Behind Those Eyes I Met You

She gave me that innocent smile as I looked at her lying comfortably on the crib.  "I can't wait to hear you say 'oppa'.  I will always protect you.  It's a promise".

Rain started to fall and darkness envelopes the whole place.  I can't see her smile, her little hands reaching for me, her eyes with innocence...Where is it?  Where are you?  I tried calling her but no voice is coming from my dry lips.

I opened my eyes while panting hard.  It happened again.  She appeared on my dream like the old times.  I keep on reaching her..But unlike what happened way back, I know that I can hold on her.  I will definitely get her back.  Just few steps forward. Just few more.



I yawned and get up quickly while running my fingers on my unruly hair, taking a quick glance on the alarm clock at my bedside table.  My eyes grew wide as I read the time.  8:45am.  I blinked, making sure my eyes is not faking what the clock says.  Geeze... I am late!!!



I hurriedly stand up and run inside the bathroom, straight to the sink and washed my face to wake my consciousness fully.  There are many pending jobs to review at the office..... Office... Office?


I stopped and looked at my reflection on the mirror in front of me.  Its Saturday.  But its not the usual office activity weekend anymore.  Oh, I totally forgot.  He is not here anymore, who is barging at my door at 6am every weekend, making sure I am in the company at exactly 8am to do some tasks.  Its no longer the usual.


"Babo IU."  I smiled sarcastically and wipe my wet face.  I went back to my bed and flopped my body on it.  First quiet lazy Saturday.  And unlike those usual teenagers, I don't have anyone to call on this kind of day to say "Hey friend, are you free today? Let's go shop or eat somewhere!."  Never had I experienced it.


"Is my life that boring?"  I mumbled and closed my eyes.  But before I could even go back to my sleep,  a knock on the door followed by omma's voice disturbed me.


"Jieunnie, Myungsoo said he wants the three of us to talk over breakfast.  I know you are awake.  Go downstair now."


What???  When did it happened that omma is fond of that Myungsoo, even following what he wants!  No way I would go on his order.  Talking about some matters at breakfast?  Is he nuts?  Can't it wait til dinner?


"Tell him I am sick.  You can talk to him if you wanted to.  Just spare me, even just for today."  I said, making sure I delivered my message perfectly.  I.Don't.Want.To.See.Him.


I heard omma's footsteps walking away.  Why she is being like that?  Is she treating Myungsoo as her son now?


"So what Lee Jieun!  He is the rightful one!"  My mind shouted,  giving me more cold feelings. Aigoo, why do I feel miserable? 


I rolled on the other side of the bed and buried myself on the pile of pillows then covered my body with the warm comforter.  I just wished its Monday already so I can go to school to forget how messed I am inside.  But even school is scaring the hell out of me.  Taeyeon's group always give me that threatening glares.  I am just waiting for the day I will walk on the school corridors hearing them talking about me as the adopted heir.  I sighed once again.


"C'mon Lee Jieun, you don't have to be scared.  Its the truth.  Even it hurts."  I really look stupid now talking to my own self.  But if its the only way to convince myself that everything is okay, that everything would be okay, then shall I keep talking to myself.  Ohh stupid me.  Its better if I just continue sleeping.  Or else I will be insane.


Knock. Knock.


What now?  Omma's back again?  I dared not to answer so she'll think I am sleeping.  I am not in the mood to talk to anyone.  I buried myself more in my bed as I heard the opening of my door after a minute of silence.  Omma is just too persistent today.


"I said I don't feel well omma.  Just let me sleep."  I said in my sleepy voice under my pillows.


"Its Saturday.  You are supposed to be in the office.  Are you really sick?"


I think Omma and Myungsoo's voice are the same.  Myungsoo???  I opened my eyes and peeked from my pillow.  There he was!! Kim Myungsoo is standing on the edge of my bed, with a worried expression.  Or am I hallucinating?  His face is still slightly swollen from my slap the other day.  Serves him right!


"Why should I go to your office?"  I mumbled, not moving from my bed.  "And how dare you stepped inside my room?  Get out.  I am taking a rest."


"Stubborn.."  I heard him chuckled, then he walked to my side table and put something.  Its a medicine.  Playing angel now, Kim Myungsoo?  Perhaps he got an ulterior motive for doing this.


"I am not sick."  I said truthfully and get up, not minding his eyes on me.  I am in my white pajamas, unruly hair, red nose and messy bed.  I glared at him.  He avoided my eyes and I feel that sudden awkwardness between us.  "Get out."


He chuckled more, the worried face is nowhere to be found anymore.  I must be really hallucinating a while ago. 


"Feigning illness to run away from your responsibilities?  Is that you, real Lee Jieun?"  There's a sarcasm on his voice that's boiling my blood early this morning.  He turned my back to me and get out of the door before I could argue with him. But what's the point?  I am actually in deep confusion right now too.  I am lost.  
"Why should I be lost without you appa?  Why did I became like this?"


I stand up and slammed the door close as I put the door sign outside that I usually leave hanging there when I put myself in quarantine to study.


"Don't disturb.  Working Brain."


*hops in*


Update update my subbies... I got a Powerwriter App on my mobile so I write updates even I am in the car or wherever when I don't have anything to do. :)

Mian again... story's pacing is slow.. 

I just got from a short holiday~  And I wrote many updates....

Please enjoy this chapter ne~

I love you guys~!

I am getting old... OTL. kyahahahahahaha....

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I will post chapter fourteen and fifteen today. :) I hope you'll like it...


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Chapter 24: I love this story
I will always support but please continue this story, OK? ^^