Love came back to me

The Night Is Ours


          These crazy summer days took my baby away. This dream-like relationship ended at the first autumn‘s breeze. This season when everything you saw made you even lonelier was not helping me at all and neither was the fact that most of the members had girlfriends. We were having a lot of schedules, so they could only sneak out late at night or early in the morning to go on dates. There’s no surprise that they were looking like a bunch of walking zombies when they came back. I certainly had fun watching them fall asleep during interviews, however, I missed the feeling of having a lover, someone you could hold and give love to and receive the same. I was jealous, it’s true.


           On one of the nights when most of the guys were knocked off after going on 3 -4 days with almost no sleep at all, I didn’t feel sleepy and went for a walk to clear my head. There was no one on the streets at midnight, so I had no trouble with anyone recognizing me. Still, I was wearing a cap as a matter of precaution.


            Bored, I decided to enter a club that just opened 4 months ago. It wasn’t that well known, so there were a few people there. No dancers and no music which can break your eardrums. Definitely not the usual night-club. It was a relaxing atmosphere, where you could get almost anything you wanted. The small place with red cushions and random pieces of art thrown here and there on the walls was one of my favorite wasting time places.

            The barman became accustomed with me already, but this time he wasn’t there. In his place stood a quiet tall girl, who had her eyes on me since the moment I set foot in the club. When she saw that I was looking in her direction, she would quickly turn around and make herself busy with something else.


            “Do I know you?” She got scared at my sudden question, as she didn’t hear me approaching.


            “Uhm… I don’t think so, sorry.”


           In the short time that the lights were fixed on her, I had the change to watch her more carefully. She wasn’t Korean, like I first thought. Her long black hair was coming down in waves and, I had to admit, she was the prettiest foreigner I have even seen till then. Moreover, her Korean was pretty much perfect, surprisingly.


            “Do you dance?”


            “Uhh..” She looked around and when she saw that there were only 2 other customers left, who clearly didn’t need her help as they were passed out on the tables, she had no excuse and had to say yes.


            The song was a slow one. She wouldn’t look me in the eyes at all. Her hand was a bit sweaty, probably from the nervousness. This calm attitude of mine was really unusual. Usually, I’ll get all flustered when talking to a girl, but this time was different. I brought her closer to my body, so close that I could feel her rising heartbeat.

            The song finished, but I didn’t want to let go of that hand just yet.


            “Can I buy you a drink?”


            “I can’t drink at work. My shift hasn’t ended yet”, she apologized really politely.


            “What about a soda, then?”


           So insistent, she must have thought.


           “Ok.” She finally smiled a bit.

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