Losing to Him

Arrogance and Ignorance

"Kaemi, wake up," Kai said, gently nudging you. It took a moment for you to adjust to the noise and light flooding your senses, but once that was done you lifted your head from his shoulder and gave a little yawn.

"Are we there already?" You asked, looking out of the window to see that you were already in Chanyeol's neighborhood. "I can't believe I slept all that time. Sorry I kind of commandeered your shoulder."

"Don't worry about it," Kai said, slipping his arm around your shoulders. "You're quite the snuggler, you know? You were clinging to my arm like a little Koala bear. It was cute." Your face burned at the thought.

"You love teasing me, don't you?" You mumbled, shaking your head. "Oh, look there's our stop." Kai rang the bell and the bus pulled up to the little bus shelter. You exited the bus, and started walking, Kai's arm still around your shoulder.

"Doesn't your arm hurt? I'm know I’m not short, but isn’t it awkward for you to be leaning like this?" you said, looking up at him. He had that look on his face that was hard to read, the one that you didn't dislike, but you didn't like it either.

"You're just perfect," Kai said, as you stopped at a corner. "Didn't I say not to worry about how you look? I think you're awesome and that's that."

"Isn't that sweet," a little old lady standing next to you said. You hadn't noticed her before but she wore a big smile on her age-worn face.

"I am pretty sweet, aren't I?" Kai joked, causing the old woman to laugh. She pulled your arm, making you lean down to her level.

"He's a keeper this one," she said, her eyes darting to Kai. "And it looks like you've got him wrapped around your pretty little finger, too." She giggled, in only the way that little old ladies can, and crossed the street. You looked up at Kai, who had a very pleased grin on his face.

"I'm even popular with the geriatric set," He boasted, at which point, you pinched his arm, hard. “Ow! What was that for?”

“Just to keep you aware of the fact that even good-looking, annoying guys like yourself shouldn’t get a big head,” you said with a delighted smile. “And just because I wanted to pinch you.”

“Trying to cop a feel of my built muscles, aren’t you? No need to be ashamed,” he said, ignoring your explanation. And so you spent the five-minute walk to Chanyeol’s place bickering. You even argued over who would ring the doorbell.

“But, Oppa, please?” you said, making your voice a bit higher and pouting your lip out. He was caught off guard by your aegyo. You had promised that you would do it again, but you relented because it was him, and you wanted to see his face. Using his momentary surprise to your advantage, you reached past him and rang the bell.

“That was cute, but unfair,” Kai complained. “I thought you said you would never do aegyo again? I must be special.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes, even though he spoke the truth.

Moments later, the door opened, revealing a still-in-his-pajamas Chanyeol, and behind him, a shirtless Baekhyun. You raised an eyebrow at the two.

“What have you two been up to? I know we’re late, but…” Kai said jokingly. Chanyeol scowled and pulled you inside, intending on shutting the door and closing Kai out. “Yah, I was just joking. Baekyeol is too weird to think about.”

“Yeah, yeah. Baek, go put on a shirt; you’re making Kaemi turn colors,” he said to the shirtless boy. Baekhyun gave you a wink before disappearing down the hall to retrieve proper clothing.

“Did you guys have a sleepover?” you asked Chanyeol, who returned to setting up the video game Kai handed him moments before.

“Yeah, we ended up playing Mario games all night,” he said, his messy bed hair swishing back and forth with his movements. “What took you guys so long anyway?”

“There was an accident and no way around it on the bus,” Kai explained, taking a seat next on the couch. You were going to sit next to him, when Baekhyun came back in the room, and pulled you to sit with him on a giant beanbag. You shrugged at Kai, who was giving you a curious look.

“You’re going to be on my team,” Baekhyun stated, slinging his arm around your shoulder.

“I don’t even know what we’re playing,” you said, scooting away from him a bit. “I’m only good at fighting games. So if it’s Mario or something, you’d be better off leaving me out completely.”

“Don’t worry, Kaemi-ah,” he said, giving you a wide grin. “I’ll teach you ho to play.”

“Um, sure,” you said hesitantly. This was the first time you had seen him since Friday and the kiss, and you were pretty sure that you had no feelings for him. But of course, he didn’t know that (how could he?) and was probably acting on the impression that he still had a chance. It sounded harsh when you thought about it in those terms, but what could you do? At some point during your time there, you would have to pull him aside and let him know. A little glance over to Kai was all you needed to start feeling uncomfortable with not saying anything right then and there. His eyes held a challenge, and his gaze was directed at Baekhyun. It was obvious he was holding his tongue, and you had a feeling that if you didn’t get out of there, and fast, you would be caught in the crossfire of a battle of testosterone.

“Do you want anything to drink, Kaemi-ah?” Chanyeol asked, giving his two friends a suspicious look. “I’ve got snacks too.”

“That sounds great!” you said, hopping up from the beanbag. “I’ll help you get everything.” You followed him to the kitchen, where you let out a tense breath.

“They both really like you, you know,” Chanyeol said, his head buried in the refrigerator. “Especially Kai.”

“Well he sure has a weird way of showing it,” you muttered, looking through the cabinets for some cups. “And Baekhyun, too. Yeol, how the heck did my life turn into a drama?”

“When you started to let your guard down around Kai,” he said, reaching around you to open the correct cabinet. “He’s had a crush on you for a good long while; you’ve just been too stubborn to see it.”

“Then what about Baekhyun?” you said, pouring orange juice into three glasses. “It’s like he just decided, ‘Oh, look, as if her life wasn’t complicated enough, let me just steal a kiss, and make things even more muddled.’ I mean, really; it’s out of nowhere!”

“He did that? Bravo,” Chanyeol said, earning a glare from you. “He’s liked you for a while as well. I’m not sure when his infatuation started, but maybe he thought that now was the time, since you and Kai have been getting all cozy recently.”

“Can’t they be normal about it, though?” You said, rubbing your temples.

“You like Kai, though, don’t you?” Chanyeol asked. You nodded, and he smirked. “Took you long enough to figure it out. When are you gonna tell him?”

“I don’t know,” you said, throwing your hands in the air. “I only just came to this revelation yesterday, so forgive me if I’m lacking a solid plan of attack.”

“So I’m the only one that knows? Sweet,” he said, handing you a box of chocolate cookies. “Don’t I feel special.”

“Yeah, yeah,” You said, rolling your eyes. “You’re about as special as a barnacle on a rock.” You started to arrange the cookies nicely on a plate.

Meanwhile, back in the living room, quite an interesting conversation was taking place between Baekhyun and Kai.

“So I heard you took Kaemi out on a date on Friday,” Kai said as casually as he could. He glanced at Baekhyun out of the corners of his eyes, trying to gauge his reaction.

“I did,” the elder boy replied quite coolly. “We went to Hongdae, and had patbingsu, and then played tag in the park. She seemed to need some relaxation time.”

“Yeah, she has been kinda stressed lately,” Kai said, again, his tone as even as possible. “She said that she had fun. You even walked her home and kissed her goodnight. How gentlemanly of you.”

“She’s got soft lips,” Baekhyun recollected, amused at the turn this conversation was taking. “And she’s quite ticklish.”

“I know, we’ve kissed before,” Kai said, and much to his pleasure, Baekhyun’s face fell. “And we would have again yesterday had you not so coincidentally called me.”

“Oh really?” Baekhyun said a tiny smirk returning to his face. “I guess I better keep calling you, then.” This time it was Kai’s time to frown.

“Alright, then let’s skip all this backhanded one-upping then,” Kai said, coming to stand over Baekhyun’s seated figure. “You know I like – love – Kaemi. So what in the world are you doing right now? You said you would help me, not go ahead and try to steal her for yourself.”

“I have feelings for her, too,” Baekhyun said, also standing. “I said I would help you, and I meant it at the time. But I didn’t expect to start to feel this way about her either. You and I both know she is an amazing girl, and so I think its not fair for you to think that you’re the only one who’s going to be in love with her.” This gave Kai pause; he knew Baekhyun was right. You were amazing, and anyone who didn’t think so was stupid (at least in his opinion).

“It’s not fair,” Kai said after a moment. He sighed, and sat back down. “I’m not giving her up just because you’re my Hyung.”

“I’m not telling you to,” Baekhyun said, coming to sit next to him on the couch. “What I am saying is that it’s got to be a fair fight. Man vs. Man for the delicate lady’s heart.”

Kai paused, thinking about it. Baekhyun was right; he didn’t have to give her up, all he had to do was prove that he was the better choice. “That sounds really corny, but you’re right,” Kai said, with a small smile. Somehow, the conversation hadn’t gone as he had expected it to. There were no harsh words or blows exchanged, and he and Baekhyun, the guy who he considered one of his best friends, had decided to play fair for the girl they liked.

“So we’ll play it fair and may the best man win,” Baekhyun said, holding his hand out for Kai to shake on their deal.

At that moment, you walked back into the living room, a plate of cookies in hand. Chanyeol followed with the drinks, and gave his friends the eye. Seeing that things seemed to have worked out, he grinned at them.

“Alright, so who’s ready to get their kicked in Super Smash Brothers?”


At around one, you bid goodbye to the boys. Kai made you promise to text him when you got to wherever it was that you were meeting Sehun, and you left with a smile on your face, having spent the morning laughing and snacking with your friends. Sure, it was a little awkward when Baekhyun kept scooting closer to you than you would have liked but after Chanyeol joked about he stopped.

And now you were on your way to meet the ever-energetic puppy named Oh Sehun. He had texted you saying he wanted to know everything about your ‘date’ with Kai, and you knew he wouldn’t let up until you did so.

You texted Kai as soon as the café was in sight.


To: Hot Kai

From: Doll Face

I’m here at the café. And since when were you ‘Hot Kai’?


From: Hot Kai

To: Doll Face

when you were asleep on the bus kekeke

don’t act cute in front of sehun or i’ll be

jealous, ok?


To: Hot Kai

From: Doll Face

Um, okay, Kai. Have fun with Chan and Baek!


With that last text, you entered the café. Sehun was already waiting, sipping on a chocolate bubble tea, and playing with his phone. As you approached the table, he turned, and on seeing you, grinned widely.

“Noona~ You made it,” he cooed getting out of seat and hugging you tight. “Now tell me everything.” He sat you down in the seat across from him, and leaned over the table from his own seat, waiting with bated breath.

“Can I at least get something to eat first?” You said, and before he could protest, you made your way up to the counter. You ordered a simple ham and cheese sandwich and an iced chai. You returned to the table to find Sehun still waiting expectantly.

“Well?” he said, and the impatience in his voice was obvious. You chuckled, and took a deep breath.

“Well, I guess I should start with Friday night,” you said, and began recounting the weekend for your eager dongsaeng.

“…And then he said he was the only person that I was allowed to be cute for and he’s the only one who can tease me and hold my hand and kiss me by surprise,” You said, finishing the last of your sandwich. You pulled out your phone and showed him the text exchange from just before you entered the café.

Sehun’s smile got even bigger, and he let out a small giggle of delight. You gave him a weirded out look, but he just scoffed and handed you back your phone.

“Kai-hyung has been in love with you since middle school,” he said. “You shouldn’t be so surprised he’s like this now.” You took a bite of the cake you had gotten just a few minutes earlier.

“Well, I am surprised,” you said, stabbing another piece of the cake. “It’s not everyday that you and your enemy fall in love.” Sehun looked at you sharply.

“What’d you just say?” he asked, and you were startled by his sudden seriousness.

“Um, that it’s not everyday someone and their enemy fall in love,” you repeated, shrinking away just a little at his intense look.

“So you love Kai?” Sehun prodded, and you sighed heavily.

“Yes, Sehun. I love Kai. Happy?” You said. You had intended to take another bite of cake, but it was snatched from your reach, and the whole thing tossed in the trash.

“Hey I wasn’t finished with that!” You exclaimed, drawing the attention of the whole café. Sehun just stood, slapped some money down on the table for a tip, and grabbed you hand pulling you towards the door.

“Who cares about cake when we’re dealing with love?” he scoffed, practically dragging you out of the café.

“I do!” You said, trying to keep up. He was taller than you, and his strides were long, forcing you to half jog to match his pace. “Where are we even going, Sehun?”

“To get you a dress,” he replied. “You’re going to confess to Kai, and you have to look pretty, right?”

“Seriously, Sehun? A dress? I have plenty of dresses!” You protested. “And besides, this is not some drama where the girl get’s all magically beautiful and then confesses to the guy of her dreams. Can’t I just do this normally?”

“Nope!” He said, and with that, pulled you onto the bus that had so conveniently pulled up the bus stop you had arrived at moments before.

A/N: Guys, I am so sorry. This chapter is just a filler, and honestly, I have no idea what happened. I promise the next chapter will be better. In the mean time, check out my other stories by clicking here. and don't forget to comment and subscribe!


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Working on Ch. 19. Will the KaiMi couple finally be together?!


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Chapter 19: This story is so cute lol and i like that Kaemi isn't oblivious of both guys feelings for her
Chapter 22: Aww, so cute! This couple was so fun to read about and I'm quite sad it's the end of Arrogance and Ignorance. There won't be any Kai and Kaemi high school journey any more :( nooo~ But the story was really great, I'm glad I found it ;3
Chapter 21: I expected Kaemi to be more straightforward, but I'm not disappointed with her confession :D And finally! They're finally together ^^ my heart is in peace now haha ^_^
Chapter 20: The end of this story is so close, noooo >< But the hope that Kaemi will end with Kai makes me so giddy~ ahh, I gotta savour the leas chapter until they last TT
Chapter 19: I hope Sehun will make Kaemi all dolled up and she will confess as soon as possible *^* I can't wait to see Kai's reaction! But Baek will surely be heartbroken :(
Chapter 18: The very last paragraph aww. Tell it to Kaemi when she's awake, Jongin! And I'm so so SOOO glad they're so comfortable with each other (more like Kaemi finally is). I just can't wait until the two get together and be all fluffy ^u^
Chapter 17: It was so close!! Baek had to call just at that time, didn't he? –,– and thankfully Kaemi is not in denial any more and slowly gets in touch with her feelings. Oh, and I hope she will confess first but I don't think she will have the guts to do so if Kai doesn't provoke her :|
Chapter 16: Kai doesn't let Kaemi rest even for a while, doesn't he? But it's good, the more they didn't time together, the more likely Kaemi will figure out her feelings :3
Chapter 15: Baekhyun and Kaemi are adorable together. But I still ship the girl with Kai ;; Why Baek had to kiss Kaemi?? It makes it all more complicated ><
Chapter 14: Won't this make Baekhyun fall for Kaemi more? I hope not ;; and Kaemi is considering being in a relationship with Kai, yay! ;3