Chapter Four


A/N: SNSD's Gee and SuJu's Sorry Sorry are stuck in my head and they're merging into one. Also it's been a while since I updated this. Sorry.

Key felt frustrated, no make that severely pissed off. Not only did he have to spend an hour cleaning that hole because of that Choi Minho, the stupid dino had chased after him once he left and rugby tackled him to the ground, not only dirtying his clothes but messing up his beautiful hair as well. The reason? Well apparently Key annoyed him and he wanted revenge. The pabo. Add that to the fact Taemin would not answer his phone to him and the fact that he lost his chance to pummel Minho, life currently in the world of Key .

So he decided he needed a drink in order to let go of his troubles, and what better way than to go clubbing? It had all the things you could ever want, music, alcohol and . Just the way to calm down a frazzled mind, some people may disagree but that was his ideal view of stress relief. (A/N: Key and Minho have very different ideas on clubbing)

"You'll find out." The words gave off a dark and ominous vibe, it was completely different from the Onew Taemin used to know. What had happened to the soft dubu since he had left Taemin? To be honest he did not want to know and was concerned very concerned. The phone rang again, presuming it was Onew about to cause more confusion, panic and other emotions the elder caused to run havoc with Taemin's head and heart, Taemin ignored it. He did not want to know.

Key giggled slightly drunkly, he was not completely intoxicated but he was well on the way there, he fumbled for his drink as he made his way onto the dance floor gaining stares of awe and want as every guy and girl noticed him and his amazing and hip swings. He could still dance fantastically even when slightly drunk, if anything he danced just as well as sober just a lot more dirty.

He grinded against several different people who took his fancy and flirted with even more, he was having the time of his life. He loved being the centre of attention and he loved dancing, flirting and alcohol and he got it all in one. Life was good, very good. Finding out his glass was empty and seeing as he was not intoxicated enough yet for his liking he made his way to the bar. 

Where he saw a familiar and unwelcome face. Choi Minho. What was that jerk doing there, talk about a perfect night ruined. To make it worst the dino was moving to the bar, it was like all his troubles had caught up with him a lot quicker than anticipated. Seeing Minho shuffle uncomfortably as he sat on his bar stool, obviously not a club person, awakened this sadistic side of him when he did not know he had and he wanted to make the boy suffer. He sidled up to the boy and smirked evilly.

"Why hello Choi, what a 'pleasure' seeing you here." Key smirked sarcastically.  Minho turned and stared at Key, recongnizing him from the cafeteria where he had punched him across the nose.

"It's you from the cafeteria..." Minho said blankly before scowling, Key's face took on an expression of anger.

"Oh, you ing remember me but not my baby, well you." Key said rudely, his actions exgratted seeing as he was slightly drunk but not that exgraated. He swung a punch at Minho and hit. Repeatedly. Punch after punch he landed on Minho and he would of beaten him less to the apparent amusant of Minho's so called friends who were hollering in the background encouraging Key.

The dino, finally having made it to the bar from the dancefloor or anywhere else he could of came from, however seemed to be a proper friend to Minho and dragged him off as if he was merely a stubborn kitten. The dino was surprisingly strong for his short stature. A man in a suit and chubby-ish cheeks helped Minho up and dragged Minho elsewhere. Key seeing his prey vanish turned to Jonghyun and glared before poking Jonghyun roughly in the chest.

"Yah! Why did you stop me I was going to make him scream for his mommy." Key said angrily before hiccuping loudly, Jonghyun groaned seeing as he really did not want to have a conversation with a drunk guy. Especially an apparently angry drunk, Key poked at Jonghyun again "Yah! Are you listening?" He then fell into Jonghyun's arms before giggling as if it was the funniest thing in the world. He was almost in hysterics now.

"You know, you may look like a dinosaur..." Key began all giggly and hiding his mouth behind his hands as he laughed, Jonghyun gave him an unimpressed look. "But you're good enough for me." He then attacked Jonghyun's mouth and hurriedly shoved his tongue in without warning or permission. He kneed Jonghyun's crotch in an attemot to make him moan. He succeeded. Jonghyun's eyes were very wide as he pushed Key away softly. Key began crying, tears streamed down his face.

"I'm just not good enough for anyone am I?" Key choked, Jonghyun sighed deeply and wrapped Key with his arms into a comforting hug.

"You're good enough for me, you're better than anyone I've ever met, you may be even out of my league." Jonghyun said reassuringly whilst running his fingers through Key's hair soothingly.

"That's why I just don't want you to do something you'll regret as you're too good for that." Jonghyun said softly, Key looked up with beautiful feline eyes, still breathtakening despite the fact they were red and swollen from tears.

"Really?" He asked in disbelief, Jonghyun smiled."

"Of course."

"Can I stay over at your house? I don't want to be alone." Key said pityfully, Jonghyun shrugged."If you must."

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Chapter 6: Please update soon!
EndlessFlame #2
Chapter 6: I really like this story! Like your other story it's got me insanely curious as to what will happen next and especially what the "incident" was not to mention how all the other characters come into play. I also feel like I should comment on the great writing. It's detailed without being droning and doesn't fail to reveal the characters' thoughts. I also like how well you have made the characters your own. I'll be eagerly looking forward to the end of your hiatus!
arinaabrar #3
Chapter 6: Y.Y i beg u . please update .
Aw. He thinks you're an angel, Tae! But he has no idea who you are though.. Curious why. Hm.
great job, poor Taemin he's gonna be really freaked out, update soon.
Loved it. Need help with the next chapter? PM me if you do! :)
OMO, what's going on, I can't believe it, why didn't Taemin just call an ambulance, you don't take the person home no matter how good you are, especially if they really hurt you at some point; and who is Onew, what does he do? can't wait for more, update soon. <3
I could try, if you'd like. But I have school now so I won't be able to write all the time. :/
I'd be happy to co-author on this ^.^ but idk how well I'd be able to write it ^^; Maybe I can just help with ideas?