's great..
especially when jinkyo got an accident and tao visits her xD.
ahh, by the way, do you make the song by yourself??
it seems hard to make the lyrics..
honestly, for me..

but, you make it like they are real ones.
update soon^^ i'll be waiting for the next chapter^^
kinri08 #2
SOUL TV~ I love this idea
I hope it will be as great as 2NE1's >.<

OuO CL's secret is really big
she really trust the girls
xaverri #3
haha, chaerin's being pranked with coffee is cute. the girls are determined to do that... ooh, I must have missed her being biual, but I like it, it's realistic. her and sunghwa working together on their song is sweet. aww, they bonded! hyun ah is a drinker?! shockshock more of a shock than chaerin's biuality, haha. I mean, I'd think it would affect her activities but she's really tough so maybe not.
dorm time was love ;)
Ooh... SOUL TV just like 2ne1 TV! yey! I hope it'll be as great as 2ne1's.

I totally agree with AKApop that it's a really serious matter. She really trust the girls...

Oh! Nice bribe MinT! Daebak!

Ahh... so i'm older by 1 year. Ok! Anyways, i'm Second Year Highschool. Oh well.
/I'm curious about AKApop's Age :3/
Goodluck to Sunghwa and Chaerin unnies ! SOUL TV? Yeah, just like 2NE1 TV, nvm. Chaerin is bi /gasps. Good thing end up with a male /wipe imginary sweat.
Ahh. So it's Chaerin's fault - HAHAHAHA. Chill, Hyun Ah~ the group's umma is only trying to look out for her members~ derp de derp. :P

oh wow. *______* that's really a serious matter. Chaerin revealing such a big thing - it kind of means she trusts the girls now... no matter if she doesn't know it herself yet. xD I personally support any kind of relationship, really - but I seriously think SuJu's and SOUL's ummas will be adorable togetherrrr~ * 3 *

And ohh! :D You're a freshman! Freshman in high school? Wahhh, so much younger than me. OTL I suddenly feel old... LOL OTL
Sorry late comment. i forgot :(

Anyways, good luck to chaerin and sunghwa unnie~!
Hyun Ah scared the crap on me when i first read this *sigh* She's so scary. I hope Hyeominnie wouldn't make her angry.
Ahh, even I'm scared of Hyun Ah from that kind of outburst. OTL
Poor Xiong Mao and Sunghwa? XD ahh, I would never want to be on the end of her yelling. OTL

Sunghwa and Chaerin, you can do it! Ahh, the two main singers of SOUL~ a ballad for Sunghwa and somewhat a pop-song for Chaerin? *_* wonder how they'll pull it off. Hahaha. :D

Ohh, and-!
Lee Seung Chul's Can You Hear Me Now and Park Bom's Don't Cry? *_*
Nice song choices! :D

[p.s.; did you mean soju by the way? *_* instead of coffee, I mean - okay, wait no. Alcohol in the day = not a good thing. OTL Hyun Ah why you such an alcoholic in my head??]
kinri08 #9
hehehe they are planning to prank xiong mao
poor maknae getting blame again

omo sung hwa and chaerin's solo activities
and poor chaerin
*kick the producer*
Awww~ poor Hyeominnie and Xiong Mao.

Nice poster... it's cute. ♥

Ex-Soul Bonding~