We Have Changed, Part 1: How We Met

We Have Changed

   It has always been like this nowadays... Me, alone in my bed,  just sulking in how we have gotten this way. It was never like this a year ago with my boyfriend, Kim Jonghyun. I remember how we met like it was yesterday. I remember on the day we met on a crispy, but frigid Winter day at the nearby Starbucks. Drawing the snowy scene outside the window, I just waited on my Mocha Frappacino to arrive like how I always do when I come here. I was minding my own business, even though I would recieve blank stares from the native Koreans, mostly because I was a foreigner... An African American foreigner at that. Then, with the high-pitched sound of the bell chiming, HE comes in...

  The most beautiful man I've ever seen was in the distance. His skin was pure and more white than the most beautiful poreclain doll to ever exist. He had this chocolate-colored hair that thinned at the top of his neck, dark, mysterious puppy eyes that made want to know more about him, his face was chiseled, but subtle, his nose was easy distinguishable from anyone else's nose with it's strange shaped-manner, and his perfect pink lips smiling with so much character when he smiled at the cashier. I was curious as to why such a beautiful person would come to a place like this... I hoped with all of my being that he would notice me, like I've effortlessly noticed him.... I didn't even know him, but I felt like I was obligated to be near him to stay alive,to stay sane. Why was I like that?

   Mentally asking all of these questions regarding this beautiful man, I lie my head on the hard wooden table, still waiting for an answer to come. I peer over to the beautiful man to see him walking towards me. MY HEART STOPPED. I nervously try to unnoticeably to be calm, but it's nearly impossible  when he's only a foot away from me. He looks in my eyes with a soft demeaner, smiles at me in a friendly fashion, and opens his mouth to say "Hi, my name is Jonghyun. Sorry for bothering you, but is anyone sitting here?" I looked surprised at what Jonghyun said at this moment. I see him smile nervously at me, still waiting for an answer. Before he turns around to leave, I reply with a smile," Sure! My name is Vivienne." He smiles the most heart warming smile ever, and it makes my stomach flip in excitement. 

   Jonghyun and I have stayed there all night talking and sharing our stories, while the amount of people of the Starbucks became smaller and smaller. He tells me how he's a trainee under S.M. Entertainment as a singer, and how becoming a singer is his lifelong dream. He also tells me about how he knew the cashier from his 3rd Year class from school. I became interested in how well-rounded and smart he was. After he finished, I tell him about myself. I inform him about why I came here to Korea, which was to become an English teacher. I tell him about my family, and how I was determined to come to South Korea. Jonghyun was pretty interested into how well I drew, and complimented me by saying I was talented.  I smiled shyly to him and thanked him.

  I hear my phone ring to hear my roommate, Jinki, scolding me about how worried he was that I haven't come home yet.... To confirm his worrying, I turn to the nearby window to see the once blue sky, turn a mixed barrage of yellow, pink, and orange. I apologetically tell my new friend Jonghyun that I had to leave for home before Jinki had a heart attack. Jonghyun's smile turned to a dissapointed frown and bid me goodbye before he escorted me out the door... I wasn't fond of the idea of leaving him hanging like that, but I knew one thing for sure: I had to see him again.











Hi!!!!~ It's me again!!!! Did you enjoy part 1? I hope you did, and I hope I get banners, so please support me, because I want to write an awesome story for you guys. I'll update soon!!!!! Annyeong~


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Chapter 4~~~~~~


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Lotuspassion #2
Chapter 11: THIS IS getting good I got to know what happens next ^_^ please update soon .
ChocolateLuv261 #3
Chapter 11: This is getting way too good. Update soon!
Sincere1041 #4
Chapter 11: Love this! I feel bad for Jinki :( but he deserves 100% of someones heart not 50% so I don't dislike him for leaving and miss vivienne needs to get shizz togather before getting into relationships! But I definitely want her to be happy just upset of how she handled things Lol anyways update soon! <3
Chapter 11: update soon!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Chapter 4: this was really good ...i wanna learn how to write as well as you...how did you do it?? (learn how to write this well ...)
ThinkPinkTink #7
Chapter 1: Vivienne really needs to get her flips in check lol. Can't wait for an udate.
AbriMathos #8
Ok I get it now. Oh my gosh! Poor Jinki :( Dammit Vivienne. You sure know how to play with a guy's emotions. Not cool yo. I wonder who that is in the alley...hehehehe
DaniTheDongsaeng #9
@CremeDeLaCreme And with Jinki and Vivienne, Jinki broke up with her because he was tired of the bull and lies. Remember when Jinki asked to himself "Who was more important than me?", he was basically implying that he knew something was up with Vivienne, and now that he got the truth(he lied about him knowing about how Jonghyun looks at her,because he was never there), he has to cut ties with the girl he loves, so.... yeah.