Chapter 12

Wishing You Were Here part 2 (Love Affair)



Ever since Tiffany came back from the US she has been acting strangely and Jessica took notice. After threatening to tell Taeyeon that Tiffany had kissed her while she was drunk, Jessica was able to make Tiffany tell her what was going on. That info has not been revealed to the readers just yet. On a side note, Taeyeon officially asked Tiffany out. 


Jessica stopped and stood outside the door. Her head lowered, her keys hung from her grip inches away from the lock. Tiffany had already gone in her room, but there she was, standing in the hallway. She closed her eyes and thought of the event that took place roughly 12 hours ago in the room next door. She remembered the tingling sensation of her lips when they touched Tiffany’s. She remembered the texture of Tiffany’s lips, the texture of her tongue. It was like God was playing with her. All she ever wanted was to share a kiss with Tiffany, but not then, not when Tiffany had Taeyeon, and especially not when she already had Yuri. 

Jessica’s reminiscences ended and her eyes shot opened when her memories led her to the painful looks in Yuri’s eyes. She has never been afraid of anything, well besides cucumber, she usually feared nothing. But she was scared last night when she met those eyes. She wasn’t afraid of Yuri’s angry look because Yuri didn’t look that way. She did something wrong and she knew, which is why she was scared. She never wished to hurt Yuri, not when Yuri loved her so much. It wasn’t right. It was wrong.

She took a deep breath, then unlocked the door and went forth to open it. When she entered, Yuri was nowhere in sight. Where did she go? She pondered as her eyes explored the empty room. She turned back around to close the door behind then walked towards the bed, which was formed by two smaller beds. After placing her purse down on the bed, she sat down and looked around the room clueless. Where is she? She pouted and bit her lips. 

Her usual self eventually kicked in and she started to lay down on the bed and once flat on her back, she was surprised. Her eyes glued to the ceiling, a ceiling with a center where four separate posters hung from. They were posters of them, together, smiling, and happy. She could’ve sworn she didn’t see them when she opened her eyes this morning. She must have just hung them while I was out. She smiled sweetly. 

Suddenly, Jessica heard the bathroom door squeaked and movements on the bed. She felt a hand placed on her hip then slowly towards her stomach, wrapping her whole body in an embrace. 

“Like it?” The figure asked and tightened her embrace around Jessica’s waist.

“It’s nice.” She said coolly, taking advantage of the fact that her lover could not see her to hide the wide grin plastered on her face. 

“If you don’t like it, I can take it off.” Yuri removed her arm from Jessica’s waist and was about to get up from the bed when Jessica suddenly turned around and held her down, their bodies faced each other.

“Yah, I didn’t say I don’t like it. Keep it.” 

“Mmm okay. Give me a kiss.” And slowly Yuri’s arm assisted Jessica’s body up and over to be on top of hers. She slowly lifted Jessica’s chin up with her right hand to see the latter’s face even more clearly. She moved the lose strands of hair behind her ears and observed Jessica’s beautifully sculptured face as the latter began to lean forward, complying to the request. 

The kiss started off lightly then deepened as time passed. However, it didn’t feel right to Jessica. Images of the night before kept repeating in her head, looping and looping. She soon broke off the kiss abruptly then looked at Yuri’s confused face and suddenly felt guilty again, not dared to face the latter. 

“What’s wrong?” Yuri asked as her hands cupped Jessica’s face. “Hmmm?” Her face showed both confusion and concerned. Is she ill? Or does she not like me anymore? 

Jessica did not respond and instead buried her head into Yuri’s chest allowing the latter’s arms to wrap around her back comfortably. And they stayed like that for a while, both in deep thoughts. 

Yuri finally realized what the situation was about and continued to hold on to Jessica. The truth? She was hurt from what she saw last night. She did not blame Tiffany because the poor girl was drunk but knowing that Jessica had once loved her, Yuri couldn’t help but to feel that stinging pain in her chest when she witnessed their kiss. 

“I’m sorry.” Jessica finally spoke, her voice cracked a little.

Yuri placed her left chin against Jessica’s forehead and brushed through the latter’s hair with her right hand. “I know you are. I understood the first time you apologized.” Her other hand patted Jessica’s back, hoping it would offer some sort of comfort. 

By this time, Jessica too, has wrapped her arms around Yuri’s body, holding her closely. “I feel so guilty that I don’t even know what to say to you anymore to possibly …”

“It passed, so just let it be. I know you like me and that’s all that I care about.” She lied. It was still there in her heart, the pain. But because she couldn’t bear to see Jessica cry from guilt, she must act strong and cool. 

“No, Yuri. I don’t like you.” Jessica paused and left the room silent for a brief few seconds before she spoke again. “I love you. I really do.”

The words of Jessica made her heart bloom and the pain in her chest eased. Yuri smiled from inside out with pure happiness as she tightened her arms around her lover. It wasn’t the first time Jessica had said that to her but each and every time she did, Yuri felt the same amount of joy. “I knew that.” She said coolly.

“And you…?”

“Huh? Oh. I love you too, of course.”

“And I’m very thankful for that.”

“I demand more PDAs.” Yuri suddenly spoke almost with a scoff, turning the previously romantic scene lighthearted and humorous.

“...” Jessica did not know why Yuri thought of such a random idea and therefore did not respond. But after pondering about all the things they’ve gone through the past couple of days, she figured she could give in to Yuri this time to make it up to her. “Fine.” 

“Oh really? You’re not just saying that?” She was surprised. It was just a stupid attempt thrown out randomly just for the heck of it and she didn’t actually expect to get what she wanted but this was…definitely favorable. 

“Whatever you prefer.”

“So I can like…hold your hands in public?”

“You already do that.”

“Call you my girlfriend in public?”


“Kiss you in public?”

“………………..only when no one is looking.”

“Then that doesn’t count as ‘public’!” Yuri sat up causing Jessica to sit up as well. 

“If it’s not in our room, it’s public enough!” Jessica reasoned.

“Fine. Fair enough.” She knew she was already getting more than usual and did not want to push it too far fearing it might backfire on her. “Now, can we go back to that kiss?” And before Jessica could say anything, Yuri had already pushed her down and quickly got on top of her.

“What? No! !”

“It’s not if it isn’t forced!”


“I’m coming up soon, TaeTae-yah. Stop rushing me, already!” Tiffany demanded as she speed-walked through the university gate from outside. Her right hand held her phone against her ear while the other occupied with a plastic cup with the Starbucks logo printed on it. 

“But I miss you already.”

“Your fault for not walking with me_” 

Before Tiffany was able to finish her sentence, or even close for that matter, her eyes stayed wide open as she witnessed the dark brown liquid from her cup slowly, or at least in her mind it was moving in slow motion, flew out and splashed against a white fabric shirt. She kept her eyes and mouth opened as she scanned the stained shirt then up to its owner. 

“Yah!” The owner of the shirt screamed and brought Tiffany’s attention back to reality. “Watch where you’re going!”

“Oh my God! I am so sorry!” The surprised girl suddenly spoke in English as if she had just lost the little Korean she had acquired the past couple of months she spent in Korea. After she realized her usage of English, she quickly bowed repeatedly and apologized again in Korean. 

When Tiffany heard multiple voices she realized she walked into a group of three girls and not just one. While cursing her clumsy self she looked up to see the frustrated face of the owner of the shirt she had just spilled coffee all over. The girl was standing in the middle and there were two other girls who were trying to clean the stain off. To her surprise, they spoke to each other in an unfamiliar language that she could not understand. I think it’s Chinese, or is it Japanese? Or wait…is it Vietnamese?! Wow Tiffany, your linguistic skill definitely needs to be improved. She thought to herself as she tried to decipher what the three girls were saying. 

The girl with the stained shirt finally looked at Tiffany then rolled her eyes. “You must be that American girl.” She spoke in accented English. 

“Um…yes?” Tiffany responded reluctantly and confused in English. She didn’t know she was that popular and even if she was, she wished it was because of something other than being known as “that American girl.” 

“How dare you look at her when you speak to her. Lower your head!” The girl on the left suddenly yelled. Her English, too, came with an accent.

“I’m sorry?”

“Do you not know who she is?” The other girl spoke.

“I don’t care who the hell she is but you guys are in no place to speak to my friend like this.” A sudden icy voice entered the scene surprising the original four participants. It was no other than Jessica who, with Yuri, overheard the conversation and couldn’t stand aside to watch her best friend being mistreated. 


“Oh look here comes two of your other gay friends.” The girl in the middle, and the owner of the stained shirt, remarked and once again rolled her eyes. She then looked over to Jessica and spoke. “And I can speak to anyone in any way I please. I could even do this.” 

Feeling the sting across her face, Jessica’s eyes widened. She did not think anyone would have the guts to dare lay their hands on her. She was about to charge at the girl in front of her when Yuri’s arm held her back. Her face turned to see her lover’s.

Yuri was already annoyed by the fact that her walk with Jessica had been interrupted by this group of three snotty looking girls. Not only that, she had to also endure with pretending to understand their conversation in a language she was not too familiar with. Slapping the girl she loved so much? She wasn’t going to let this slide. 

“Could it be…that you’re the Chinese Ambassador’s only daughter, Miss Victoria Song?” She asked courteously in Korean, the language that she was most familiar with. 

“Oh you are a smart one.” Responded, Victoria gave her an arrogant smirk. 

Yuri, too, smiled back. And when caught off guard, her hand swung across Victoria’s face causing her right cheek to immediate turn bright red. “I don’t give a damn who you are. But if you are to hurt my friends again, I will not let it go this easy.” She raised her voice and stepped forward till her face was centimeters away from Victoria’s. 

“Ni (you)!” Victoria pushed Yuri back, she glared at her with anger. 

“What, you don’t understand what I’m saying? Either you go back to China or learn some Korean if you’re going to stay here.” Yuri stated, scoffed, then rolled her eyes. “If you have nothing else to say, we will be leaving now.” And with that, she grabbed Jessica’s hand and led the way while Jessica used her other hand to drag Tiffany along. 

The other two girls said something to Victoria in Chinese but she shook her head and just stared at three Korean girls walking away from them. “I will take care of them myself.” She claimed, in her accented English. 


“Is your face okay?” Yuri asked as she placed her hand on Jessica’s burning right cheek. She rubbed it gently with her thumb. “That b_tch, I can’t believe she had the nerve to slap my girlfriend like that.” 

Jessica smiled. “You were so cool. I didn’t know you had it in you.” 

“Yeah Yuri, you were so manly.” Tiffany agreed as she tried to open the door to her room. 

“Does it still hurt?” Yuri asked once again.

“Of course it does.” She slightly pouted. 

“Well then, it needs a kiss!” She claimed and quickly gave her girlfriend a peck on her stinging cheek. 

“Yah!” Jessica resisted but Yuri was too fast for her. Only after the peck was she able to push Yuri away. “Stop taking advantage of me every chance you get!”

“Ew. You guys are too much.” Tiffany remarked and finally opened the door to her room with Taeyeon. “TaeTae-yah!” She yelled once the sight of a petite girl laying on her bed came into vision. 

“Don’t act like you and Taeyeon don’t do this.” Yuri said and with Jessica, she entered the room. 

Taeyeon sat up from her bed and smiled when she saw the girl she’s been waiting for. By the time she noticed the other two she tilted her head and raised a brow. “What are you two doing here?”

“Yah, if it wasn’t for me, your Tiffany wouldn’t be in one piece for you to see.” Yuri stated then crossed her arm. 

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Nikooool #1
Update plsss author-nim! Its been years already T_T
krish_09 #2
yea part 2 I need it
KimTaeNyHwang #3
I'm really desperate for a part 3 of this ?
KimTaeNyHwang #4
Please.... Please write a part three for this... I'm still waiting :)
snsd_soshi #5
Chapter 18: please~ update now~~ we were all waiting for it~ its been a long time though
gheibae #6
Chapter 18: I like your story. Update soon. I also like the way you wrote this story and the yulsic couple.
skysaber #7
Chapter 18: Please have a part 3 of this pleasee.. Im begging you.
Chapter 18: Please update soon author..
I will wait for it
Author please update this ? This story is good and i really really like a lot