Chapter 1


Daesung was sitting quietly on the couch. The changing room was very crowded at the moment. And it wasn't even two hours before the concert started.

He could see his leader, GD, was walking around the room to do whatever he had to do with a serious face. TOP was standing across the room, talking to a group of people, more like scolding them to place something on the stage. Seungri was getting his hair done and listening to music while singing on his own silently. Taeyang was practicing the dance routine for his solo stage on the corner of the room. Everyone was so busy with their own minds, including Daesung. But Daesung was actually doing nothing.

"Daesung, let's get you done."

Daesung looked up to see his stylist was starring in front of him. "Ah, yes."

Daesung took his phone on the table and walked to the dressing table next to Seungri. His stylist started to put some powder on his face while Daesung was busy texting.

Where are you guys? Are you coming? I want to see you before the concert starts! Give a little attention to your dear friends!

Not a while after he sent his text and then put his phone on the table, a text message came. Hyunki is such a girl! He said he has gained popularity from his last solo concert so he needs to be perfect for paparazzi to take pictures of him. So he spent an hour in my bathroom! Seriously!

Daesung smiled. I thought he is famous even before his last concert. Don't tell him I said that. Just come here, hurry!

Seungri could see Daesung's smile.

"Hana noona, hyung?" he asked the older man.

"Ah," Daesung felt like Seungri's sensor was working and he was caught by it, "yeah." Daesung acted cool.

Seungri chuckled a little. "You're being suspicious, you know that?"

"Yah. What are you talking about? Why am I being the suspicious one? You're just exaggerating like always." Daesung pouted.

"Do you really like her?"

"Of course I like her. If I don't like her, I won't be friends with her and I won't..."

"Hyung, don't be too innocent. You know what I am talking about. I know you've been friends with Hana noona and Hyunki hyung for 17 years, but you also have been spending every day of your life with us for the last 5 years. Sometime, it's not easy to read your mind, but it is also not so hard right now."

Daesung looked at him strangely. Seungri looked back at him, smiling and proud. "Are you drunk?" Daesung asked, then turned his head to Seungri's stylist, "Is he sick?" but he turned his head back to Seungri, "Oh, yeah, you are always this weird." Daesung smiled back to Seungri, he felt like he had won against Seungri. This time, Seungri pouted.

"Just don't wait until you regret it, hyung, Hyunki hyung seems to like her too. And he seems more aggressive."

"I am the one who's been friends with them, Seungri, for 17 years. Don't you think I'll know it when my friend likes my another friend? The Seungri's theory is wrong this time. Sorry."

"Or you just don't want to admit it, hyung." Seungri his music and started to sing silently again.

Daesung's stylist taped his shoulder. "He's Seungri, like you don't know him." She smiled.

Daesung laughed politely. "I know. I know."

Another text message came. We're stuck in traffic. I think we'll arrive there when the concert starts so we won't have the time to see you. We are sorry. Good luck for your performance! We know you'll do great. We will be watching from our seats. See you after the concert. ^^ Love always, Hana&Hyunki. Daesung smiled weakly. 

He closed the message and opened another file. This time, the file was full with pictures. He searched for a picture of him when he was a teenager with Hana and Hyunki. They were smiling brightly and holding to each other tightly. They were just 16 years old at that time. Daesung was still in his trainee days, Hana was still struggling between her school and her new job as a model, and Hyunki was just dropping out from his regular high school to move to Seoul Arts High School. They were happy at that time, although it was a really hard year for the three of them.




"Do you think he'll do great?" Hana asked when they were walking at the parking lot.

Hyunki took Hana's bag to put his car keys inside without asking for her permission. She just gave it away, anyway. "He always do great," he said, giving the bag back to the owner, "if I am the one who's about to perform on stage right now, then you really should be worried."

"Oh, I really can't imagine you perform on stage as Daesung. It's a disaster. I know it already. GD oppa will freak out to have a member like you." She was laughing. Hyunki smiled agreeing her opinion.

He opened the door for her and showed their tickets to the security who was guarding it. Since they were invited by Daesung, they could enter the concert venue through the back door. They didn't really have to line up. Beside, the concert was starting so everyone was already inside the stadium.

"Sometime, it's really nice to be famous." Hyunki smiled proudly, or more like cocky.

"Yah. You're not that famous. Not as famous as Daesung."

"Why do you like to compare us so much?"

"Oh, I can't compare the two of you?" 

They were finally sitting on their seats. The intro was playing.

"You see the atmosphere here and the atmosphere in my solo concert. Daesung is a singer. I am a pianist. Look at his fans, they're wearing t-shirt and holding the lightstick, screaming out for Big Bang. And my fans? The were wearing tux and barely even spoke when I play my music. Can you really compare us? Me and Daesung are in two different worlds." Hyunki explained, almost screaming.

"Yeah, but the two of you share the same soul. Even your ideal girl is Daesung's ideal girl!"

"So, Daesung likes you too?" Hyunki teased.

Hana smiled. "And you forgot to mention that the two of you adore me so much."

"More like fall in love with you!"

Dar! The concert starts.



I can't wait to start writing... Sorry if it's not good enough, I am still trying. Please be nice to me :D

Thank you!

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ronnie123 #1
Sorry for the late update. I was busy with my college preparation but it's all done now. Enjoy!
Kikikiki #2
Oohh finally u update this story!!! I'm really dying to know what happen next.. Your story is simple yet feel so real.. Keep it up..
Anxiously waiting for next chapter!!! :D