Jr's Point off View

NU'EST high school Drama's Romance

     i seated in a chair in the middle off the meeting room since today was Friday i could not care less about going to school but stay at the Nu'est head quarters fustrated i got up an get my phone to text my cousin Aron. i'm the leader here i can do what i want, .HEY WHEN YOU DONE MEET ME HERE AT THE HEAD QUARTERS, i texted more like shouted if he's reading it.I was bored so i decided to walked in Ren's room to see what he has(he then laughs to himself and walked in to Ren's room).I look around saw nothing interesting untill some thing caught my eyes (so he picked it up and his mouth open wide),OH MY GOD THATS HYUN,but why is she with him smiling,and why is his arms around Hyun,My Hyun,i thought.(So Jr put back the picture where it was).I dont know why i'm feeling like this,i suddenly felt a vibration on pocket and realize it was my phone ringing so i picked it up an answered.Yah its Jr what you want,i said Angryly.Dude were almost at the head quarters and were bringing Hyun with us.Why i asked songing concern,Because Ren ask her to come with us and she agreed.:O Ugghhed that Ren guy,i said by mis take hoping that he didnt here me.What was that Aron question,Uuuh Ah! nothing i replies,but said You bastard in my mind.

Then five minutes later the guys walked in the Meeting room looking at me,what do i have a poopy on my face i asked looking at them.Uuuh No replies Ren,But what is a Poopy asked Baekho.:O DONT TELL ME YOU WATCH AND POOPY REALLY MEANT, Aron then looked around and realized Hyun was there he did not want Hyun's innocent ears to hear this.Okay Shut up i shouted at Aron,Number one , I dont watch number two.O O I CAN  SAY NUMBER TWO jumped in Mihyum,go ahead say it i replies.POOPY MEANT . This everyone was looking at him with widen eyes as Hyun fainted.

:O HYUN shouted Ren as he picked her up,I was afraid that would happen thought Aron.

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Midnightxoxo #1
thank you for telling me i'll fix it right away,btw have you read it yet i hope you enjoyed it
Nikkilovesshinee #2
Theraps wrong. Its"this is a story about a dwarf and a a giant but its gonna end just like david and goliath so keep up with my pace dont lag wile E coyote cuhz like road runner im fast"