My beautiful stranger

The Night Is Ours


           I led her to my table and pulled the chair for her to sit. She was really shy. And I’m not talking about the ’ah, oppa, why are you like this’- fake shyness with aegyo. She won’t look me in the eyes at no cost. I admit it, I was looking at her pretty insistent, so maybe that’s why she was nervous.


            “Your name is Claire? Such a beautiful name.” I read it from her tag, but shh..


            She only nodded at my statement, a blush barely noticeable on her porcelain features. Not only was her name beautiful, she herself made a stunning young woman. An impulse made me take her hand and put it on my chest, right where my heart was. I’m sure she could feel the fast rhythm it was beating at and that was obvious by her wide eyes looking confused at me.


            Big brown eyes, with a slight twinkle in them… I can swear, everything about my beautiful stranger was gorgeous.


            She was at a loss of words, but her hand stayed at the same place I put it. My heart was beating even faster, if humanly possible. But just like every fairytale has an ending, so was my silent admiration of this fairy disturbed. You would never guess by who.


            “YAH! Lee Donghae!! You rascal!!” His voice came like a boom, startling both of us.


            Ugh, that idiot! >< How did he find me?


            “Keep it down, Kyu! There are others around too.”


            “Oh, really?! I can only see the gorgeous creature you’re holding captive.” It was then I realized we were the only ones left in the whole club and that I was still holding her hand.


            At Kyuhyun’s remark, a pretty blond girl with short hair slapped his shoulder playfully. I guessed it was one of his multiple conquests again, so I didn’t even bother to ask for her name. However, I was shocked when I heard her talking.


            “Oppa, we can stay here. There are no people and that way there won’t be any scandal arising tomorrow.”


            That raspy voice and those feline-like eyes…




            “Hi, oppa. Long time no see.” She saw me looking weird at her. “Haha, don’t worry, it’s just a wig. I’d never cut my precious hair this short.”


            “Whatever you like, my little Ri-rin”, came out the sign-song voice of Kyuhyun.


            I gave him the weird eye. This was so unlike him!! Since when was he talking sweet stuff and such?..hmm..maybe this time it was more than a one-night stand. I hope so, for his own sake! Hyorin was one of my friends after all!


            “Hey, I have an idea to make this night even more interesting.” The bright Kyuhyun was back, but a glint in his eyes told me I was going to regret it later on and I still accepted though.

            “The game I suggest is spin the bottle. This beautiful lady whose name I don’t know yet should take part too. Only if she wants, of course.”


             “Claire and yes, I want to play too.”




             Something changed in her way of speaking…


             Ok, let’s see where this is going to.

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