
Behind Those Eyes I Met You



“Leeteuk, kindly do me a favor please.  I will send my instructions through sms.  I am on my way to school already.  Meet me at the student lounge.  Thanks.”  I put my phone down and glance at the guy who’s sitting beside me at the backseat of the car.

“Who’s Leeteuk?” He asked.

I ignore him and send sms to Leeteuk.  This is so sudden.  Why didn’t I see it coming?  Why we have to go on the same school.  And never was I informed that he is already living in our house since yesterday.  Am I that busy and unaware?

“I heard you’re the academy’s president.”  He still keeps on talking.  Didn’t he notice that I don’t like talking to him?  He better shut up or he’ll see who I am really.

“And they called you Little Monster.  How did that happened?  Don’t people like you?”  I saw him smile again when I caught a glimpse of him at the rearview mirror.

The car stopped in front of the academy’s huge gate.  I uttered a “thank you” to the chauffeur before going out of the car.  I walked along the large pathway of the school going to the student lounge.  I can sense students’ hot eyes staring at me plus their loud whispering.  Usual scenario but something just caught my ears.

“Is he IU’s boyfriend?”

“New guy?  Punish by her again?”

“Is that her way to hook up with handsome guys?  Like what she did to Wooyoung oppa?”

What the hell are they talking about?  I stopped my feet and look around.  No, they are not looking at me but…

“Aren’t you going to tour me around the school?”

Yeah, right.  Kim Myungsoo is following me, gathering everyone’s attention with his dashing aura and playful smile.

“No, I am too busy to waste my time on you.”  This heir…is dangerous.  I know he is.  He got the large share on Appa’s money, why still bother to go at Crescent Academy?
“IU, good morning!”  I sigh in relief.  Good thing Leeteuk always come when I want to escape in a situation like this.

“Good morning.  This is Kim Myungsoo, new student.  Please accompany him in the faculty room, give him the handbook and orient him with our rules so we will not meet that often.  This is Park Leeteuk, the academy’s vice president.  Welcome to Crescent Academy.”  I bowed then signaled Leeteuk that I’ll go ahead to my classroom.  He answered with a smile and a thumbs up.  Looks like my Vice President is in a good mood.  Oh, that’s a usual thing.

“Hey Lee Jieun, I want you to tour me around here.  I am your brother!”

“Brother?”  I heard Leeteuk murmured.

It froze me on my feet.  He’s claiming me as his sister, when its not true.  What now?  Is he going to announce that I am not a real Lee?  Cursed you, Kim Myungsoo!

I turned around and give Myungsoo a killer glare.  It seems like he did get what I am pertaining.

“Brother.. A brother here since I am a new student and family member of Crescent Academy, right Mr. Vice President?”

Leeteuk nods, to my relief.  I sigh and leave.  Why problems don’t stop coming?  I feel like exploding anytime soon.

“You should call her IU, she don’t want being called with her real name.”  I heard Leeteuk orienting Myungsoo as they walked away my direction.  I shrug and check my phone. 

One SMS from Taecyeon.



Guess what!! I got a double update too for today!!  I will post the other one later this afternnon!!  It is (:33AM on my clock now!!  Oh my God Sun Junsuuuuuuuuuuu..... *Random Author moments*

This FF is too serious for me... kekekekeke.. ♥♥♥

I will be writing a new WooU/ILU FF soon on a lighter side.. I hope you will support it too.. so fighting for me and my randomness!!!

And I made a new subposter again.. but I will post it on chapter 19!!!

*IU's Gangnam Style*

sjgfkafshgkfhgksdfjgskdhgdksfghlsytiureyt... *LOLing*  Have you seen it my friends???  IU with PSY?


daydreamshs ~ deh... poor her.. *sniff sniff with you* *chuckles*

shushi_pilsuk ~ lets cheer for our Lee Jieun here......  hate his Apaa!!! uwaaaaaaaa........

MilkyCouple4ever  ~here's the update sweety!! sooner than you expected!!! and yeahhh.. how did that happen that Leeteuk loves IU?? uwaa..... 

happypink38 ~ This is episode 18 now sweetheart!!!!!!! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......... *runs around and hit the wall*

paopeo9 ~ yeahh.. so complicated.. I think my brain is cracking....... *LOLing*  Without complication, life is boring!!! *grins evilly*

so that's it for nowwwwwwwwwwwww.... I am gonna work first then update later again!!!!!!!!!!!!   

Oh God of Fanfics, please give me more readers and subscribers ne... Promise! I will be good!  I need inspiration!!  *on my knees, melodramatic background music*


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I will post chapter fourteen and fifteen today. :) I hope you'll like it...


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Chapter 24: I love this story
I will always support but please continue this story, OK? ^^