An Ending and a Beginning

Arrogance and Ignorance

“Kai,” You said, your voice shaking from uneasiness. “Kai, please. Just put the gun down.”

“No.” His eyes were filled with determination, and you knew that there was no way out of this. You took a step backwards, desperate.

“Kai, please, don’t do this,” you pleaded, though your words fell on deaf ears. His mouth twisted into a smirk as he raised his arm a little higher, aiming for your face.

“I love you,” he murmured, shaking his head a bit. “But this is just the way things have to be.” Before you had time to react, he pulled the trigger.

“AHHHHHHH!” Letting out a blood-curdling shriek, you shied away from the stream of water currently soaking you. You hands were thrown up in defense, though they did nothing to stop the water, and you could hear Kai laughing as he continued his relentless assault.

“I’m going to kill you, Kai!” You shouted, diving for the water gun he had somehow managed to take from you before. It was lying to you right, and you scooped it up from the grass in one deft movement, turning to face your still laughing boyfriend.

Yes. That’s right. You and Kai had made it official the day you confessed to him in the school’s back garden. You had skipped the rest of the day (thanks to Chanyeol, Sehun, and a bucket of water) and you spent it walking around the city.

“Hey, Kai,” you said, looking at him out of the corner of your eye. He turned to you, his lips tugged up into a smile.


“Why is it that you like me?” The question didn’t seem to catch him off guard, but rather his answer caught you off guard.

“Because you’re simple.” Well, that kinda stung.

“Don’t take it the wrong way,” he added quickly. “What I mean to say is that you are really just a chill person. You aren’t flashy or clingy or materialistic or superficial. You’re just you.” He placed a chaste kiss on the top of your still drying hair.

“That, and you use really nice shampoo.” You chuckled, and playfully pushed him away a bit.

“Well, I don’t really know why I like you,” you admitted. “I guess I just do.”

“I’m satisfied with the fact that you like me at all, to be quite honest,” he replied. “I mean I almost thought you liked Baekhyun for a moment there.”

“Well, he is a good kisser,” you said to . He stopped abruptly, and as you were holding his hand, you stumbled back a bit. He was giving you a serious look, and before you knew it, he transferred his hands to your face, and pulled you in for another searing kiss. When he pulled back, you let out an involuntary whimper at the loss, and immediately a blush decorated your cheeks.

“Thought so,” Kai smirked, taking your hand once again and continuing down the street. You just rolled your eyes at his cockiness, though you know he had reason to be; his kisses sent waves of pleasure down your spine, and you were pretty sure that you could survive on those alone for the rest of your life.

“Yah, Shin Kaemi,” he said all of a sudden, pulling your body so that your sides were flush against each other. “Don’t ever leave my side okay? I spent too much time trying to get you here in the first place, so don’t leave, alright?”

“Kai…” His little speech had left you a bit breathless. You knew he liked you, but so much so that he said those things?


“That was probably the sweetest thing I think I’ve ever heard you say.” You threw your arms around his neck, not caring that you were in the middle of the sidewalk, and pressed your forehead to his.

“I, Shin Kaemi, promise to never leave Kim Jongin’s side,” you said, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

“Even if Ian Somerhalder were to confess to you?” You giggled at his question.

“Even if Ian Somerhalder were to confess to me, I would politely decline, and say I have my own ridiculously hot boyfriend to keep me busy.” With a smirk of your own, you pulled away, continuing down the street, while a very happy Kai followed after you.

“Ridiculously hot? Wow, that’s…”

“Don’t get a big head,” You warned as he slipped his hand back into yours. “This pretty girl’s got to have equally good-looking arm candy, right?” With your free hand, you flipped your hair a bit, causing him to chuckle.

“Looks like I’m not the only one with an ego.”

And now here you were, two months later, playing in the park with water guns. You had finished a picnic not too long ago when Kai suggested you get up and walk around. What you didn’t know was that he asked some little kids beforehand to hid the gun near a fountain for you guys to use. It was the perfect way to spend the last day before you left for the states with your parents for a week.

You chased each other with the water guns, and by the time 4 o’clock rolled around, you were both soaked to the bone and laughing uncontrollably. You collapsed into the grass near the tree where you had the picnic, and cuddled your head against his chest.

“I’m going to miss you,” he murmured, playing with your hair. “Who am I going to annoy while you’re away?”

“You’ll survive,” you teased, though you knew you would miss him just as much, if not more. “Aren’t you going on vacation, too?”

“To Japan, yeah. My dad wants to visit some friends,” he explained. “But we’ve been hanging out so much that it’s going to be weird not being around you.”

“Whipped, much?” He frowned, but gave your forehead a kiss anyway. “I’m kidding. I’ll miss you, too, you know.”

“What’s not to miss?” This time it was his turn to tease. You rolled your eyes, and propped yourself up on your elbows.

“Bring me back one of those cute little hair clips,” you asked. “I’ll bring you back one of those dorky shirts with ‘I <3 NEW YORK’ on the front.”

“What if I don’t want to get you anything?”

“Well then I won’t get you anything either.”

“Aww, but I’ve got you babe.”

“You’re so greasy, Kai,” You scoffed, laying your head back on his chest.

“I know.”

“I love you.”

“I know.”

“You’re supposed to say it back to me, jerk.” You slapped his chest lightly.

“I know.”

“Is that all your vocabulary has been reduced to since I kicked your in the water gun fight?”

“I love you, too, Doll face.”

A/N: Such a lame ending... I feel like I shorted you guys a cute ending. But honestly, I don’t want this to end. I don’t want this to end so much so, that I am considering a sequel. Maybe college life for the two lovebirds? Maybe a spin-off with some of the other characters? Vote below and let me know.

Anyway, I am sad to end this, but as usual, I would love to know what you think! Leave a comment, and be sure to check out my other fics!



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Working on Ch. 19. Will the KaiMi couple finally be together?!


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Chapter 19: This story is so cute lol and i like that Kaemi isn't oblivious of both guys feelings for her
Chapter 22: Aww, so cute! This couple was so fun to read about and I'm quite sad it's the end of Arrogance and Ignorance. There won't be any Kai and Kaemi high school journey any more :( nooo~ But the story was really great, I'm glad I found it ;3
Chapter 21: I expected Kaemi to be more straightforward, but I'm not disappointed with her confession :D And finally! They're finally together ^^ my heart is in peace now haha ^_^
Chapter 20: The end of this story is so close, noooo >< But the hope that Kaemi will end with Kai makes me so giddy~ ahh, I gotta savour the leas chapter until they last TT
Chapter 19: I hope Sehun will make Kaemi all dolled up and she will confess as soon as possible *^* I can't wait to see Kai's reaction! But Baek will surely be heartbroken :(
Chapter 18: The very last paragraph aww. Tell it to Kaemi when she's awake, Jongin! And I'm so so SOOO glad they're so comfortable with each other (more like Kaemi finally is). I just can't wait until the two get together and be all fluffy ^u^
Chapter 17: It was so close!! Baek had to call just at that time, didn't he? –,– and thankfully Kaemi is not in denial any more and slowly gets in touch with her feelings. Oh, and I hope she will confess first but I don't think she will have the guts to do so if Kai doesn't provoke her :|
Chapter 16: Kai doesn't let Kaemi rest even for a while, doesn't he? But it's good, the more they didn't time together, the more likely Kaemi will figure out her feelings :3
Chapter 15: Baekhyun and Kaemi are adorable together. But I still ship the girl with Kai ;; Why Baek had to kiss Kaemi?? It makes it all more complicated ><
Chapter 14: Won't this make Baekhyun fall for Kaemi more? I hope not ;; and Kaemi is considering being in a relationship with Kai, yay! ;3