Separate ways

The Fate We Create [DISCONTINUED]

Just the week after when they arrived back to Seoul.
“Daehyun! What’s this?!” Manager Kang tossed an article to Daehyun. He opened it and his eyes widened in surprise. “What?! How could this be?” The headline on the paper read: B.A.P’s vocalist Daehyun is secretly dating? They also included pictures from the night at the hotel where she sent him out the exit. There were details talking about Da-oh, a successful business man’s daughter.
“You haven’t even seen what’s online.” The manager said as he took back the article. “Are you guys dating? If you are, you have to let her go. You already know the consequences if you keep dating her.”
“I understand. But I need time.” Daehyun said in a low voice, still in shock with the news. How could this be? I can’t let her go.
“You have to take action immediately. Please make it fast.” Manager Kang said walking away.

“Da-oh! What happened? Are you guys really dating?” Da-oh’s dad asked her as he was going through the gossips online. “You have to understand his position and the consequences ahead. His fans won’t let you go easily.”
“But we’re just friends…”
“It does not matter. You guys were caught together at the most suspicious place and now you are at risk of getting threaten.” Her dad sighed. “Are you guys really friends and nothing more?” He continued to ask. Da-oh didn’t say anything. Her Dad shook his head and concluded. “You can’t be with him anymore.”

The next day, Da-oh was thrashed with hate mails and fans threatening to kill her. She was being stalked by fans and paparazzis. Daehyun was also getting a lot of attention from the media. For two weeks, he was being watched. He couldn’t go outside at all.
“Have you heard anything about Da-oh?” Daehyun asked his manager.
“She had been receiving a lot of hate mails.” He replied shaking his head.
“Manager Kang, may I ask for a favor? I want to meet her tomorrow. Can you arrange that for me?”
“I can’t let you meet her. There will be paparazzis following you.”
“Please, this will be the last time.” Daehyun begged.
“Okay, I’ll call her father and arrange it immediately.”

The two met at a secret park. Manager Kang and Da-oh’s dad left them at a bench at the park to clear things up.
The couple stood in silence for a long while.
“L-Let’s not see each other anymore.” Daehyun finally spoke. Da-oh looked up to see him looking at her. His eyes were shimmering with tears. Hers were the same. She looked down shaking her head no. Her tears started dripping down her cheeks. It was so hard for Daehyun to see her like this. He didn’t want them to part nor does he want his fans to hate her. But this was the best decision for him in order to protect her. He reached out to wipe her tears away. He took Da-oh’s hand and pulled her close for a hug. They held each other tightly and didn’t want to let go. “Da-oh, I know that I’ve never really told you this, but I really really like you.” He said trying to speak clearly. “I have fallen in love with you Da-oh. I love you.” Daehyun whispered against her shoulder.
“I too love you Daehyun Oppa.” She replied tearing up. “I know this is the best for both of us.” They both released one another and gaze at each other’s eyes. He leaned down and brushed his lips against her soft lips once more before they part. They kissed and kissed not wanting to let go. Not wanting this moment to pass. When they finally stopped, they hugged once more.
“If fate allows us to be together, we will be able to meet again.” He said kissing her head as she snuggled in his chest.
They part ways after a while, with the same pain in their chests. They loved each other so much, but why was their fate so cruel to them.

-A week Later-

Da-oh hasn’t seen Daehyun for a week after they met at the park. Her heart aches for him, but they were forbidden to contact one another. She misses him; she misses him so much she could die. She couldn’t go check him out online because her dad had restricted her from viewing anything related to Daehyun. His fans were still out there searching for her and still sent hate mails to her constantly.

“Da-oh sweetie, you haven’t gone out of your room at all for the past week.” Her mom came into her room and sat next to her.

“Mom,” she looked to her mom and started crying as she reached out to hug her. “Mom, I tried. I tried so hard to forget him.” Her tears flood her cheeks. Her mom just patted her on the back and said, “My baby will do fine. You are strong, and you’ll get through this.”
“Mom, can we go somewhere? Maybe to a spa?”
“Sure, sweetie.” She replied happy to hear that Da-oh is willing to do something.

The two went to a spa resort, away from Seoul. They were enjoying their time and relaxed as the day go by.
“I’m going to the restroom, I’ll be back.” Her mom said while getting up from the heat seats.

“Miss, have some tea.” A young lady that works there hand Da-oh a cup of tea.
“Thank you.” She smiled at the lady and drank it up. She lied on her seat closing her eyes and relaxed.
Da-oh’s mom came back and got them some water. She gasped when she saw that her daughter’s features were pale and she looked as if she was poisoned. She dropped the bottles of water immediately and ran to Da-oh’s side.
“Da-oh! What’s wrong?!” She screamed. “Help! Someone help me please!” Her mom called.
The customer service came and took care of her. They called the ambulance and got her to the hospital.

“What doctor? You said she was poisoned?”
“But she will be fine since we were able to get her here on time. Please don’t worry too much. She is okay.” The doctor told her Dad.
“How long is she going to be here?” Her mom asked.
“We need her to stay here for at least 2 weeks.” He replied.

“What?! What did you say Zelo?!” Daehyun yelled when he over heard the news from Zelo. He had been gloomy ever since the day they broke up and didn’t dare to talk to anyone. “H-Hyung…” Zelo stuttered not wanting to tell him anything because he was sure Daehyun will get worry. He will definitely want to go see the girl. Jongup just silently walked away, not wanting to get involve.
“Well,...I heard Manager Kang mentioned that your Da-oh is at the hospital.”
“What?! Why is she at the hospital? Is she sick? What happened to her? I must go see her immediately!” Daehyun began to walk out.
“Hyung…you can’t.” Zelo held his arm back and flinched afraid Daehyun might throw his fist at him.

"I must go see my Da-oh." He pulled away from Zelo.

"Hyung, please don't go. You can't go see her." Jongup came to block the door.


“Because, because it was one of your fans that poisoned her…” Zelo finally said.

Daehyun stopped and broke down in tears. Why? Why is this happening to me? I tried so hard to get her out of my mind and now this?
“I’m sorry Daehyunnie.” Zelo patted Daehyun’s back trying to calm him.
“I love her so much, but I can’t even do anything…” Daehyun sat covering his face as tears ran down his cheeks.
“I understand you. Please hang in there. She will be fine.” Zelo replied feeling sad for the lovers.



Da-oh got her health back and was taken home two weeks later.
“Welcome back!” Her parents threw her a small party welcoming her home. They were so happy to see their daughter back on her feet again. Da-oh smiled seeing her friends Na-ri and Gongchan at the party.
“It’s been awhile guys, sorry I wasn’t able to contact you two.” She said as she hugged them.
“It’s okay, we heard what happened.” Na-ri said hugging her back.
“We’re just glad to see you here again.” Gongchan said smiling.
“We also have a guest here tonight.” Her dad said pointing toward their dining room.

She then saw a figure walking toward the group.

Omgod! :O What intense chapter! Lol jk :3 But I was shock though. And yeah I just read it Lol. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Comment and subscribe, you readers! Don't be shy to comment. No need to be. :)

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But also keep in mind if my sister doesn't have the will to continue anymore then it's going to be discontinued, sorry.


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O.O I comment. CONTINUE!
hehehe...of course there's something wrong with your door xD hahaha! update soon! ^___^
MatoBABY #3
So sad and cute! Please update soon!
i got it right!!! :D awwe..such a cute chapter! update soon! <3
taemin2y #5
daehyun :D <3 please update soon! I LOVE IT!!!! :D
I pity my daehyunnie.........i love him so much!!! Will never stop loving him.......Update soon!!
omg! it's Jinyoung that came to visit right?! ahhh...bad BABY! poisoning poor da-oh :'( glad she's fine now though! update soon!
i loved this chapter alright! udpate soon!
haha i love the last gif! xD loved this chapter! update soon! <3
Update soon!!