What To Do.....?

Doctor! Help! Something is Wrong With My Heart! [HIATUS]

"So, how's your sleep?" Jojo start. " I have a nice sleep, you?" Mir replied. Jojo nodded. "Hmm..about last night. I.." Jojo about to continued but her phone is ringing. "Oh..Sang Hee" Jojo read the caller ID. Jojo picked it up but when she about to talking Mir grab her phone. 

"Jojo, where are you?" Sang Hee said

"She's with me" Mir replied.

"Uh?okay" Sang Hee hung up. "Cish! why he hung up right away?" Mir put disgust face. "Yah! what are you doing?!" Jojo annoyed. She take her phone back. "Uh?I..I just pick up your phone" Mir shrug. Jojo sigh in disbelief. "So, what you wanna tell me?" Mir smile. "Forget it" Jojo walking away. "Yah..Jojo, don't be mad" Mir grab her wrist. "Why are you act so childish?" Jojo annoyed. "Mwo?childish?! Yah! I'm not childish!" Mir getting upset but still hold Jojo wrist. Jojo rolled her eyes. "Listen, I'm sorry if I was rude. I just..you said that you wanna talk to me,right?" Mir smile while raised his eyebrows. Jojo sigh in defeat. "I accept your offer" Jojo replied. "Uh?you still agree with this arrange married?" Mir asking in hope. "Agree to know you better" Jojo pulled her hand. "Oh" Mir replied in dissapointed tone. "Cheol Yong, I need time to get used to with your world now" Jojo smile. Mir nodded in defeat. "Well, you must be busy. I won't disturb you anymore" Jojo smile and alredy put her hand on the doorknob. "I'll always have time for you" Mir replied. Jojo stop. She surprised. She turned her head to Mir. "Thank you" She smile. Mir smile back. Jojo open the door and MBLAQ already waiting for them with full anticipation on their eyes. "Oh! you are finished?" G.O excited. "Ne" Jojo smile and bowed to him. "But you can't leave now Jo" Seungho blurt out while munching his bread. "Uh?What are you talking about hyeong?" Mir confused. Jojo fronwed. "Fans already waiting outside" The manager replied. "Oh, but why I can't leave, they aren't my fans" Jojo replied innocently. G.O burst to laugh. "Jojo-ah, your face all over the internet. You'll be a lilttle lamb if you get out from MBLAQ waiting room now" G.O trying to control his laugh. Jojo sigh. Mir looked at her in worried. "I'm sorry" Mir whispered to her. "It's okay" Jojo smile to him. Suddenly someone knock the door. "Uh?who is it?the fans?" Joon surprised. "I don't think so" The manager open the door. 

"Annyeonghaseo" A boy bowed to the manager with a lot of fans screaming behind him. "Uh?ne can I help you?" The manager replied. "I'm looking for.." He paused a second's then whispered to the manager. He doesn't want the fans hear him. The manager nodded then going inside. "Jojo, someone is looking for you" The manager call Jojo. "Uh?me?who?" Jojo walking closer to him. "He said he wanna save you" The manager wink. Jojo frowned. "Who is it hyeong?" Mir curious. The manager just smile to him while assist Jojo to the door. The others member just watching. The manager open the door. "Jagiya, are you already finished talking with your friend?" Suddenly a boy shout when he saw Jojo standing on the door. Jojo surprised. She just stare at him. "Thank you hyeong" He bowed to the manager while holding Jojo's hand. Jojo still surprised. She just following him and walking away from the fans. "Oooo..that's true, she's not Mir girlfriend. Wow, she has a cute boyfriend" fans talking about Jojo when she walking through the fans. "Who's he?" G.O confused. He looked at Mir. "Her best friend" Mir replied while unconciously clench his fist. "Hey..take it easy Cheol Yong. It's good for her. She can going home safe" The manager trying to calm him down. Mir just nodded. "Good for her?!! He call her jagiya!! she has ring with my name on it!" Mir thought while clench his jaw. "Keukeukeu..are you jealous Cheol Yong?" G.O teased Mir. "Mwo?Ani..he just her best friend" Mir act cool.

"Sang Hee what did you do?" Jojo stopped Sang Hee while pulled her hand. "Hmm..Mian, I just wanna help you" Sang Hee smile awkwardly. Jojo sigh. "Thank you" Jojo smile. "It's okay. That's what friend for,right?" Sang Hee grinned. "By the way, how come you know I was there?" Jojo continued while walking again. "Well, when he pick up my phone..mm..I mean your phone, I saw a lot of fans running to their waiting room." Sang Hee explain. "Aahh..that's why you come there" Jojo nodded. "Hey, let's sit down there" Sang Hee pointed a bench near the parking zone. Jojo smile then following him. "But I'm a bit surprised with your action. I never thought you'll have an idea like that" Jojo chuckled while sit down. "What idea?" Sang Hee sit down beside her. "Jagiya, are you already finished talking with your friend?" Jojo reply Sang Hee act then laugh. "Well, when I was walking to their waiting room, I heard some fans talking about you. They talking about pulled your hair" Sang Hee said in worried tone. "Ahahahaha..really?" Jojo laugh. "Yah! I'm worried about you, why you laugh" Sang Hee put angry face. "I know, thank you but as your girlfriend?hahaha" Jojo laugh again. "Jojo-ah, don't you know that's what I want all this years. Call you jagiya and holding your hand while people looking at us?" Sang Hee thought while pretending laugh with Jojo. 

Jojo and Sang Hee enjoying theirself. They were joking around and didn't realize if a bunch of people coming near them. It's MBLAQ who surrounded by their fans. They were heading to their van. Mir get into the van first. He sit down near the window. Mir saw them. "What the hell?!!" Mir clench his fist. Sang Hee already realize if MBLAQ going back to their van but Jojo didn't she was enjoying the view while sometimes chuckled to random people act. "You!!" Mir take his phone and immediately texting Jojo. Sang Hee watching Mir when Mir texting Jojo. "Jojo, there's something in your hair" Sang Hee caressed Jojo hair right when Mir lift his head and looked at them. Mir eyes wide open. He wanna get out and running to them but the van is moving. "Uh?why are we moving?!!" Mir panic. "Yah..Cheol Yong quiet! I wanna sleep!" Seungho scold him. Mir sigh in defeat then he quickly moving to the back seat and watching them from back of the van glass. Mir pout while narrowing his eyes. He is staring at Sang Hee. "Uh?really?" Jojo touch her head. She didn't realize if Mir was watching her. "Oh..I thought there's something in your hair." Sang Hee lied. "Oh" Jojo smile. "Well, let's go" Sang Hee stand up. "Okay" Jojo following him. They are in the car now. "Oh, a text?I didn't hear it" Jojo looked at her phone. "Cheol Yong?" Jojo open the message. Sang Hee secretly squeeze the steering. 

From : Cheol Yong

Jojo-ah, please remember what I've said today. Sorry if I put you in trouble again today. From 21 years old Cheol Yong ^^

"why he always put his age?" Jojo chuckled. "Um?something funny?" Sang Hee trying to act cool. "Ani..Hmm..Sang Hee can we stop at the supermarket?" Jojo smile. Sang Hee smile and nodded. After 15 minutes of driving, they are finally arrived. "You wanna buy something?" Sang Hee get out from the car. "Yes!" Jojo grinned. "Hmm..okay, let's go" Sang Hee smile. Jojo directly go the meat section after finished with vegetables and the spicies. She is picking the chicken. When she was focused with the chickens, someone surprised her. "Jojo?" Mrs.Bang surprised. "Oh..Eommanim. Annyeonghaseo" Jojo bowed to her. "I never thought I'll meet you here" Mrs.Bang hug her. Sang Hee just standing still, don't know what to do. "What are you doing here?" Mrs.Bang release her hug. "I just wanna buy something" Jojo smile. "He's your friend?" Mrs.Bang asked when she saw Sang Hee watching them. "Oh, yes, he's my friend" Jojo introduce Sang Hee. "Annyeonghaseo. Sang Hee-imida" Sang Hee bowed to Mrs.Bang. "Ne" Mrs.Bang smile to him but quickly look at Jojo again. "So, how is it?It's the ring fit in you finger perfectly?" Mrs.Bang take Jojo hand. "Ring?!!" Sang Hee thought. "Uh?where is it?you didn't wear it?" Mrs.Bang slightly dissapointed. "Oh..Ani, It just..I'm afraid if I will lose it so I didn't wear it" Jojo panic. "eeehh..if the ring fit perfectly, you won't lose it darling" Mrs.Bang tapped Jojo's hand. "Ne' Jojo smile awkwardly. "Next time you have to wear it. It look beautiful in your finger" Mrs.Bang excited. Jojo just nodded and smile. "Okay. Oh?look like you wanna cook?" Mrs.Bang looked at Jojo grocery. "Ne, I wanna.." "Oh..look like you wanna cook chicken stir fry. You wanna cook it for Cheol Yong?" Mrs.Bang excited. Jojo open but nothing is out so she end up smiling again. Sang Hee take a deep breath, trying to control his jealousy. "Well, I'll leave you then. Good luck with your cook and forget to wear your ring,okay?" Mrs.Bang caressed her cheek and leaving. Sang Hee smile and bowed to her. "So, that's for him" Sang Hee said while pretending looking at the meat. "What are you talking about?My father like it too" Jojo lied. 

~At Jojo's room~

Jojo is laying in her bed while browsing about MBLAQ. "Cish, why are you always talking about taeyeon nuna?!" Jojo hissed when she read Mir's interview on a website. "Let's see the other news" Jojo click on other page. "News about their winning? Hmm.. I already know" Jojo read that page. "That's right. I have to congrats him" Jojo smile. "But how?I also had no idea about his schedule but the cake.." Jojo thinking. "Oh! Ah Jung!" Jojo grab her phone.

"Ne, eonnie?" Ah Jung picked up.

"Ah Jung-ah..eemm.." Jojo hestitate.

"eonni..what is it?"

"Hmm..do you know..eemm" Jojo take a deep breath.

"Mwo?wait..why are you?Aaahh..it's must be about your fiance,haha"

"Mwo?what fiance?!" Jojo blushed. 

"What you wanna know?his schedule?" Ah Jung chuckled.

"Ani..why I have to know his schedule?" Jojo pretend

"Aaahh..I know..okay, I won't tell you if he has schedule in Music Core tomorrow." Ah Jung giggled.

"Yah!" Jojo shy.

"Ne..eonnie, I won't tell you if he will start typing at 01.00 pm. Okay, good night eonnie" Ah Jung laugh then hung up.

"Yah! that kid. I'm not finished yet, but she hung up. But thank you Ah Jung-ah" Jojo smile to her phone. She take the ring then laying on her bed again. "Hmm..let see what we can do tomorrow" Jojo talked to her ring then fall asleep.

~The Next Day~

"Hmm..smells good. Is that Chicken stir fry?" Mr.Park watching Jojo cooking. Jojo smile and nodded. "What do you think appa?" Jojo take a spoon and give it to Mr.Park. "Hmm..I think it taste good. Hmm..my daughter is good at cooking now" Mr.Park smile. Jojo grinned. "So, are you cooking this for me or...another men?" Mr.Park . "Ofcourse I cooked it for you" Jojo frowned. Then why are you also preparing that box?" Mr.Park pointing at a lunch box that Jojo prepared before. "Oh..that's.." Jojo blushed. "Well, look like you already talk to him. have fun" Mr.Park caressed Jojo's head then leave. "Hmm..okay, I better hurry" Jojo fill up the lunch box while smiling. Jojo rushed to change her clothes and heading to the MBC studio. "That's right, I have to take the cake that I order yesterday" Jojo start driving. She stopped at the bakery and take the cake. After finished take the cake, she rushed to the MBC studio.

"Oh..how to take this cake to their room?Aiisshh..Jojo-ah, why are you have to order a big cake like this" Jojo scracth her forehead while watching the cake on the passenger seat. "Okay, you can do this Jojo" Jojo slipped the lunch box bag on her left hand then she take out the cake with both hands. Then she closed the door with her hip. "Where is their room?ugh! It's heavy" Jojo get into the studio. "Excuse me, do you know?" Jojo asked someone. "Oh, Jojo,right?" She replied. Appearentely it's MBLAQ dress coordinator. "Oh..Eonnie, Annyeonghaseo" Jojo smile. "Wow..nice cake. Here, let me help you" She put her hands under the cake. Jojo moving her hand a bit so they are holding that cake together. "Waah..Chel Yong is so lucky" She teased Jojo. Jojo just smile and blushed. "Here we go" The coordinator stopped. "Uh?how to.." Jojo about to ask but the coordinator kicking the door. "You talking about that?" The coordinator chuckled. Jojo smile. "Whoaaah, what is this?" The manager open the door. "Jojo bought this cake" The coordinator replied. "Cake?!" Seungho suddenly poke his head from the manager's shoulder. "Whooaaahh..come in" Seungho excited. Jojo and the coordinator get into the room carefully then put it down on the table. "Waaahh..nice let me take the picture of it" G.O take his phone then take the picture of the cake.

"It's for MBLAQ. You guys just winning, right?Congratulation" Jojo smile. "Ah..Gamsamahimida" Seungho bowed following by the others. Jojo chuckled then bowed to them. "Uh?where's Cheol Yong?" G.O looking around the room. "I think he still talk to nicole" Cheondung replied innocently. "You!" G.O poke Cheondung arm and bulging to him. Cheondung realize it the make an O shaped with his mouth. "It's okay. I'm here to congrats you guys" Jojo smile. "Nicole?who's she?" Jojo thought. "Oh, is that special for Cheol Yong?" G.O pointing to Jojo's lunch box with evil smile. "Oh..it's" Jojo hung her head, blushed. "It's okay, we can understand it Jo" Joon . Jojo just puffed her cheek. They are talking and joking around while waiting for Mir. "Excuse me, but I think I need to go to the toliet" Jojo whispered to the coordinator. "Oh, it's outside this room. After get out turn to the right. it's in the end off this alley" She replied. "Thank you" Jojo smile then stand up and get out and rushed to the restroom.

When she finished, she surprised with 2 people in front of the restroom. They are Mir and Nicole. They were joking around. "Cheol Yong?" Mir was tapped Nicole head when Jojo call him. Mir turned his head but hand still on Nicole's head. "Jojo?!" He froze.


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Dalily #1
Chapter 15: please keep on update...this is so cute..can't wait for your next update..
Chapter 15: Kya.... Cute ending for this chapt.... Please more scene jojo with mir hihihi.... Fighting.... *finally i can comment hihihi
mirae5 #3
Chapter 15: So cute!! So love this story <3 I want a lot of mir-jojo sweet moment!! They are so cute!! Update soon please~
elicia #4
Chapter 15: awws Mir is sooooo cute >.<
BlaqAngel #5
Chapter 14: Love it! Please update as soon as possible^^
Chapter 14: Kya....... Uhuy..... I love this chapt....... Hahahahahaha....... I love the ending of this chapter.... Mir will be happy..... Hahahahahah updte soon sist!!!! ^^
elicia #7
Chapter 13: please update >.<
dying to find out what happens next >.<
KellyKiller #8
Chapter 13: awesome fanfic upload soon :)
kpop_luv #9
Awwwwwww so cute Plz continue
Nami13 #10
Woaaah i'm glad to found this fanfic..i love it,hope u will update this fanfic very soon^^ fighting!!