Chapter 6



Taemin was regretting it. It had been a spilt second decision, he had not been thinking straight. He had been annoyed at Key, really annoyed so he did something to piss Key right off. He brought Minho home, besides he looked worst than he actually was, just wipe off the blood then its mostly bruises, he treated worse. Minho was a lot less scary unconscious as well. He could not hurt him if he was unconscious. There was just one thing he had not accounted for.
What happened when Minho woke up. He had to at some point and seeing as he had no idea where Minho lived he could not just drop him off at his house and pretend it never happened. It was foolish to only just call for an ambulance now as the wounds had been cleaned and bandaged already besides it would be a waste of their time when it could be used to save someone in an actual emergency. Someone who actually needed it.
They would also ask questions, he did not like that. He hated being put in the spotlight all the questions they would ask and how he would stammer and not be able to answer any. He would feel stupid and worthless. He wanted to call Key but he was mad at him and he had to keep up his strong front even if all that he wanted was some comfort from his umma figure.
Well Key was the one to abandon him first so he had to stay strong. It was odd really, Key had been the one person he had thought to never abandon him, he guessed he was wrong. He should of expected it, why should Key stay by him when no one else ever had? Why should Key be the first? He should have known better
Seeing as he had nothing to do with the body, saying like sounded as if he killed somebody but it just sounded so cool, he would have to do something with himself in order to protect himself from Minho. He made a barricade of pillows in order to protect himself, it was childish and Minho could easily break it down but it was the best he could do and it did make him feel a little bit safer.
He then waited on edge for Minho to awake, eventually just falling asleep from tiredness.
Minho awoke confused, he did not understand where he was. He had never seen this house before, he had seen a lot of houses but he knew for definite that he had never seen this house before as this house was different. It did not look lived in, it was a mere house rather than a home. There were no family photographs littering the walls, everything was bare but yet there was no dust so someone must live here.
He was made further confused as seeing as he had not seen this house that meant that none of his friends had taken him home.
It was also a completely different scenery to that of the alleyway he had been pulled into and beaten less, no this was not the same dank and dark alleyway with its looming shadows and putrid smell, no this was different, it smelt nice like vanilla with a hint of banana, it was light and completely dry. 
Also it was a house, so completely different. He would of thought he had been dreaming about the alleyway incident if not for the fact his clothes were torn and bandages where wrapped around his body. Also there was the pain.
The bandages concerned him as no one which he knew was able to do first aid not even his friend's parents, some of the  teachers may have but he doubt that his teachers would be around there. So he could have easily been abducted by some pedo ajusshi or ajumma. Which he did not like the idea of.
He sat up, rejecting it as he did so, the pain shot up the back and his stomach ached. He looked around, there was no sign of any thing indicating that someone else was here. Was he alone? Then he noticed a cute little fort made out of pillows set up upon a sofa, he stood up. His legs groaning in protest as he did so, he felt as if he had been run over by a pick up truck. Then reversed over. 
He hobbled over and was surprised to see an angel.
An angel lay there surrounded by a halo of assorted cushions and pillows, he was curled up in a protective ball his hands clutching at the sofa.  His angelic features stunned Minho for a moment, long eyelashes fluttered upon pale cheeks. He had never seen something as... cute before. Brown hair, with the hint of chestnut splayed out around his head.
I guess that I was no abducted by a pedo ajumma or ajusshi then, unless this angelic boy was a victim too, but I doubted it he did not seem at home here but he did not look like a captive...
I hovered over the angel staring at his face, he looked familiar but surely I would be able to recognise someone as angelic like him so I must have not seen him before. I started when I saw his eyes flutter open to reveal two deep brown orbs. I was frozen, how was I to explain why I was watching him in his sleep without seeming creepy? His eyes widened as he caught sight of me and he backed away as if frightened.
I felt bad for installing such fear into such a beautiful and delicate being, to me the boy was like glass or a butterfly. Beautiful to look at and admire but easily shattered.
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Chapter 6: Please update soon!
EndlessFlame #2
Chapter 6: I really like this story! Like your other story it's got me insanely curious as to what will happen next and especially what the "incident" was not to mention how all the other characters come into play. I also feel like I should comment on the great writing. It's detailed without being droning and doesn't fail to reveal the characters' thoughts. I also like how well you have made the characters your own. I'll be eagerly looking forward to the end of your hiatus!
arinaabrar #3
Chapter 6: Y.Y i beg u . please update .
Aw. He thinks you're an angel, Tae! But he has no idea who you are though.. Curious why. Hm.
great job, poor Taemin he's gonna be really freaked out, update soon.
Loved it. Need help with the next chapter? PM me if you do! :)
OMO, what's going on, I can't believe it, why didn't Taemin just call an ambulance, you don't take the person home no matter how good you are, especially if they really hurt you at some point; and who is Onew, what does he do? can't wait for more, update soon. <3
I could try, if you'd like. But I have school now so I won't be able to write all the time. :/
I'd be happy to co-author on this ^.^ but idk how well I'd be able to write it ^^; Maybe I can just help with ideas?