Chapter One


There were few things Lee Taemin disliked, well of course he disliked the usual things like war, death, pain, bullying, homework, embarrassment, no more banana milk when he reached the front of line, but there were few things such as people, food, music he disliked whilst most people disliked plenty some even claiming to hate some. But there was one thing, he severely disliked, closed to even hate. That was Choi Minho.

Choi Minho was the most popular boy in school, he was loved by everyone who knew him (aside from a few exceptions, Taemin being one of them), he was the vision of perfection. Smart, top of the class in most subjects; handsome, painfully so with his strong, cleanly shaved jaw, deep eyes and his stylish hair done in the latest fashion, not to mention his body to die for; sportive, leader of the football team and basketball team, third year running; kind, always helping those in need, especially the poor bullied nerds. 

Considering this, it was difficult to understand why Taemin disliked Minho so much, he was not the one to be jealous over Minho, after all he had his own talents and he was just as handsome, just in a more effeminate way. No that was not why he hated Minho; he would not hate someone over such a petty reason. As was mentioned earlier, Minho was always helping those in need... but most of the time Minho could not see the difference between helping and poking his nose in other's people business. That was not even it, Minho was more of an act first, think later person and when he 'helped' he did so by trampling in and often ruining the delicate state of balance. By doing which, he had managed to break up his two best friends which Taemin had been fixing their relationship quite well by gentle words and soft, cautious steps.

He hadn't seen Onew since and there had been plenty of tears and violence but Minho still took it as a success anyway and carried on as if everything was fine. He could not blame Minho for that, even though it was actually his fault, he had been trying to help (though he did so poorly). At least Jonghyun seemed quite happy now, although he could only see that from a distance as not only had Minho broken up Jonghyun and Onew, he had taken Jonghyun away from Taemin seeing as being with Taemin seemed to remind Jonghyun of Onew. No doubt one of Minho's stupid ideas, they had gotten fine for a while even after the break up, but then Minho suggested that the reason Jonghyun had not been healing was the fact he had been spending too much time with Taemin. Seriously what was that?

He did not hate Minho for that despite the fact he left Taemin alone with no friends to help him through in his first year of high school leaving to be bullied by the older children due to his effeminate looks, but he had not known that would happen, nor could he possibly know that would cause Taemin to become incredibly self-conscious and withdrawn.

But good had come out of that, that's how he had first met Key. Key had rescued him from the bullies, Key himself was slightly more effeminate than most but he threw the best right hook most have ever seen and he also had a mean swing with his satchel bag which was deliberately filled with heavy school folders and even a brick (to make it both hurt a lot when it hit your face and to grow out Key's arm and back muscles).

But Taemin had already been slightly scarred, he had been stupidly wary of his saviour, but Key had accepted that quickly and helped him gain some trust in people. He had to thank Key a lot, Key had helped him though lodes of . which Minho, however indirectly or directly caused or had a connection with... one of which had made him dislike him a lot...

Taemin sighed into his banana milk which he had bought, Key looked at him concerned.

"Taebaby, are you alright?" Key asked, placing a comforting hand onto Taemin's shoulder, Taemin looked up and nodded sadly. Key looked up and glared at Minho was sitting with the other jocks.

"You're thinking about the accident again, that bas..." Key began looking ready to throttle Minho, Taemin took a hold of Key's shoulder this time.

"Hyung, it's okay." He said softly, though inwardly he wish he could just let Key just strangle Minho, the accident was the cause of this hatred and the events which followed that made it worst. But he could not have Key fight all his battles, Key did not deserve the burden. Key gave a choked growl and clenched his fists.

"The only reason I'm not killing him now is you, Taemin, but trust me one more thing he does against you and he's getting a first to the face, accident or not." Key said, gritting his teeth and nearly banging his head against the table in frustration. Taemin winced, feeling bad that he was causing his hyung so much worry.

"Please don't do that hyung, he's still probably a good guy really." Taemin said hurriedly, he did not need any one else to get hurt because of him, it would just hurt too much and make him feel so guilty, Key frowned at him.

"Why are you so..." Key did not get to finish his sentence as tea was poured down Taemin's front, the culprit none other than Choi Minho, it seemed to be an accident, probably was an accident but the tears in Taemin's eyes from the hot tea made Key very angry and just remember what he had said earlier. He stood up ignoring the desperate pleas from Taemin and socked Minho right in the face hard enough to break his so called perfect nose. A horrified shout let out from a girl alerted everyone of this and a huge commotion started up. Taemin hurriedly grabbed Key and pulled him away stopping him from seriously harming Minho further, Minho rubbed his sore nose and glared at Key, his eyes shooting laser beams.

"What the hell was that for? It was an accident!" He hissed annoyed, that hurt like hell how can someone even punch that hard, blood was pouring from his nose steadily.

"You don't even recognize him! Do you?" Key yelled pointing at a suddenly embarrassed Taemin, who tugged on Key.

"Please, stop it, Key hyung." He begged to deaf ears as Minho then looked at Taemin and answered.

"Should I?" He said confused, that was the last straw for Key. He had had enough of Minho's stupidity, he had put Taemin through so much pain yet he did not even know his name, what was this crap? He suddenly broke hold of Taemin's hold and leapt on the popular boy attempting to kill him.

"Kim Kibum! This is not the behaviour that should be happening between fellow students, report to the head teacher's office now." A teacher yelled, Key's head snapped up and he was dragged from Minho by two burly jocks. 

"Taemin, don't worry, I'll be fine." Key said to Taemin smiling, Taemin looked at him in shock and feeling guilty. Now guilt was wracking at his chest, this was his entire fault that Key was getting into trouble, if only he had managed to hold on tighter or if better still he stopped it before it had even started, when the first punch was thrown. Girls where fawning over Minho now squealing in concern, guys crowded around him as well. Taemin stepped back feeling lost without Key, he never realized how little friends he had. Well, he only had one which was Key...

"Taemin, are you alright?" A familiar voice said from behind Taemin making him jump, he turned around and stared at Jonghyun with wide eyes. Jonghyun had not initiated talk with him for years now, why should he suddenly care?

"Why don't you see how your friend is doing, rather seeing how I'm doing?" Taemin said sourly pulling his arm away from Jonghyun, who looked at him shocked.

"Don't be like this Taemin, I am your friend." Jonghyun said looking at him worriedly; Taemin gave him a look of disbelief. Did he honestly think they were still friends after Jonghyun had abandoned him all alone and refused to talk to him for years?

"We're not friends, we may have been once, but not anymore, we stopped being friends long ago Kim Jonghyun." He replied coldly and walked away, Jonghyun's jaw dropped.

"But why, aren't we friends?" He asked annoyed, Taemin gave a thin lipped smile and a cold laugh which did not suit him at all and what Jonghyun could not remember ever seeing on Taemin before.

"Because, hyung, firstly Onew left because of you and your friends, secondly you left me to fend for myself and thirdly you avoided me for years despite me trying to talk you. You missed your chance." He said. Jonghyun stared as Taemin walked off, he did not realise Taemin had felt like that, although now Taemin had said it it was hard not to see how he could not feel like that. He was a douche wasn't he? He turned back to Minho, before walking off. He needed to clear his head.


Key opened his mouth in shock. Suspended! For a whole entire week! Taemin could not last a week without him! Taemin could hardly stand a lesson without him, Taemin had gotten so reliant on Key, Key being the only really caring person in his life.

Taemin lived alone, his parents living abroad or something only really acknowledging Taemin to pay for his accommodation and food, which Taemin was incredibly grateful for but it was not the love he either wished for or required. Taemin had an older brother but he did not care for his fragile younger brother and he had left soon after their parents had.

Taemin had no one but Key and the poor boy kept being left again and again. First his parents, then his brother, Onew, Jonghyun heck even his cat had left the poor boy. Taemin didn't seem to realise how deeply it affected him. It destroyed his trust of people and left him with abandonment issues. It pained Key to say but he was sure Taemin thought he would leave almost constantly despite all the reinsurances he gave him. It had been years yet he had not gained Taemin's full trust, but he still had more trust than anyone else. Taemin even took baths when he had Key was there, that was a huge step, Taemin had not felt comfortable in larger quantities than a water bottle ever since... the accident.

"Sir, I need to look after Taemin! I can't be suspended, he needs me!" Key nearly yelled, hoping that his desperateness world help the teacher reconsider.

"Lee Taemin, the poor boy who had been caught up in that dreadful incident?" The teacher, his eyes suddenly more soft, yet his tone was still sharp. Key nodded.

"Please sir, he can't handle school without me! I'll do anything!" Key pleaded, the teacher frowned and seemed to consider it.

"Fine, you'll be doing community service for an hour after school, for a week." He said "At least you'll be doing something constructive. But I hear any word of another incident like this, you will be suspended and you will be separated from Mr Lee, do you understand?"

“Thank you, sir, thank you.” Key said cheerfully and he bowed respectfully before leaving, the teacher sighed and looked out the window once Key was clear from his office.

"The things I do for you, Lee Jinki."


Minho watched though the crowd that had been surrounding him as the boy, that diva like guy had punched him for. He did look slightly familiar but he could not place where he had seen him before. He watched slightly surprised as Jonghyun approached the boy and actually spoke to him but soon getting in an argument. That did not suit his image of the boy from the short fight with the diva, he was trying to stop it so why would he cause a fight with Jonghyun? Jonghyun must have said something upsetting or rude again, he just did not seem to realize what was too far sometimes. Silly dino. He watched concerned as the boy shook Jonghyun off before stalking off, a dark aura around him. Jonghyun looked like a kicked puppy and looked over at him before too leaving but in the opposite direction. Minho suddenly felt abandoned without Jonghyun here, it was lonely. Jonghyun had been the only friend he had ever thought he could count on his one true friend rather than some of the fake people around here.

"Hey Minho, if your nose is okay, want to go clubbing tonight." Another of the popular kids asked him, a male. Minho smiled too brightly, with too much teeth for it to be possibly real. But no one noticed.

"Sure, I'll come" He said, but how he wished he did not when he actually got there. 


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Chapter 6: Please update soon!
EndlessFlame #2
Chapter 6: I really like this story! Like your other story it's got me insanely curious as to what will happen next and especially what the "incident" was not to mention how all the other characters come into play. I also feel like I should comment on the great writing. It's detailed without being droning and doesn't fail to reveal the characters' thoughts. I also like how well you have made the characters your own. I'll be eagerly looking forward to the end of your hiatus!
arinaabrar #3
Chapter 6: Y.Y i beg u . please update .
Aw. He thinks you're an angel, Tae! But he has no idea who you are though.. Curious why. Hm.
great job, poor Taemin he's gonna be really freaked out, update soon.
Loved it. Need help with the next chapter? PM me if you do! :)
OMO, what's going on, I can't believe it, why didn't Taemin just call an ambulance, you don't take the person home no matter how good you are, especially if they really hurt you at some point; and who is Onew, what does he do? can't wait for more, update soon. <3
I could try, if you'd like. But I have school now so I won't be able to write all the time. :/
I'd be happy to co-author on this ^.^ but idk how well I'd be able to write it ^^; Maybe I can just help with ideas?