The Children Part 2

My Alien got Me Pregna-Wait.....What?!

Eunhyuk stared at the beautiful creature that slept beside him. He had woken up two hours ago because he was craving again, and once he got back in bed, he couldn’t help but marvel at his boyfriend as he lay there asleep. That had been two hours ago. Eunhyuk just couldn’t help himself and started the staring process over once he got to Donghae’s head.

Starting at Donghae’s feet, Eunhyuk took in the smooth talons, where toenails used to be. Black, shiny, and most likely deadly, Eunhyuk felt safe and secure knowing that Donghae could protect him from anything. Eyes traveling upward, they passed over the skin on Donghae’s legs that glistened slightly like a beetle’s hard shell, but when he reached out and touched it, it was as smooth as a new born babies. Traveling farther, he took in the smooth stomach, that even with a lack of belly button, still showed the definition of muscles, that slowly expanded and retracted as Donghae breathed evenly.

Arms with the same beetle like look, and talons again where the fingernails used to be, and then finally, Eunhyuk’s eyes finally settled on the slightly strange sight of Donghae’s face. The eyes were rounded and drawn out to a slight point on each side, the nose and mouth distinctly the Donghae of Earth, and then his head  domed over to bring it to a dull point tapering away from his head backwards.

Eunhyuk had done this repetition over and over again. He felt like he had done it hundreds of times, and yet he was unable to stop himself from starting the process over. As he once again, began his admiring of the body that lay next to him, Eunhyuk encountered a surprise as he made it to Donghae’s head. The eyes were open and Eunhyuk stared into them blushing because he had got caught staring at what Eunhyuk considered was the most perfectly beautiful creature he had ever seen in his life.

“Like what you see?” Donghae asked smiling.

“I-I did-didn’t mean to-to stare,” blushing more, Eunhyuk rolled over and faced the other way hiding his face from Donghae.

“Oh don’t be upset my love,” Donghae wrapped the one carrying his child in his arms, “I know that I must seem strange to you, even after we got here, and I want you to be comfortable. So go ahead and look.” Eunhyuk turned in the embrace and was once again entranced by the beauty he saw.

“So beautiful,” whispered Eunhyuk who leaned in to passionately kiss Donghae. Revelling in the moment, both enjoyed the morning as the kissed while the sun rose. Quickly the kissing turned needy and Donghae rolled them over, so he could worship the body underneath him.

“Oh Donghae…”



Having a late start to their day, due to some extracurricular activities, Donghae and Eunhyuk began there day by visiting Kibum and Shindong. Walking up to the house, they rang the doorbell and waited to be let in to see their friends.

“Oh! I hadn’t realized you were coming by. I’m sorry but Kibum isn’t feeling well,” Shindong said answering the door.

“Well I hope he gets better soon!”Donghae and Eunhyuk chimed, and bid goodbye to Shindong before leaving to visit Kyuhyun and Sungmin. Like déjà vu, Donghae and Eunhyuk stood together in front of another of their bandmates doors, waiting to be let in. And this time, they were granted access. Sungmin had welcomed them in warmly and had offered them something to eat. When Eunhyuk eagerly nodded his head, Donghae chuckled and said they would love some food.

Upon reaching the kitchen, Eunhyuk had a surprise of a lifetime and saw the members of SHINee sitting at the island in the middle of the kitchen.

“Eunhyuk!! Donghae!!! Screamed a very pregnant Minho as he ran to hug his favorite hyungs. “I’m so happy to see you!! And who would have thought that I’d see you here and pregnant!! Well really almost everybody saw it coming…Anyway, how are you?” Minho chattered at them as he dragged them to sit at the island with the rest of his group mates.

“Oh, well, I-I uh…I guess I’m doing good. I can see that you are doing good, who’s the father? I can see that both Onew and Taemin are like Donghae, but who do you belong to? Or do I even need to guess?” Eunhyuk said and added a little smirk onto the last statement, because if he and Donghae were out for all to see, then he knew exactly who Minho’s other half was.

Minho blushed bright red, and then turned and hid his face in Taemin’s shoulder as Taemin chuckled and kissed his head, telling him that Eunhyuk was just joking. Coming out from his shoulder, Minho stared at Taemin and then they both leaned in to kiss the other, Minho sighing.

“So Onew,” Eunhyuk turned away from the younger couple, “Who’s yours?”

“Oh, well…do you know of Heechul and Siwo-“

“Yes and Oh My God!! You have both Key and Jonghyun don’t you?! That’s fantastic!! Key, Jonghyun stand up and let me see!!” Eunhyuk said eagerly and both stood up to show their tummies. Unfortunately, there was nothing to see. “What? Why are your stomachs so flat?”

“Well that…haha…” Onew laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck with one hand, while the other tried fruitlessly to describe why they both weren’t showing just yet.

“Hyuuuunnnngggg!!!” wailed Minho, “Just tell them already!” And when Onew failed once again to tell Eunhyuk, Minho blurted out, “They were having some fun times, and when they went for a second round, Onew topped Jonghyun instead of Key and now they are both pregnant!” Shocked, Eunhyuk was glad he was sitting down or else he would have fallen in a heap on the ground.

“Alright, well this has been fun and all, but you came to see my children. Let’s go!” Sungmin said and then guided them to a room where they found Kyuhyun sitting reading to his children. “Hi Kyu! Eunhyuk and Donghae finally made their way here, after all the drama of meeting SHINee downstairs.”

“What? They ‘re still here? Sungmin, just kick them out already! They have been mooching off us for the past three days! And they all have their own homes! It’s not like they don’t have anywhere to go!”

“Alright! Alright…I’ll go tell them to leave! Meanie!” Sungmin said and stuck out his tongue and left the room to politely tell his guests, that Kyuhyun was in a bad mood and they had to go.

“BYE BYE KYUHYUN!!!” SHINee’s goodbye chorused through the house and then all was silent.

“Hey there hyungs,” Kyuhyun smiled up at his hyungs and then wiggled his way out of the pile of children who was now asleep on the bed, where Kyuhyun had been previously reading. “So you finally decided to mosey on down to little old me, how I am so happy right now!!” he said with some fake enthusiasm.

“We are sorry, that it took a little while, but we slept in this morning and then, Shindong said Kibum wasn’t feeling well, so we came over here and when we went to get something to ea-“

“Oh no! I didn’t get to eat anything!” Eunhyuk cut in and then looked down a blush on his face, “Sorry.”

“Don’t feel bad, we’ll get something to eat soon,” Donghae said and hugged his lover around his baby bump. “Anyway, we met SHINee in the kitchen and Minho ran over and had Eunhyuk in a daze, and then we learned that Onew got Key and Jonghyun pregnant at the same time, and then finally, Sungmin dragged us here.” Once he had gotten his story out, Kyuhyun felt a little better and then asked them to join him in finding Sungmin, who might be making a late lunch for them.

Following Kyuhyun through the twists and turns of his house, they reached the kitchen and found Sungmin as Kyuhyun said, making lunch. Chatting until it was ready, Eunhyuk learned more about being pregnant from Kyuhyun and more about the lifestyle of Donghae’s race.

All of a sudden, Kyuhyun had them hold their hands over their ears, Eunhyuk looked confused, but Donghae seemed to understand what was going on. And then it happened, even with hands clamped tightly over their ears, the high pitched sound screeched throughout the house, and then echoed into the background. Taking his hands off to ask what the noise was, Eunhyuk immediately fell silent as he heard a rumble coming in the direction of the kitchen.

As they sprung, Eunhyuk barely had time to register that these were Kyuhyun’s kids, before he found himself flat on his back with three little girls staring at him. Dazed and confused, he heard a sharp shrill sound that had the children backing away and Donghae helping him up off the floor onto his chair again.

Sungmin then gathered his children and spoke quietly to them while Donghae explained that Sungmin had used a call for the children. It was something they all possessed and would help in times like this. Once he understood, he looked over at the children who then received a gently push from their father. Slowly they stepped forward and the oldest, Eunhyuk thinks, stepped forward once more and spoke softly.

“I’m sorry, Eunhyuk-ssi. We weren’t watching where we were going and we knocked you down. We’re sorry,” and the little girl looked down and then stepped back and took the hands of her siblings.

Eunhyuk smiled gently and then crouched down to be at the same height as the girls. “You are too cute!” he said, “I forgive you!” and then he got knocked down again as the girls all hugged him and he laughed when they started tickling him. “Alright! I give! I give!” and they backed away, sitting down as he sat up and then they stared at Eunhyuk intensely.

Kyuhyun, Sungmin, and Donghae who watched the exchange, all smiled and then Donghae told them how, at least one child in Sihanchul, and Kangteuk had just taken to him right away.

“Well now he’s stolen all my children!” said Kyuhyun and then called everyone to the late lunch that Sungmin had made them.



Bidding goodbye and taking the teleport back home, Donghae and Eunhyuk shared another movie night, before retreating to the bedroom, and having some fun before they passed out in each other’s arms, legs comfortably tangled and smiles gracing both their faces.



I have been a bad author at trying to keep up with all of this, but I did come back to try and get this story going again. I promised multiple chapters, and I’m keeping to that promise by bringing you all a quadruplet update! That’s right, four new chapters, and hopefully it will keep going and going until we have an end! Hope you aren’t all too mad that I have been away for nearly a year, and I hope you all enjoy these updates!

Much love and cookies to all my patient readers and subscribers! *chuu~      ^_~

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Chapter 9: Plz update again I want to know what happened next and y was donghae so happy and what did the doctor tell him before he ran to eunhyuk?
Shabevivelf #3
Chapter 9: Please update soon! I really love this story ! <3 I must know how this story ends! =)
Btw: how many babies get EunHyuk???
HanKeLaMaHan #4
Chapter 9: update soon please
Chapter 8: Be safe Kibum and Shindong's baby girl!!!
Chapter 9: Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! THANK YOU!!!
Chapter 7: And can you give me information on the INFINITE children? I really love them.
Chapter 7: Thank you so much for updating!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: So happy to see more of this again! It's so cute~~