Doctor's Appointment

My Alien got Me Pregna-Wait.....What?!

Chapter 7-Doctor’s Appointment


As Donghae had said, they had gone out for the next two days, and gotten everything they needed for the party they were planning.


Having gotten everything set up, Donghae and Eunhyuk were just waiting for guests to arrive, so the party could start. Hearing the first of many knock they were to receive on their door that night, Eunhyuk opened the door and greeted Leeteuk and Kangin and their children to their house.


Sending the kids off to play in the game room, the next knock came and Heechul, Hankyung, and Siwon arrived with their children and before they could even close the door, Kyuhyun, and Sungmin showed up and pushed through.


Ten minutes later, another knock and in came Ryeowook and Yesung, Henry and Zhou Mi, and then, Kibum and Shindong came in last. Shindong said they wouldn’t stay very long as Kibum still wasn’t feeling very good, and Eunhyuk said he would still enjoy their presence for as long as they stayed.


Now having everyone there, Donghae called for attention, “Now all of you are wondering why we are here having a party, and some might suspect that it is because of Eunhyuk and his child. This is half true, for the other half, I have thought about very hard, and long on before making a decision. Eunhyuk will you join me?”


Eunhyuk, who looked confused as the rest, stood up and wrapped an arm around Donghae. “Eunhyuk, I have known you for almost ten years now, and you have been most precious to me. You are carrying our child, and have been the most accepting of me and my people and our ways. Our love grows each day, and each day as our child comes closer to his or her birth, our love for them grows as well.  I hope we have many more years to come and more children to make our lives busy and full and content, and…” the room gasped and Eunhyuk covered his mouth as tears sprung to his eyes, “Lee Hyukjae, will you marry me?” Donghae said from his spot on bent knee, and a ring in a very pretty velvet box sat in his hands.


“Y-yes!” Eunhyuk could barely get the word out, and Donghae stepped up wrapping him in his arms, and then kissing him, before finally putting the ring on his finger.


The joyous celebration was background noise as Donghae and Eunhyuk stared into each other’s eyes, both sets watery and glinting in the light. No words were exchanged at this moment, but they knew what the other was saying, ‘I love you.’



From there, the party continued, and everyone was laughing and smiling having a good time. Every now and then, a parent would go check on the children and about two hours after the party had started, the report was made, that most of the children had fallen asleep, and that Kibum and Shindong would be headed home, because he needed rest.


A chorus of goodbyes and hugs, and then Kibum and Shindong were gone. The party continued, but had slowed down, and eventually it a decision was made that a movie should be watched, and so they piled into the movie area, and watched to much joy from Eunhyuk the Hunger Games. As the movie concluded, many of the pregnant partners were falling asleep, and they decided to just have a massive sleepover and all would go home in the morning.


Cuddling up next to Donghae, Eunhyuk felt him place a gentle kiss upon his forehead and drifted off to wonderland.



The next morning, Eunhyuk awoke to some slumbering members and others who had left , and who had written congratulation cards before leaving. Not waking the others, Eunhyuk slowly crept into the kitchen where he found Donghae looking at the cards.


“You are so beautiful in the morning,” Donghae said and kissed Eunhyuk warmly, “Would you like anything for breakfast?”


“Did the caterers leave any of the food they made last night?”


“They did. What would you like?”


“I’m really craving some of that lasagna type stuff they gave us.”


“Ok, one helping of gratzielle coming right up!” Donghae kissed the top of Eunhyuk’s head and went to heat up the food.


“Good morning Eunhyuk,” a tired and pregnant looking Yesung stumbled into the kitchen, and looked around for coffee.


“Coffee is being made as we speak, came Donghae’s voice from the corner of the kitchen, where the kitchen appliances, such as coffee machine and microwave were. “And another helping of gratzielle is being heated up too.”


“Oh good, I love that stuff!” Yesung said, a little bit happier now that food and coffee was on its way to him.


“So Yesung, how did you take being told when you were pregnant?” Eunhyuk asked.


“Well I fainted about twice, and then Ryeowook brought me here, and it just clicked. Plus you wouldn’t believe how many of us kpop artists are actually pregnant with alien kids! I would guess just about half of us are!”


“Really?!!” Eunhyuk gasped that that many would actually be in his situation.


“Yeah! You saw SHINee here right?” and at a nod from Eunhyuk, Yesung kept going, “Well it seems that MBLAQ, Big Bang, 2pm, 2am, Boyfriend, DBSK, SS501, U-Kiss,  Infinite, Beast, Teen Top, C.N.Blue, Vixx, B.A.P., BTOB, NU’EST,  and a lot of others are here as well!”


‘Wow,’ thought Eunhyuk, ‘That’s a lot!’


“So who’s with who? I know about SHINee, but what about the other groups?”


“Ok, get ready for this, because it’s going to take forever! Let’s start with our brother group, DBSK, Jaejoong and Yunho are together, and Jaejoong is the alien-“


“See Eunhyuk, I told you he was too pretty!”


“Yeah but it’s not fair, that you actually knew, since you are one yourself!”


“Anyway,” Yesung cut into this old argument, because it could go on forever,” So, then Yoochun is the alien, and he has both Junsu and Changmin.”


‘Well at least it’s nice to know that Junsu has been human this whole time, and didn’t hide anything from me,’ Eunhyuk thought.


“Ok, then there’s 2pm. Taecyeon is the alien and Jay is his-“


“Jay always spouted about conspiracies!” Eunhyuk said and laughed at the thought of Jay learning about Taec.


“ Wooyoung is the alien, and Nichkhun is his,  while Chansung is the alien and he had Junsu and Junho.”


“Always told you he was a bit weird, didn’t I Eunhyuk?” Eunhyuk rolled his eyes at Donghae as he came and sat down, giving him food and Yesung food and coffee.


“Will you two quit interrupting me!” Yesung said and gave them an evil eye. Both quietly snorted behind their hands at his laugh, and then calmed down to listen to the rest of who was whose mate.


“Now, 2am, seems fairly quick right?” receiving a nod from Eunhyuk, “Well it’s not. Jo Kwon is mated with Daesung from Big Bang, and it’s Daesung who is the alien. Changmin is mated Jinwoon, Changmin is the alien, and Seulong is mated with Taeyang of Big Bang, Taeyang is the alien.  Now G-Dragon is the alien and has T.O.P and Seungri as mates.


In MBLAQ, G.O. and Seungho are together, and G.O. is the alien. Cheondung is the alien and Mir and Joon are his mates.


 In U-Kiss and SS501, Youngsaeng is the alien and with Kyujong, Jungmin is the alien and with Hyungjun, and Hyunjoong is the alien and with Kibum. The in U-Kiss, Kevin is with alien Eli, Alexander is with alien Kiseop, and Soohyun is with alien Dongho.


In Boyfriend Donghyun and Youngmin are with alien Minwoo, and Jeongmin is with alien Hyunseong.


In Infinite, Dongwoo is with alien Hoya, L is with alien Sungyeol, Sunggyu is with alien Woohyun, and alien Sungjong is with Kwangmin.”


“Wow!” said Eunhyuk as he thought about his hyungs and dongsaengs as he ate the last bit of his food and took his and Yesung’s plates to be washed.


“Yup took me some getting used to, but it’s nice knowing that there is basically one huge secret that management doesn’t know about and we can always go see each other now and then! Though if you want to know more about their children, you’ll have to ask them, or ask Donghae. I think it’s time for me and Ryeowook to get back home, we have a date tonight, and he wants to make it special. See you around! And good luck with the pregnancy!” Yesung said as he disappeared around the corner to go claim his mate.


“I’ll tell you more about their children later,” Donghae promised, “But right now we need to get you ready because, we have to go see Dr. Whitman for a check-up on our child.” With that, Donghae and Eunhyuk rounded up the last few sleepover guests to see them off, and then went for a quick shower and change before the doctor’s visit.



Arriving at the doctor’s office, Donghae and Eunhyuk signed in, and then after waiting for about ten minutes, they were called back and got a room where Eunhyuk would be examined.


“Ah, good afternoon Donghae, and good afternoon Eunhyuk! Glad to finally meet you without you fainting!” the doctor chortled, and Eunhyuk blushing remembering the day, and how he had indeed out.


“Good afternoon Dr. Whitman!” Donghae said and shook the doctor’s hand as he took a seat and started on asking Eunhyuk about his health and hunger, and if he was getting enough nutrients. After answering any preliminary questions, he asked Eunhyuk to hop up on the table and lay back.


Doing as the doctor asked, Eunhyuk lay back and tried to relax. Eunhyuk didn’t even like going to human doctors and so he was taking calming breaths.


As Eunhyuk got himself ready on the table, Donghae took the moment to talk to the doctor about Eunhyuk’s weight, “I don’t know if he is just eating too much, or what, but he looks a bit bigger than he was a week ago.”


“Ok, I’ll check it, and if it’s just weight, then I’ll set him a regiment of how much he can eat, because, just like all the other members of your band from earth, he is really healthy!”


“Thank you doctor!” Donghae said, and he then joined Eunhyuk for the actual examination.


The doctor took a stethoscope like instrument and began to move it up and down Eunhyuk’s body while telling him to take deep breaths, then the doctor took both of his hands and hovered them over Eunhyuk’s stomach and his hands started to glow a nice purple color.


Taking a few moments to just stand there quietly, the doctor finally came back from his trance-like state, “Ok Eunhyuk, you look healthy, and happy and baby is happy, we just need to get your actual weight and height for our records. Martha here, can take you to do that, and we will catch up to you! I haven’t seen Donghae in a while and want to catch up a bit before my next patient.”


“Ok, see you soon Donghae?” Eunhyuk asked a little nervously.


“Soon my love,” and the goofy smile on Donghae’s face gave Eunhyuk a small boost in comfort as he left with Martha.


“So Donghae, I know you were worried by his weight, but it’s fine, it’s perfectly natural.”


“Oh!” Donghae’s smile grew, and the doctor told him to run and share the news with Eunhyuk.


“Eunhyuk! Eunhyuk! I have wonderful news! We….”




I feel just slightly bad leaving a cliff hanger, but suspense is good every now and then in a story!


Surprise! They are getting married! And don’t worry, about the weird choses I had in switching around mates, they won’t show up in the story. SHINee will, since I know more about them, and possibly some 2pm, or U-kiss, but other than that, I just messed with the pairings how I liked! Hope you all liked it!


If anyone would like me to put up a list of the other pairings of people’s children, just let me know! I think it would be fun naming them(hint! I have already, and just want to know if you want them).


Also let me know if you would like to know any of the children’s ages, and I’ll try and get something written up(hint again, I already did it, just wanted to know if you want it)! Also, I don’t have enough background knowledge to put the members of Beast, Teen Top, C.N. Blue, B.A.P, BTOB, NU’EST, and Vixx to put them together, just wanted to add in some of the other bands I like! 


 *chuu~   ^_~

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Chapter 9: Plz update again I want to know what happened next and y was donghae so happy and what did the doctor tell him before he ran to eunhyuk?
Shabevivelf #3
Chapter 9: Please update soon! I really love this story ! <3 I must know how this story ends! =)
Btw: how many babies get EunHyuk???
HanKeLaMaHan #4
Chapter 9: update soon please
Chapter 8: Be safe Kibum and Shindong's baby girl!!!
Chapter 9: Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! THANK YOU!!!
Chapter 7: And can you give me information on the INFINITE children? I really love them.
Chapter 7: Thank you so much for updating!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: So happy to see more of this again! It's so cute~~