Chapter 9


25 April 2011

To: Hana

Haven't heard from you...


26 April 2011

To: Hana; Hyunki

It's my birthday... Just kidding :D


28 April 2011

To: Hana

Are you that busy? Can't you at least text me back?


2 May 2011

To: Hana

I tried to call you, but you never answered. Where are you?


To: Hyunki

I can't reach Hana. Can you?


5 May 2011

To: Hyunki

You're gone too? Where the hell are you? Haven't heard from any of you for weeks.


7 May 2011

To: Hana; Hyunki

Is this some kind of your lame joke? Because my birthday was last week, you know... Anyway, I'm leaving to Japan tonight. We're starting our tour in three days.


9 May 2011

To: Hana

Where are you? I'm worried.


19 May 2011

To: Hana

Tonight is the last concert. I'm going back as soon as I can and I'll check up on you immidiately. 


20 May 2011

To: Hana

Your manager said you're taking a break from your current activities. Are you okay? What's going on? Answer my calls!!


21 May 2011

To: Hyunki

You cancel your album? What the hell?!


To: Hana; Hyunki

What the hell is wrong with you two? Did I do something wrong? I'm worried, okay? You two don't reply my calls, my texts, and I don't know what to do. Something is up with you two, right?


From: Hana

I'm fine, Dae. I went to Busan with my parents. Don't worry. I'm sorry.


To: Hana

Are you sure? You've been gone for a month! Hyunki cancels his album. What's wrong with him? What's wrong with you?


To: Hana

You're ignoring me again?


"Damn." Daesung sighed. He tossed his phone abruptly to the space on the couch next to him. He laid his head and closed his eyes. He put his hand on his forehead.

Everything was confusing him. He had been dying to get any news about Hana and Hyunki for a month and he couldn't even show it in front of s because they were going through a lot. Big Bang had so many things to do for the rest of the year. Tons of plans. He didn't want to screw anything up with his own problems. So, he had to take care his own problem. 

"Damn!" he cursed again while standing up, half jumping. He took the TV remote on the table in front of him and threw it to the door. It made a loud sound.

He was surprised when the door of the living room in Big Bang's dorm was harshly opened.

"What the hell, man?" GD stood at the doorway. TOP and Taeyang stood behind him with the same confused look, while Seungri popped his head from behind the door.

Daesung needed five seconds to process everything in his brain, to be Daesung he always be. Then, he gave them the biggest smile, like always.

"Guys, you're home!"

TOP pushed GD aside gently and walked in. "Cut the crap, Dae, what was that?"

"What was what, hyung?" Daesung asked with a light tone. He was used to it. He was used to act like he was fine.

"The remote. What is it doing on the floor?" TOP asked with a serious voice. He stood only two meters away from Daesung. The other members walked in and stood next to him but a little bit behind so it looked like they were supporting TOP to talk their concerns out.

"Oh! I actually tried to look for it. You know, the maknae is a little bit irresponsible about keeping things stay in their places, so the remote was tucked in between the couch and when I pulled the pillow, it flew right to the door," he explained it and laughed at the end of it.

"I didn't watch the TV today! I didn't even touch our TV since we went to Japan!" Seungri pouted.

Daesung grinned at him. "Really, Ri? Oh, sorry, my bad." Daesung walked toward the remote, but he was stopped by TOP's hand on his shoulder.

"How are things with Hana and Hyunki?" he asked with a concern tone.

"Fine," Daesung chuckled, "why do you ask?"

"We're worried," Taeyang replied.

"And why is that?"

GD shrugged. "We don't know. You tell us. Should we be worried about you? Do you need any help? Advice, maybe?"

"Dae, come on," TOP took his hand away from Daesung with pleading eyes, "you've been doing this for years!"

Daesung chuckled again, but this time he sounded frustrated. "Doing what, hyung? You guys really need to relax!"

"And you need to start telling us what's going on in your head! Then, you tell us to relax!" GD spoke while taking a step closer to Daesung. He looked as frustrated as Daesung.

"I am fine! I am okay! I am great! My life is awesome! How am I supposed to explain it to you guys?" He gave them a sarcastic laugh.

"You're lying, hyung," Seungri spoke up for the first time since the atmosphere got tense.

"I'm not lying, Seungri!"

"That's it, I'm calling Hana." TOP turned away and started walking to the door while taking his phone out.

"Leave her alone, hyung," Daesung asked with a soft voice.

TOP turned back to look at Daesung. "You know we're all in this together, Daesung, since the very beginning! Maybe we can't make everything's fine like how it used to be, but at least we're here to help you get through this! But you've got to start talking, Dae! You said we're brothers, right? Bullcrap!"

Daesung looked away from TOP. He was mad. He wanted to hit something, but it was not his habit to start kicking and hitting something when he was upset. He wanted to yell, but.......he didn't know what to do. "I'm tired," he said while looking to the ground.

"We don't have to go through this if you're easier to talk to, Dae. We're not judging you, we just care about you. We want to help," Taeyang's soft voice was not even helping his emotion at all.

"Hyung," Seungri walked to him and touched his arm, "what's wrong?" he asked softly.

Daesung looked at him. "Something is up with Hana and Hyunki and I have no idea what it is all about. They're ignoring me, they're not talking to me about what happens. It's just frustrating." He took his phone and walked away to his room. s didn't say anything to him anymore.

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ronnie123 #1
Sorry for the late update. I was busy with my college preparation but it's all done now. Enjoy!
Kikikiki #2
Oohh finally u update this story!!! I'm really dying to know what happen next.. Your story is simple yet feel so real.. Keep it up..
Anxiously waiting for next chapter!!! :D