
NU'EST high school Drama's Romance

   The Nu'est guys was at school again but was not in there Music class,how do you know if some one loves you asked Hyun looking at her friend Mayumi,i dunno i guess is because they alwasy with you and your never alone.Hyun mouth drop open,you know i realized that these days Ren is always with me,andhe already kissed me.Mayumi eyes open wide:O YOU SERIOUS shouted Mayumi as Hyun nodded her head.But i kinda like him to replies Hyun at this point Jr was walking by with the guys and heard the whole convosation so i guess Ren heard as well.Ren smiled to himself hearing that Hyun likes him its looks like i got a new gf,Ren wisppears to Aron.Ha aha  i know who is the lucky girl he replies and winks at him.No way i have to say i love you to hear first befoore she goes off with Uggh that Ren guy,thought Jr,as he leave the guys and walks to Hyun.Whats with him asked Baekho as they watched him leave.Aron knew that jr likes the same girl,it looks like you've got compition he said to Ren,but Ren was confused but he knew that he was gonna get her face so he ran after jr hoping to reach there first.Its looks it'a a race asked Mihyum looking at Aron as he just nod his head,but i have a feeling Ren would get this one.

    Hyun was taking out her Music books untill she heard foot steps and saw Jr,Bye says Mayumi as she left them alone,Mayumi really could not stand the Nu'est guys cause she thought they were bullies,Hey said Jr,Hi replies Hyun,i gotta go okay she finished off as she was about to go.Ugh i cant let her leave at least not untill i tell her i love her.Jr thought so he pinned her against the Lockers.Hey i've got some thing to tell you said Jr,what is it,terrified Hyun looks at him,I,I,I,he was about to say I lvoe you but they heard foot steps and it was Ren.Hi says Hyun to Ren as Jr un pinned her.Hey, LOOK I LOVE YOU SO MUCH WOULD YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND AND LOVER FORE LIFE ,shouted Ren,as Hyun eyes got open.NO I LOVE HER MORE shouted Jr ,No you dont replies Ren.Uggh guys whats going on and wait Jr you love me but i thought you already have a girlfriend question Hyun looking at him. I dont replies Jr, Hyun sighed ,look i'm sorry but i have a crush on Ren.Hyun finally said as she walked up to Ren and kissed him on the cheeks as Ren smiled brightly and hugged her tight.Angry Jr just walked off.

Mean while the guys was was spying from behind,See told yah that Ren would get this one,Aron then showed Monkey face at Bakho and Minhyum

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Midnightxoxo #1
thank you for telling me i'll fix it right away,btw have you read it yet i hope you enjoyed it
Nikkilovesshinee #2
Theraps wrong. Its"this is a story about a dwarf and a a giant but its gonna end just like david and goliath so keep up with my pace dont lag wile E coyote cuhz like road runner im fast"