Actions Speak Louder Than Words.

We Have Changed


*Lee Jinki’s POV*

I was just about to finish getting everything done. Everything was well placed, the candles lit, the jazz music in the background; very romantic. The door opens and I quickly turn to see Vivienne. The smile that was on my face vanished quickly and I panicked a little inside.

                “V-Vivienne, what-what are you doing home early? I thought you said you had a meeting?” I approached her at the door and wiped my now clammy palms on my jeans. I ran a nervous hand through my shaggy hair.

                “I-I did, but then I decided that I should come home and apologize for dissing you this past few days.” I felt a smile creep onto my face as she looked around our dorm as she put her purse down. “What is all this?” She asked in awe. “D-did you do this for me?”

               “Uh,” Think Jinki think…I thought. “To be honest, yes, I did.” I said smiling and running a hand through my hair again.  Good job, now you just made yourself look like an idiot. “I must be an idiot, huh?” I sat down at the bar where her favorite food was and mine.

                “N-no, to be honest, it’s sweet.” She sat beside me, which made me smile. “Though, I’m curious on why?

I looked up at her; she was biting down on her lip and fiddling with her hands. Is now the right time to tell her my feelings that have been inside all of this time? I thought about it for several seconds. “I did it so we could spend time together. Isn’t that enough?” I said with a chuckle as I playfully nudged her. “Now, eat! I didn’t make all of your favorite foods to go to waste.”

 I began eating my grilled chicken. I sighed internally; even my love for chicken is one-sided. I took a glance at her and my heart began to race. Why couldn’t I just tell her? It’d be easy, Vivienne, I love you. I love everything about you. Your brown skin, your nice smile, hips, lips, waist...bre— Stop right there Jinki! I felt my face getting hot so I excused myself to the bathroom. I locked the door slid my back against it. Why was this harder than I thought? I am a pretty straightforward man, so why couldn’t be straightforward back then? I put my head in my hands. God, I just loved everything about her, I mean who wouldn’t? She was everything and anything I could’ve wanted in a woman. She opened my eyes in different ways than one. Just then I had an idea, if I couldn’t tell her with words then I could show her how I felt. Smiling with the idea I opened the door to see Vivienne there.

“I came to check on you, to see if you were ok.”

“I am now,” I said. She blushed and looked down.

“Well, I-I’m glad. I’m going to go back into the kitchen.” She turned and began to walk away; I stopped her and grabbed her hand. My heart pounding I turned her to face me and leaned in for the kiss. I didn’t give her enough reaction time, I was too scared she’d push me away…but she didn’t. I was both surprised and ecstatic that she didn’t stop me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me deeper. I wrapped my arms around her waist and put her feet on top of mine, even furthering the deepened kiss. I left my right arm around her waist and took my left hand and caressed her cheek. She was my world. This moment was so right and so perfect. I really didn’t like it when she pulled away, but I didn’t realize that I hadn’t breathed since I started to kiss her. Our breathing was heavy; I kissed her lips one last time before she spoke.

                “Onew…y-you kissed me.” She said biting her lip.

                “I know,” I whispered against her cheek holding her close.

                “Why?” She asked me looking me in the eyes. I knew I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I smiled softly.

                “I can show you better than I can tell you,” I said simply before kissing her and pinning her to my bed.

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Chapter 4~~~~~~


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Lotuspassion #2
Chapter 11: THIS IS getting good I got to know what happens next ^_^ please update soon .
ChocolateLuv261 #3
Chapter 11: This is getting way too good. Update soon!
Sincere1041 #4
Chapter 11: Love this! I feel bad for Jinki :( but he deserves 100% of someones heart not 50% so I don't dislike him for leaving and miss vivienne needs to get shizz togather before getting into relationships! But I definitely want her to be happy just upset of how she handled things Lol anyways update soon! <3
Chapter 11: update soon!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Chapter 4: this was really good ...i wanna learn how to write as well as did you do it?? (learn how to write this well ...)
ThinkPinkTink #7
Chapter 1: Vivienne really needs to get her flips in check lol. Can't wait for an udate.
AbriMathos #8
Ok I get it now. Oh my gosh! Poor Jinki :( Dammit Vivienne. You sure know how to play with a guy's emotions. Not cool yo. I wonder who that is in the alley...hehehehe
DaniTheDongsaeng #9
@CremeDeLaCreme And with Jinki and Vivienne, Jinki broke up with her because he was tired of the bull and lies. Remember when Jinki asked to himself "Who was more important than me?", he was basically implying that he knew something was up with Vivienne, and now that he got the truth(he lied about him knowing about how Jonghyun looks at her,because he was never there), he has to cut ties with the girl he loves, so.... yeah.