Surprise Me

We Have Changed

*Vivienne's POV*

       With a smile on my face, I'm walking on my way to Starbucks in my slate-gray furry ankle boots and a matching treanch coat that frames my figure. This morning, I anticipated my daily meeting with Jonghyun. I always liked to take some time off of my day to see him and just... share my thoughts with him. Like, how my day was, how I felt, and somehow felt very close to him everytime we would talk. Almost like, Jinki... In the midst of my trip, I stop in my tracks immediately. The air grows cold, and frigid, like my heart. I start to tremble at the thoughts of my roommate. I remembered when we used to talk for hours, and how I would laugh at his weird jokes. Or how we would go out to the park at night and swing on the swings of the playground, and sometimes we would even sleep on the bench... I smile to myself lightly and lower my head to see a small pile of snow forming on my feet..

      I'm still standing in the snow pile, thinking of more happy times that me and Jinki shared. He was a great friend to me, and still is to this day. With the snow falling slowly but gradually falling harder, I sigh to myself with a forlorn frown on my faceI wish I could've been good to him like he has to me... The guilt takes over my heart and I feel like a pile of . I'm so ing stupid, and I have been neglecting him all this time when he was the one who welcomed me in college when everyone else wouldn't give me the time of day. He was the one who made me feel like I was something special, no- He was special. More special than anyone I've ever known, yet I've turned my back on him the second a new guy comes into my life. Tears are starting to form at the ridges of my deep brown eyes threatening to fall out any second. I try to hold back my emotions, but it's an instant failure. I hated myself for what I was doing to Jinki, because he didn't deserve it. He didn't deserve any of this. I needed to make things right.  

     I continued to walk as I was before, to Starbucks. I honestly felt confused about Jonghyun. I really like him, but something seems off, like he only sees me as just a friend when I want something more... It makes no sense to me. Yet, I felt determined to tell Jonghyun about how I needed to fix things with Jinki. He is my friend, so he would understand, right? I feel my legs grow weak, until I reach Starbucks only moments later. I walk in to greet the cashier who I learned his name as Minho. He greeted me kindly as he motioned me to go to our usual table.  I smile at him, and proceed to walk back to mine and Jonghyun's usual table. I see Jonghyun, waiting patiently as he drew small pictures with his finger on the fogged window. I smiled and walked over to the table nervously. Jonghyun looked up and greeted me with his usual smile. I sighed and greeted him. I sat down and ordered my usual mocha frappacino, and Jonghyun picked his regular coffee with caramel cream.

     "J-Jonghyun?' I asked nervously. "I'm afraid I have to leave early... I have to make things right with my roommate. You see, he's my best guy friend and I have been ignoring him lately. Please understand." I said looking at the man across from me. He made a face as if he was contemplating on what I had said to him. He looked straight into my eyes and chuckled," Of course. We can always chat later, just let me know when you wanna chill ok?" I grinned from ear to ear and yelled on my way out the door,"Thanks for understanding!!!!"

       My hesitant legs began to walk the other way back to the dorm. faster and faster back home. My eyes are red and puffy from crying, so I couldn't see much of anything, but I continued to let my legs guide me. The snow piles grow and the falling snow hit my face as if they were preventing me from fulfilling my goal. I didn't let it stop me, and I just ran with all my might until I finally met the large, brick dorm building that I instantly recognized as the one where Jinki and I lived. I run up 3 flights of stairs and run to the hall until I reach our dorm: Dorm 1209. 

       I stop myself to calm myself down and catch my breath. After I recollected myself, I turn the knob to our dorm and push in cautiously to find the main room in different hues of blue. The walls were lined with candles and small statues of a vintage, yet classy manner. There was Jinki setting up a table with many delicious food I liked to eat back home in America. I was stunned. I tried to do something, but Jinki noticed me by the door. I froze instantly.

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Chapter 4~~~~~~


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Lotuspassion #2
Chapter 11: THIS IS getting good I got to know what happens next ^_^ please update soon .
ChocolateLuv261 #3
Chapter 11: This is getting way too good. Update soon!
Sincere1041 #4
Chapter 11: Love this! I feel bad for Jinki :( but he deserves 100% of someones heart not 50% so I don't dislike him for leaving and miss vivienne needs to get shizz togather before getting into relationships! But I definitely want her to be happy just upset of how she handled things Lol anyways update soon! <3
Chapter 11: update soon!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Chapter 4: this was really good ...i wanna learn how to write as well as did you do it?? (learn how to write this well ...)
ThinkPinkTink #7
Chapter 1: Vivienne really needs to get her flips in check lol. Can't wait for an udate.
AbriMathos #8
Ok I get it now. Oh my gosh! Poor Jinki :( Dammit Vivienne. You sure know how to play with a guy's emotions. Not cool yo. I wonder who that is in the alley...hehehehe
DaniTheDongsaeng #9
@CremeDeLaCreme And with Jinki and Vivienne, Jinki broke up with her because he was tired of the bull and lies. Remember when Jinki asked to himself "Who was more important than me?", he was basically implying that he knew something was up with Vivienne, and now that he got the truth(he lied about him knowing about how Jonghyun looks at her,because he was never there), he has to cut ties with the girl he loves, so.... yeah.