Chapter Two


Ending of Last Chapter: Minho suddenly felt abandoned without Jonghyun here, it was lonely. Jonghyun had been the only friend he had ever thought he could count on his one true friend rather than some of the fake people around here.

"Hey Minho, if your nose is okay, want to go clubbing tonight." Another of the popular kids asked him, a male. Minho smiled too brightly, with too much teeth for it to be possibly real. But no one noticed.

"Sure, I'll come" He said, but how he wished he did not when he actually got there. 


Minho clutched at his head, it was currently pounding in time with the loud music which the club was playing at such a ridiculous volume that he could of sworn you could hear it in Japan. It did not help that he had a slight headache beforehand and the slight alcohol he had wasn't helping it at all but merely making him disorientated. He knew he should not have come, he disliked clubbing and he knew he would regret it. He had begun to regret it when they were driving up to it and the music was clear to hear long before the building came into sight.

He regretted it even more when they entered the building and it was crammed full with dancing bodies, most grinding against one another ually. The stench of sweat, alcohol and lay heavily around the dance floor. There was also some people clearly drunk already, some even throwing up, adding to Minho's disgust. Why did he agree to come here? He must have not been thinking straight. Some people may enjoy this but he was not one of them at all.

Also he was beginning to get claustrophobic with all the writhing bodies around him, especially the ones who decided to grind against, or try to dance with him, due to this he had quickly made his way to the bar which was also crowded but there was less... ual activities happening there than anywhere else. His 'friends' had made off somewhere else pretty quickly leaving him alone to be violated by these seemly -deprived people who seemed to all want a piece of him.

He practically collapsed at the bar, glad to be away from the so called 'dancing' which was more like than dancing, or in the case of some people the full out play... literally. The barmaid quickly sidled up to him, smiling flirtatiously, red lips thin from how wide the smile was and clearly contrasting against her white teeth.

"Do you want a drink darling?" She asked, Minho just nodded hoping that the loud music would fade slightly after a drink or two and that this place would become more enjoyable. Oh how he was right for the first one but not for the reasons he thought it would fade and the second one was completely wrong.


Lee Taemin sighed and looked at his front door which lead to his empty house where he lived alone. Hating being alone did not help with his living arrangements of only him in the large house which belonged to his parents who were abroad and have been for a long time. He had got a cat in order to get rid of the loneliness but despite how nicely he treated the cat it ran away. Just like everyone but Key. Maybe he should stop being nice, it was not helping him keep or gain friends really, so maybe he should try a different approach and be rude and mean.

But if he did, wouldn't Key run away as well, he groaned and sank to the floor, what was so disgusting about him which made everyone run away? It must be something, was he really that horrible or ugly that they just had to leave without a word? Was he not even worth a reason of why they felt they were leaving or an announcement that they were leaving?

He nearly punched the floor in frustration, it to be lonely and it more to come home everyday to an empty house which reminded him constantly of his loneliness by its sheer emptiness as it was devoid of what made a normal family home. People, it lacked people, it also lacked family photographs hanging on the wall, shoes flung by the stairs by a messy older brother, ornaments hung across the shelves. It could of merely been a showroom.

His phone rang startling him, people barely rang. He knew who it was though, even though people barely rang, Key was the only one who called but that was occasionally but he tended to just appear uninvited but by no means unwelcome. He would always welcome company... except perhaps Choi Minho.

"Key?" He asked answering the phone, there was a laugh on the other side of the line. A familiar laugh but one he could not quite place.

"Not quite." The voice said, again familiar but not quite recognizable. Taemin was shocked, no one had ever called him before aside from Key and even that was rare, so to now have a call from this currently unknown person (who he had no idea how he knew Taemin's number) was slightly frightening and making him nervous. Taemin's silence must of informed the person that Taemin was not going to say something anytime soon so he spoke again.

"Do you honestly not remember me Taemin?" The voice asked with a tone of amusement but the way he said it seemed sad, Taemin's eyes widened as he finally placed the voice.



Key cursed as his community service started straight away after school, and the fact he was cleaning the boy's locker room which was disgusting and there was grime all over his beautiful clothes and even in his hair. He knew he would always hate sport and this just made him hate it even more, eurgh, was that a week old sandwich stuffed down the side of the bench? In fact for all he knew it could of been a dead rat, it was hard to tell with all the grey fur, horrid smell and the odd bumpy shape.

All of a sudden he wished he had been suspended, but then he thought of poor Taemin who was always being left alone. Without the almighty Key where would the boy be? Ghosting around, lost, through the school hallways? Or worse, bullied again. With new found determination he cleaned the locker room with relish, imagining the dirt was Minho as he whacked it with his broom, mop and feather-duster. If there was one sport he would of been relatively good at it would be baseball and hitting the balls, but not the running. How he hated running.

But the relish did not stop him from squealing like a girl as he picked the dead rat/mouldy sandwich via two baseball bats held at arm's length and dropped it into his rubbish bag which was the seventh one that he gone through so far. Who knew boy's locker rooms were so disgusting and filled with rubbish. The good thing about it though was once he did it he would not have to do it again, thank however was up there for that.

Just as he was about to lock the room up, a short slightly older looking boy who resembled a dinosaur ran in and yelled in frustation as he looked arond and could not find whatever he could possibly be looking for. The dinosaur lookalike turned to Key with accusing eyes and looked at him.

"You. What did you do with my science project!" The dinosaur roared, like a puppy yelping which was rather hilarious. Key raised an eyebrow at the shorter boy.

"Science project? I haven't come across any science project, only rubbish." Key said, leaning over the dinosaur slightly hoping to intimidate him. Unfortunately the dinosaur did not seem affected and glared at him.

"It was a bag of mould I was growing in order to explain what growing conditions are best." He said, Key shuddered remembering that mouldy sandwich/dead rat thing. That was his science project? Gross.

"Well, if you want it, it's in one of the rubbish bags by the bin, have fun searching. Lock up after you will you, yeobo, ciao." Key grinned, throwing the keys at Jonghyun and giving a small wave as he left, the dinosaur glowered at him angrily. 

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Chapter 6: Please update soon!
EndlessFlame #2
Chapter 6: I really like this story! Like your other story it's got me insanely curious as to what will happen next and especially what the "incident" was not to mention how all the other characters come into play. I also feel like I should comment on the great writing. It's detailed without being droning and doesn't fail to reveal the characters' thoughts. I also like how well you have made the characters your own. I'll be eagerly looking forward to the end of your hiatus!
arinaabrar #3
Chapter 6: Y.Y i beg u . please update .
Aw. He thinks you're an angel, Tae! But he has no idea who you are though.. Curious why. Hm.
great job, poor Taemin he's gonna be really freaked out, update soon.
Loved it. Need help with the next chapter? PM me if you do! :)
OMO, what's going on, I can't believe it, why didn't Taemin just call an ambulance, you don't take the person home no matter how good you are, especially if they really hurt you at some point; and who is Onew, what does he do? can't wait for more, update soon. <3
I could try, if you'd like. But I have school now so I won't be able to write all the time. :/
I'd be happy to co-author on this ^.^ but idk how well I'd be able to write it ^^; Maybe I can just help with ideas?