Crazy Fans

NU'EST high school Drama's Romance

     After Hyun Spotted Ren she quickly ran away and forgot that nothing happens but she was curious about that cutie,so she then headed to her class and was about to take out her books but her Professor walks in . Good Morning class lets begin on maths today,he started as the class Ughed disppointed cause they wished it was P.e where they could just play sports.Hold on before we begin we have some new students here.Hyun good friend name Mayumi was sleeping untill she heard"New students" She quickly jump up. Hyun looked at her and give her a wtf look wrong with you as she laughs so hard forgetting that she was in class,The Professor looks at Hyun and says okay if you wanna be like an then you should show these new students around as punishment. Hyun guys widen in shock,daam thats punishments i wonder what it would be if its not punishments like rewards mumbles a guy in class causes the Professor to look at them.I have one one for you to,Detention!. The guys widen thier eyes as they nod there heads slowly in agreement..Then we heard a knock on the door the Professor opens it and we saw the new students. "Welcome",he then bow to them causing Hyun to giggles"pretending to be a good person huh" LOL. Guys whhy dont you introduce yourselves.The new guys nodded in agreement.Hi my name is Jr,and this is Aron, he pointed to the guy with hair a lil spikey,this is Minhyum,up next was a guy who was looking simular to him,this here is Ren.The last guy he pointed had golden hair but seems familiar,though off Hyun as she eyed him down from head to toe.OH NO ITS HIM :O its Ren from NU'EST. Hyun shouted as all the girls scream."Crazy fans mumbles Jr as Ren giggles and waves at them saying Hi cuties he then winks at them. Later down the day the guys were like singing auto graphs like crazy but Hyun could not keep her eyes off Ren.

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Midnightxoxo #1
thank you for telling me i'll fix it right away,btw have you read it yet i hope you enjoyed it
Nikkilovesshinee #2
Theraps wrong. Its"this is a story about a dwarf and a a giant but its gonna end just like david and goliath so keep up with my pace dont lag wile E coyote cuhz like road runner im fast"