I'm Just Saying You Could Do Better

We Have Changed

*Vivienne's POV*

  After the day I  met Jonghyun, he seemed more relaxing.... As if he was all I needed to smile at the moment. We have regularly been seeing eachother every December afternoon to evening, so we could chat about casual things, like the weather. It was as if there was nothing limited from our conversations,and we both would joke around with eachother. By the way we acted around eachother, you'd believe we were highschool sweethearts or something. I also couldn't help but feel that Jonghyun only saw me as just a friend, and nothing more no matter how I tried to hint to him that I genuinely liked him. It wasn't fair....


*Jonghyun's POV*

  Fine, I admit it. I don't know what's wrong with me. I've never been like this around anybody, let alone a woman... She's breaking me down effortlessly as if I were never a challenge to begin with. Vivienne is driving me crazy, and I'm going towards the edge of my limits... What the is wrong with me!?!?! I hated being like this and I need her now... 

  Now, as I step back into reality, I'm looking at the beautiful woman before me, my eyes tracing her perfect features... Her creamy brown skin with a hint of red tracing her voluptuous body, her medium-length dark brown hair that stops at the nape of her neck, her eyes are big and almond-shaped with dark but innocent shades of brown, her pink luscious lips that have a soft looking texture about them, and her being is all a mystery to me. I'm surprised someone hasn't snatched her up yet. Or in the process of doing so. In the middle of our conversation her phone rings again. It normally happened when her roommate would call her and scold her for being out late. I didn't understand why someone would try to tell her what to do, or why she would follow her roommate's directions.. After the roommate hung up, I found a saddened look upon my goddess's face, and I easily realized that she had to leave. But before she left, I asked with curiosity," Why does your roommate call all the time? What is she? Obsessed?" After realizing what I had said, I became oblivious that what I said was a bit insensitive, but I wanted an answer. She had a few seconds to process my question, and she finally answered," Well, first of all, my roommate isn't a "she", it's a "he", and second of all, he's concerned for my safety, not obsessed."

  I quickly became upset at the fact that I'm unforunately having to share her with another guy. I needed to leave at once. I got up from our usual chairs at Starbucks, politely bowed, and bid her goodbye before I left. I needed to know more about her roommate, because I wasn't going to share no time soon. All I could say was," that guy that you like so bad, she could do better." She deserved better, and I wasn't going to give up until I was all I could be for her.


Chapter 3^^ just got real, and it's only the 3rd chapter~ Whoa, I wonder what will happen though... I guess we'll see soon enough. Bye, for now (^.^)

P.S. The theme for this chapter and the last one is Drake's "Marvin's Room." It's a powerful song, so I encourage you all to listen to the song while reading Chapter 2 and 3.

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Chapter 4~~~~~~


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Lotuspassion #2
Chapter 11: THIS IS getting good I got to know what happens next ^_^ please update soon .
ChocolateLuv261 #3
Chapter 11: This is getting way too good. Update soon!
Sincere1041 #4
Chapter 11: Love this! I feel bad for Jinki :( but he deserves 100% of someones heart not 50% so I don't dislike him for leaving and miss vivienne needs to get shizz togather before getting into relationships! But I definitely want her to be happy just upset of how she handled things Lol anyways update soon! <3
Chapter 11: update soon!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Chapter 4: this was really good ...i wanna learn how to write as well as you...how did you do it?? (learn how to write this well ...)
ThinkPinkTink #7
Chapter 1: Vivienne really needs to get her flips in check lol. Can't wait for an udate.
AbriMathos #8
Ok I get it now. Oh my gosh! Poor Jinki :( Dammit Vivienne. You sure know how to play with a guy's emotions. Not cool yo. I wonder who that is in the alley...hehehehe
DaniTheDongsaeng #9
@CremeDeLaCreme And with Jinki and Vivienne, Jinki broke up with her because he was tired of the bull and lies. Remember when Jinki asked to himself "Who was more important than me?", he was basically implying that he knew something was up with Vivienne, and now that he got the truth(he lied about him knowing about how Jonghyun looks at her,because he was never there), he has to cut ties with the girl he loves, so.... yeah.