Chapter 6


Daesung sighed while leaning his back on the elevator's wall, closing his eyes. That night, he was not busy. He just finished his own activity as an MC in SBS's Night After Night and Big Bang didn't have any schedule until the next morning. He said to Hana that morning that he would go to check Hyunki in his apartment. He actually said that only to calm her down, he didn't want her to be so worried so he said he would want to go. When he wouldn't.

Daesung came out of the elevator. He looked around the empty hallway for a while. There were only three doors. One door on his left which belonged to Hyunki, and the other two on his right belonged to some rich men.

Daesung walked to Hyunki's door. First, he sticked his ear to the door. He could hear someone was playing the piano behind that door. He was home. So, he knocked the door, pretty hard.

Not a while after that, someone opened the door. It was Hyunki. He stared at him. He didn't look surprised, nor happy. His expression was flat, not showing any interest. He took a step back then turned his body. He walked back to the piano which was located five meters in front of the door. He didn't close the door or even invite Daesung in. He just ignored him.

"Alright, I'll just let myself in," Daesung said, making it sounded so cheerful even he was very worried.

Daesung closed the door and walked over to the piano. Hyunki was sitting and playing the piano again. Daesung stood next to the piano. He leaned againt the window which was exactly in front of the piano. He looked outside the window while listening to the harmonies that Hyunki played. As a musician, Daesung could hear some notes that sounded discordant. Daesung didn't really expect that because Hyunki was always the flawless pianist. Daesung could guess that something was bothering him.

Suddenly, Hyunki stopped playing. Daesung didn't turn his head to ask why he stopped playing. He could feel the atmosphere was getting more tense.

"Was that your new song?" Daesung asked without looking, trying to find something to talk with him.

"Yeah," he answered coldly.

"It was good," Daesung replied shortly.

They were getting very awkward. At least, for Daesung.

"I like her, Dae," he said without hesitation.

Daesung kept quiet for a while. Those words actually hurted him. They hurted him so much because they came out from his best friend's mouth. "Who doesn't, huh?"

"You...don't happen to like her too, right?" this time Hyunki's voice sounded more careful. 

Daesung sighed. He turned his head around, but still not looking at him. He walked to the couch near the piano and sat on it. "Yeah...I don't." He gave a little smile.

Hyunki stood up and cursed at the air. Daesung looked up to see his best friend's expression which looked upset. When Hyunki looked at him again, Daesung looked away. He was never the brave enough.

"Don't give me that smile again. Ever!" Hyunki said walking to him. He sat next to him and pulled Daesung's shoulder until he looked at him. "Look at me and say you don't love her."

"I love her, as a friend," Daesung said calmly, "what do you expect?"

Hyunki looked at him. He looked speechless and lost so he just looked away. He rested his back on the couch. They stayed quiet for a while. More like awkward.

"I won't bother you," Daesung said. He sighed. "I won't bother you if that's what you want." He hoped that Hyunki would say no. He knew that Hyunki was being selfish, but Daesung would always be Daesung, he would always think that other people's feelings are much more important than his. Especial Hyunki's.

Hyunki glanced at him. He actually felt guilty. But, for once, he wanted to win. He wanted her so bad that he could not think any reason to not developed this feeling. He didn't even know when this feeling started. "You won't?"

"But, please, don't ask me to stay away from her," Daesung almost begged. He looked down to his fingers.

Hyunki felt horrible. How could he make Daesung said that?! But, he ignored that thought. "Yeah. Maybe you can help me too?" He looked at Daesung.

Daesung looked up and stared right into his eyes. He smiled so sincerely. "Yeah, sure."

And Hyunki would never really know how he really felt about their conversation.


Hey, it's a really simple chapter. I promise this will get more interesting in the next chapter :) Enjoy!

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ronnie123 #1
Sorry for the late update. I was busy with my college preparation but it's all done now. Enjoy!
Kikikiki #2
Oohh finally u update this story!!! I'm really dying to know what happen next.. Your story is simple yet feel so real.. Keep it up..
Anxiously waiting for next chapter!!! :D