Why Not Me?

We Have Changed


*Kim Jonghyun’s POV*


We have changed. We really have, it seems me and Vivienne have spent less time together than usual, and maybe I’m just over exaggerating things, but I feel like I mean nothing to her any more. We used to hang out around this old coffee (figuratively speaking) shop and just talk. Now, I have to result to talking to Minho, the cashier.

                “Hey Minho,” I mumbled as I walked into the coffee shop again. It’s been the 3rd time this week.

              “Dude, you need to get it together. What happened to that nice looking lady you had hanging out with you before?”


                “Jonghyun!” I heard my name and I turned to the door and saw Vivienne.

                “Vivienne!” I jumped up and hugged her. “You came back!” I was elated to see her. Gosh, it feels like it’s been years.

                “Sorry, I’ve been spending a lot of time with—“

                “Vivienne,” I turned to see that a male, taller than me, with shaggy hair and pout-like lips moved closer to her and wrapped his arm around her waist. I tensed up, who was this guy and why did she let him touch her the way I should? “Is this they guy you’ve been talking about?” he asked.

                “Yes, Onew, this is Jonghyun. Jonghyun this is Onew. My roommate and my new boyfriend.” Boyfriend?!  I could feel the blood leaving my face as well as the fake smile. Didn’t she know that I loved her  as well?


                “Nice to meet you,” He extended his hand to me, I shook it reluctantly. He didn’t seem too pleased to see me either. I grinned, I guess I should put my bling bling on. Vivienne seemed too uneasy,

                “U-um, I’m going to go to the ladies room, I’ll be right back,”

                “Take your time,” I said with a smile. She smiled back at me and made her way to the restroom.  I turned my attention to the enemy. “So, you’re the infamous person Viv has been talking about.”

                “You guys talk about me?” Onew’s voice sounded conflicted, almost like he wasn’t sure to be happy or angry.

                “Yeah, all the time—“

                “Uh, Onew? We have to go home.” Vivienne said behind me. I turned and smiled at her, but she didn’t notice since she was looking at the ground.

                “Araseo, nice meeting you,” He said, taking my girl by her waist and walking away.

                “Vivienne, wait—“

                “Huh? What is it?” She stopped and looked at me. I stood and walked over to hug her.

                “It was nice to see you again,” I whispered into her ear for only her to hear. She smiled into my shoulder.

                “It’s nice to see you too, Oppa.” My heart jumped when she called me Oppa. I let go, regretting it immediately, and watched her walk away with him. I just stood and stared. I have to get her back to me and only me…I thought.

                “Damn, you have it bad.” Minho said. I rolled my eyes, tipped him and left for my villa which was located in the other direction. Emotions all rushed in and out of my head: anger, happiness, depression, confusion.  I mean, why wasn’t she with me? Was wrong with the vibes I was getting or were there no vibes at all? No, I was pretty sure there was vibes. There were. Then why wasn’t she with me? That, I won’t understand unless she speaks to me in person and who knows when that’ll be?


                I woke up with a start, my breathing was hard…and it wasn’t the only thing that was hard.  I grounded and punched my pillow. I dreamt of Vivienne again. You know they say, if you dream about someone they are dreaming or thinking about you too. I smirked,

                “Who wouldn’t be thinking about me?” I said aloud to myself.

                “Oh, stop being so self-conceded.” A voice scoffed from the darkness. I jumped; what the hell? I quickly turned the light on to see Taemin on the floor glaring at me.

                “Taemin! W-what are you doing in here?”

                “Don’t you remember? You invited me for a drink and then you passed out, so I drug you heavy- body into bed and I feel asleep right next to you. Loose a few pounds, hyung. Seriously. I slept peacefully until you tried me in my sleep! You kept ‘Vivienne, Vivienne, Oh~’ it’s annoying.” He said grabbing more blanket. My face blushed red. Gosh, this must really be getting to me.

                “Mianhae, but don’t sleep in my bed. You have your own room in this house anyway.”

                “Yeah, I don’t want to stay for round 2,” He smirked and made his way out of the room. I sighed and looked at the clock, it was about 2 AM. Great, now I can’t sleep and have the only girl that I want that I can’t have.  My life right now. Gosh, I just wanted to kiss her, hold her, and caress her. Inhale her scent, hold her in my arms and never let go. Good thing Taemin left, I guess it’ll be me, myself, and I tonight. Again. Alone. Weeping. Wanting. Aching. I rolled over and groaned. Why couldn’t she just be with me? What does he have that I don’t? I can be caring, nice, sweet and understanding. I’m also pretty! Ok, maybe that won’t really help, but I could help her get whatever she want’s. I could buy her clothes, jewelry and buy her whatever she wants. I bet that could be enough? I hope I can win her heart because I’m not stopping until I have her back into my arms.

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Chapter 4~~~~~~


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Lotuspassion #2
Chapter 11: THIS IS getting good I got to know what happens next ^_^ please update soon .
ChocolateLuv261 #3
Chapter 11: This is getting way too good. Update soon!
Sincere1041 #4
Chapter 11: Love this! I feel bad for Jinki :( but he deserves 100% of someones heart not 50% so I don't dislike him for leaving and miss vivienne needs to get shizz togather before getting into relationships! But I definitely want her to be happy just upset of how she handled things Lol anyways update soon! <3
Chapter 11: update soon!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Chapter 4: this was really good ...i wanna learn how to write as well as you...how did you do it?? (learn how to write this well ...)
ThinkPinkTink #7
Chapter 1: Vivienne really needs to get her flips in check lol. Can't wait for an udate.
AbriMathos #8
Ok I get it now. Oh my gosh! Poor Jinki :( Dammit Vivienne. You sure know how to play with a guy's emotions. Not cool yo. I wonder who that is in the alley...hehehehe
DaniTheDongsaeng #9
@CremeDeLaCreme And with Jinki and Vivienne, Jinki broke up with her because he was tired of the bull and lies. Remember when Jinki asked to himself "Who was more important than me?", he was basically implying that he knew something was up with Vivienne, and now that he got the truth(he lied about him knowing about how Jonghyun looks at her,because he was never there), he has to cut ties with the girl he loves, so.... yeah.