Chapter 7


A week later...


Hyunki put down his spoon after the last bite of his food. He grinned at Hana who was sitting right in front of him, like a child.

Hana, still half asleep, glanced at him and then looked down to her own food. "What?" Hana asked coldly.

Hyunki pouted. "Yah! What's with the attitude?"

"Nothing," she mumbled.

"Yeah, right. What is it?"

"I'm just tired and you woke me up just to have dinner with you. And you didn't even buy me sushi to make it up to me!" she said, grumbling. She sighed. "Daesung always gets me sushi," she mumbled again.

Hyunki was about to laugh because of her spoiled attitude. She looked cute. Until he heard the last part. He lost his smile. He just hated that name. He hated the fact that that name came out from . He looked away, then back at her. He was about to explode.

"He comes here often? Don't tell me that you do this with him every week."

Hana shrugged. "We're planning to." She started to put her food inside ."

"Yeah, Daesung always knows what to do, huh?!" he stood up and pushed his chair hard until it fell down.

Hana looked up to see his angry face. They were looking into each other's eyes. Hana was confused. What did she say that would make him this angry? She could see in his eyes that he was actually holding something down. Maybe his madness. Maybe he was going to turn the table around and hit her. Or maybe he was going to throw something away. She was not sure. Whatever it was, it was crazy.

"Hyun-" he walked away to the door, "ki?" And he slammed it hard, leaving Hana with her confuse mind.

She couldn't look away from the door, hoping that it was just one of Hyunki's lame jokes. Maybe in ten seconds he'd open the door again with some stupid face. But, he didn't.

Her phone rang and she answered it right away. Maybe, just maybe, this time was really Hyunki.




"Yeah, it's Seungri, noona."

Hana gave Seungri a tired sigh. Seungri and Hana, they never ended up good. Seungri always tried to flirt her. Well, other girls fell easily for him, but with Hana, Seungri considered her as his biggest challenge. In the end, Hana would just walk away from Seungri. What does this kid want?

"What is it, Seungri?"

"Noonaaaaa! Don't be too fierce to me!" Seungri pouted, "It's about Daesung hyung. He's sick. Yongbae hyung wants me to ask you if you could take care of him tonight because we have interview on radio station."

"I'll be right there."

"See? If it's Daesung hyung you'll be ri-" Hana hang up even before Sungri could finish his line.




Hana pressed the bell of Big Bang's apartment. The door was opened right away by TOP who already wore one of his favorite suit.

"Seungri said you're going to an interview on radio station, don't you think you're too...neat?" Hana asked.

TOP rolled his eyes. "He's in his room, fighting with Jiyong and Yongbae." He stepped aside so Hana could walk in.

"Seungri said he's sick," she mumbled while walking in.

She'd been there before so she didn't need any guide from TOP where to go. She passed Seungri who was sitting on the couch watching TV. He was about to say hi to Hana, but Hana just waved her hand at him for him not to say anything. Sungri closed his mouth again. Daesung's room was right down the hall. The door was opened and she could heard some arguments came out from the room. Hana stopped outside the door and looked inside.

Daesung stood in front of his closet. He was holding some jackets. GD held his arm and wrist, not letting him to move from where he was. They were arguing. Taeyang stood next to GD and just scratched his head. Sometime, he defended GD. Daesung realized there was someone starring at them from the door and it was Hana. Daesung looked to the door and then looked away quickly when his eyes met with Hana's. He put his hand down. GD let him go too and looked to the door. He looked relieve to see Hana was there. Yongbae smiled at Hana, gladly.

"Hana!" GD yelled happily at her.

"You're here!"

"You even called her?!" Daesung looked at his hyungs.

GD looked back to Daesung. "Someone needs to take care of you tonight."

"But, I can go with you guys! I want to go!"

"Say that to your mess in the bathroom," Taeyang replied.

"He keeps throwing up since morning," GD explained to Hana.

Hana nodded and looked at Daesung who was already looking down. He looked pale and weak. Well, he could stand up, but maybe in a few more minutes he'd brake down and they'd need to take him to the hospital. Hana knew it. "I'll take care of him."

"But, I'm fine!" Daesung looked up to her like a little child.

"You guys should go now," Hana ignored him.

GD looked at his watch. "Ah! You're right! We should go now, Yongbae!" GD dragged Taeyang to the door.

"Hyung~" Daesung walked faster than GD and blocked the door with his body, "don't leave, please, I want to come too! Ple-" Daesung stopped talking. He held his mouth with his hand. But, he couldn't hold it any longer so he just ran quickly to the bathroom across the hall.

Hana sighed. "Oppa, you should go now before he comes out and tries to go with you guys again."

Taeyang and GD nodded. They walked fast to the front door, giving sign to Seungri and TOP who was waiting near the hall.

"You know our numbers, right?" Taeyang asked, looking at Hana who just nodded, "Call us if he gets worse, okay? Our managers will send car if you think you need to take him to the hospital."

"We'll end the interview and come home right away," TOP said.

GD walked out of the door to the elevator and pressed the button down. s followed him behind. They all looked back to Hana who was just leaning on the door.

"We're sorry to leave you with him while he's sick," GD said. He looked upset himself but he needed to be responsible with the schedule. They all did.

Hana nodded and tried to smile brightly. "Don't worry, he won't leave his bed until tomorrow morning. Leave it all to me."

They got into the elevator and smiled at her. "Thanks, Hana, you're the best." GD said again.

"I know I am," Hana waved at them.

Once the door closed, she shut the door and walked back to the hallway. Daesung was still in the bathroom, dealing with his own puke. Hana knocked the door gently.

"Dae, you need anything?" She only could hear Daesung mumbling something. "Can I open the door?" There was a long pause before Daesung said a clear but weak yes.

Hana opened the door to see Daesung leaning against the wall, next to the toilet. He looked up to Hana and smiled weakly.

"They're gone, huh?" he asked in quiet.

Hana walked and kneeled down in front of him. "Yeah, I'm sorry, but you can't go with them. Not like this." Hana ran her fingers through his black hair. "But they promise that they will come home soon, so you wouldn't miss much. They don't want you to get worse." She gave him a motherly smile.

Daesung looked down to his hand on his stomach. Something was moving inside of it and it was going to come out anytime soon. Hana looked down to his stomach too.

"You still need to be here? Or we can go back to your bed now?"

"I think- I need-" he held something down inside his throat, "I need a few more minutes here," he finished it in one breath before he pushed her lightly and threw everything out again to the toilet.

Hana stood up and rubbed his back gently. After a few minutes, she flushed the toilet and everything inside of it. She helped Daesung to stand up and walked him to his bed. When they arrived there, he threw his body on his bed and drowned his face on his pillow. Hana took his blanket and covered his body wiith it.

"You try to sleep. I'll make you something, okay?"

He nodded inside his pillow. She ruffled his hair before walking away to the kitchen.

Hana didn't realize that but her lips twitched up seing him like this. It was not because she felt happy that he was sick, but it was because he needed her. Daesung needed Hana. And Hana had to take care of him.

She got back with a cup of hot tea, medicine, and a bowl of soup. When she entered the room, Daesung was already asleep. She didn't have the heart to wake him up. She sat next to him and shook his body lightly.

"Hey, Dae." Hana touched his forehead. He felt warm. "Daesung, please wake up for a while," she said gently.

Daesung tilted his head and opened his left eye. His vision was blurry. So, he opened both of his eyes and looked at her clearly. Then, he nodded. He sat up and took the medicine and the tea from her hands.

"Are you hungry?" She grabbed the soup and ready to spoon it into his mouth.

"No," he shook his head weakly. He smiled at her. His eyes were gone because the smile was so big.

"Are you really sick? How can you smile that big?" Hana giggled.

He shrugged. "I told you I'm fine. I think I just ate something bad."

"I can see that and it was something really bad, huh? So, can you please eat?" Hana lifted her hand to show the spoon on it.

Daesung gave her an uncertain glance. But, in the end, he opened his mouth and ate. Hana smiled. And that was all that matter for Daesung, seeing her smile, not her worried eyes. Even though, she didn't show it to Daesung, he knew if he was sick, it bothered her so much. 

After Daesung was done with his food, Hana took all the dirty plate and glass to the kitchen. She walked back to his room. Daesung was sitting on the edge of his own bed, looking outside the window. When Hana reached his door, he looked at her and smiled.

"I ate something really bad," he said in a light tone.

"You want to throw up again?"

"No," he shook his head, "I don't want to throw away your food in my stomach." He giggled like a little boy who tried to get his mother sympathy after making some innocent mistakes.

Hana smiled. "Why don't you go back to sleep? I'll be right outside."

Daesung tapped his side, asking Hana to sit there. Hana obeyed. She walked and sat next to Daesung. Daesung laid his tired body and pulled up his blanket. Hana pulled up his feet and got inside the blanket too. In the end, she decided to just lay his head in Daesung's pillow.

"Tell me things," he said, looking up to the ceiling, "your voice can calm me down."

Hana chuckled. "Do you remember that time when Hyunki got chicken pox and our parents didn't let us to go near his house at all?"

Daesung hummed. "We didn't listen to them." He smiled while closing his eyes slowly.

"Yeah," Hana smiled too, "and when we got the chicken pox, all we did was blaming him for that. Poor, Hyunki. If we did listen to our parents, we wouldn't have to blame him at all." Daesung hummed.

Hana glanced at him. He was quiet. His breath was stable. Maybe, he was asleep already. But, Hana kept talking, telling some memories that suddenly showed up in her mind. Until she was tired talking. Until she couldn't even let her self awake anymore.




"We're home!" GD opened the front door.

"Noona?" Seungri stepped inside first. He looked at the kitchen, there were some dirty dishes. "Listen!" He looked at his hyungs who stared at him curiously.

"What?" TOP asked.

"Nothing! No sound!" he said dramatically.

"This baby," Taeyang waved his hand at him and walked inside the dorm. GD, TOP, and Seungri followed him.

They walked down the hallway. The bathroom door was opened and the light was on brightly. Daesung's door was opened too, but the light only came from the small lamp next to the bed. They all stopped in front of the door, looking at the two people who was sleeping peacefully on Daesung's bed. They sighed, feeling relieve. They knew calling Hana would always be the best answer for Daesung.

"Hyung," Seungri spoke. The hyungs only hummed, ignoring him. "They're not...dead, are they?"

Taeyang, GD, and TOP looked at him weirdly. They stayed quiet for a while. Seungri realized.

He looked at his hyungs one by one. "You know, like Romeo an Juliet?" he said innocently.

TOP slapped him on the head. GD was about to scream his heart out before he remembered about Hana and Daesung who was sleeping.

"What kind of question is that? Don't you see they're breathing?!" GD whispered but it was a really loud whisper, making Hana yawned and Daesung changed his position. Good thing they didn't wake up. "See? Are those looked like dead people to you?!"

"Aish, what do I have to do with this kid?!" Taeyang said, walking away from them to his room.

Seungri looked confuse, he was just scratching the back of his head where it got hit by TOP. GD walked away to the kitchen.

"Close the door!" TOP whispered before following GD to the kitchen.

Seungri shrugged. He was just being innocent! But he obeyed his hyung's order. He closed the door and walked to his own room.

The night was finally off.

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ronnie123 #1
Sorry for the late update. I was busy with my college preparation but it's all done now. Enjoy!
Kikikiki #2
Oohh finally u update this story!!! I'm really dying to know what happen next.. Your story is simple yet feel so real.. Keep it up..
Anxiously waiting for next chapter!!! :D