
Arrogance and Ignorance

Kai’s POV


I stared at the fish swimming happily in the bowl in front of me. It had been almost week since I first got her and named her Min.

“Min, do you really think she’d say yes?” I asked the guppy. “I mean, she said yes to Taemin that one time.” Min just stared at me.

“I guess you’re right, there’s no harm in trying,” I sprinkled some food into the top of the bowl and smiled as she happily ate. Walking over to the bed, I grabbed my phone and thumbed through my contacts until I reached the name I was looking for.

“Hey Hyung,” I said when the other line picked up. “Oh, Taeyeon-Noona. Sorry. Is Hyung the-Oh, wait! You’re a girl, you would know. How do I go about asking a girl on a date?” A pause as she seemed to think about it, and then give me her answer.

“Really? That seems a bit easy,” I was unsure of the advice she had given me. I mean, it probably worked for Suho because he had that kind of good-guy image. But for me? I wasn’t really your upstanding bake-sale, backyard party throwing-type neighbor.

“Okay. No, no, that’s okay. Thanks for your help. Tell Hyung I said hello. Bye.” I hung up the phone and sighed. This was going to be harder than I thought.


I walked through the school gates on Monday, and immediately, I went looking for Kaemi. Ever since she had done her aegyo, it seemed like there were more guys than usual staring at her. It was annoying, because I knew she could choose anyone of them over me if she wanted to.

I found her at her locker, putting away her books. I still hadn't come up with a plan to ask her on a date, but I guess that could wait a little while longer.

"Hey Kaemi," I said, leaning against the locker next to hers. She jumped a bit and turned to me, startled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She relaxed a bit and sighed.

"Sorry, I've just been a bit jumpy with all the attention that I've been getting lately," she said. "I'm not used to it, and it's got my nerves shot." She closed the door to her locker and leaned her head against it, closing her eyes. Damn it, she was pretty, even when she was like this.

"I can help you with that," I said, an idea suddenly forming in my head. She peeked up at me, her eyes filled with curiosity. "With the attention I mean. I'm used to it, you know, being as good looking as I am." For the first time in the past few days, I saw her crack a small smile.

"Oh yeah? And how does the great Kim Jongin handle all the pressures of being a pretty boy?" She was joking. Her sense of humor was always something I had admired about her, even though sometimes I was the of her jokes.

"Well first of all, you have to be completely confident in yourself," I said as we started to head towards the classroom. "Even if you look like you just rolled out of bed, you've got to strut your stuff like it's nobody's business." Honestly, I had no idea where this was coming from. I had confidence in myself, sure; but 'strutting my stuff'? Not really my thing.

"Okay, so I strut my stuff," she said, her small smile becoming larger and lighting up her whole face. "And then what Mr. Confident? Do I hand out autographs, or do I just tell them to speak to my manager?"

"Autographs help, but aren't necessary," I said, going along with the joke. "What really helps, after having confidence, is knowing how to dance." She scrunched her eyebrows and gave me a skeptical look.

"Knowing how to dance?" She asked, the smile still tugging at the corners of her lips. "And how is dance related to this?" I gave her one of my famous smirks.

"Dance, my dear Kaemi, is the answer to everything," I said, slinging my arm around her shoulder. To my surprise she didn't shrug me off and we continued to walk down the hall like this.

"Is it? I thought it was 42."

"That's only if you're British."

"Hm, okay. I guess I can believe that. So, enlighten me, O Wise One."

"I'll cut you a deal," I said as we stopped in front of the classroom. "I'll teach you how to dance in exchange for this." I moved my hand in a sweeping motion between her and myself and she gave me a confused look.

"What do you mean by," she copied the motion I just made. "this? What is this?" We both fell silent, the meaning behind the question deeper than what was obvious.

"Let's stop being enemies," I said. "I give you dance lessons and you call me your friend. That's a fair deal, right?" She stared at me with such intensity that I actually took a small step back.

"Okay," she said finally. "Dance lessons in exchange for friendship. I think I can do that." She looked away, though it was obvious that she was still thinking about something.

"Let's go inside," I said, changing the subject in an attempt to hide the fact that I, too, was thinking about what 'this' was. "I'm sure Eun Chae is wondering why we're standing here and not sitting, so..." She just nodded and walked inside the classroom, and I followed, taking my seat at my desk across the room.

"What was that all about?" I heard Eun Chae ask her. "You seemed awfully close with him just then..." She sounded suspicious, but I also picked up on what seemed to be a bit of... hopefulness?

"Oh, with Kai?" Kaemi replied with nonchalance. "Just simple conversation between friends. He's not that bad when he's being nice."

I smiled to myself.


Your POV


"Let's stop being enemies."

Those four words had been running through your mind ever since Kai had spoken them that morning. Had you two ever really been enemies? Maybe back in middle school for a brief period of time had you been true enemies, but over time he just became... what had he become to you?

In all honesty, you considered yourself to be very close to Kai. Sure you teased each other and fought all the time, he even made you cry sometimes, but you never thought of him as not a friend. You knew as much about him and his family as he knew about you and yours. You had the same close friends and you even shared some of the same interests. He stole from your lunch box, you ganged up on him with the others. He called you Doll Face, you called him by his first name which he didn't allow anyone else to do.

So was it just easier to pretend that you disliked him in front of others? Had you grown so accustomed to idea of not liking him that when you started to like him you had no idea what to do? It was hard to decipher your feelings at this point. You enjoyed the times you'd spent not arguing with him. You like playing with the kids at the orphanage together. You liked playing at the amusement park and going through the haunted house, despite being scared. You like it when he held your hand and walked you home.

And when he kissed you, you felt something. As much as you had tried to hide it up until that point, you felt something, and it was a good something. It was surprising because you had kissed other guys before, but never had you felt that feeling of... you couldn't even describe it in words, but you knew that you felt something different than the other times. And what surprised you even more was that you wanted to experience it again.

Even though you told Dayoung and Eun Chae that the fantasy of you and Kai together as a couple was just that, you were starting to think differently.

But what you wanted more than anything at the moment was to stop thinking. To stop thinking and just leave your normal-turned-K-Drama life behind for a moment and just-

"A penny for your thoughts?"

You looked up to find Baekhyun leaning against the counter, giving you kind smile. When had he come into the store? You returned the smile.

"Hi Baekhyun-oppa," you said. "Are you by yourself? What brings you here today?"

"I just wanted to see how my little dongsaeng was doing," he said brightly, ruffling your hair. "I haven't seen you all day."

"That's because you weren't at lunch," you said matter-of-factly. "But I', doing fine. Thanks for checking up on me."

"You say that you're doing fine, but I want to really make sure," he said. The way he looked at you made you think he had something in mind, and you narrowed your eyes at him.

"What are you up to, Oppa?" He just gave you a lopsided grin and walked to the backroom where your Appa was working. You followed his movements with your eyes, wary of his next actions.

"Ahjussi," he said bowing to your father. "Can I take your daughter out for a while?" Your Appa poked his head around the door frame to see your shocked expression, and chuckled to himself.

"Sure thing, Baekhyun-ah," he said, giving Baekhyun a pat on the back. "Just have her back before nine." Baekhyun nodded and made his way back over to you. You were speechless.

"Don't worry about the store dear, just have fun, okay?" Your Appa said and went to go get your mother to take over for you.

"Let's go then," Baekhyun said coming behind the counter and leading you towards the door. "Let's go have some fun." You grabbed your keys and followed him out.

"What are we going to be doing anyway?" You asked as you waked towards the bus stop. This was the second time he was going out of his way for you, and while it was nice, it made you curious.

"We, my lovely dongsaeng, are going to Hongdae," he said, putting his arm around you shoulder. "It's a great place to just lose yourself and forget about things for a while." You gave him a look; had he read your thoughts from earlier?

"That's just what you needed, right?" He asked. You nodded and he gave you a lopsided grin. "I pay a lot more attention than people give me credit for. Especially when it comes to my favorite girl." You rolled your eyes and nudged him playfully in the side.

"I was wondering when Greasy Baekhyun was going to make another appearance," You said with a chuckle.

"Did you miss him? I'm sorry," he said back. "I'll make sure to keep him around for a little while this time."

Anything to see you smile. 

A/N: So it seems like all of the chapters as of late have just completely deviated from what I have written down in my notebook. Seriously, this story is taking on a life of it's own. Not that I mind.

Anyway, I'll be doing a double update. This chapter was kinda short because I didn't want to squish her time with Baekhyun in with a chapter that's supposed to be mostly about Kai. Look forward to the next chapter.

Also, could you guys please watch the trailer that I made for this story (it's in the forward) and tell me what you think? It's my second time making one of these, and I am eager to know how it turned out. Thanks in advance :)

Alright, that's it for now. Going to go write the next chappie and I will be back soon!

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Working on Ch. 19. Will the KaiMi couple finally be together?!


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Chapter 19: This story is so cute lol and i like that Kaemi isn't oblivious of both guys feelings for her
Chapter 22: Aww, so cute! This couple was so fun to read about and I'm quite sad it's the end of Arrogance and Ignorance. There won't be any Kai and Kaemi high school journey any more :( nooo~ But the story was really great, I'm glad I found it ;3
Chapter 21: I expected Kaemi to be more straightforward, but I'm not disappointed with her confession :D And finally! They're finally together ^^ my heart is in peace now haha ^_^
Chapter 20: The end of this story is so close, noooo >< But the hope that Kaemi will end with Kai makes me so giddy~ ahh, I gotta savour the leas chapter until they last TT
Chapter 19: I hope Sehun will make Kaemi all dolled up and she will confess as soon as possible *^* I can't wait to see Kai's reaction! But Baek will surely be heartbroken :(
Chapter 18: The very last paragraph aww. Tell it to Kaemi when she's awake, Jongin! And I'm so so SOOO glad they're so comfortable with each other (more like Kaemi finally is). I just can't wait until the two get together and be all fluffy ^u^
Chapter 17: It was so close!! Baek had to call just at that time, didn't he? –,– and thankfully Kaemi is not in denial any more and slowly gets in touch with her feelings. Oh, and I hope she will confess first but I don't think she will have the guts to do so if Kai doesn't provoke her :|
Chapter 16: Kai doesn't let Kaemi rest even for a while, doesn't he? But it's good, the more they didn't time together, the more likely Kaemi will figure out her feelings :3
Chapter 15: Baekhyun and Kaemi are adorable together. But I still ship the girl with Kai ;; Why Baek had to kiss Kaemi?? It makes it all more complicated ><
Chapter 14: Won't this make Baekhyun fall for Kaemi more? I hope not ;; and Kaemi is considering being in a relationship with Kai, yay! ;3