The night is long...

The Night Is Ours


            It was past 10pm. Outside was raining, so my only option for that night was to stay inside with a cup of hot cocoa, watching a movie on TV. Unfortunately, there was nothing good on at that hour. Bored, I decided to open my laptop and browse some news, but changed my mind and started to chat online with a few friends instead. They didn’t stay long and there I was again, not wanting to sleep and having nothing to do. Just then, a new message popped up:


            xxAidenxx wrote: hey, sweetheart~<3. not sleepy yet? ^^


           He’s online.


           My heart started beating faster as I typed with shaky hands. Yes, I was still nervous talking to him, even after the 3 months we’ve been together for.


           *:*Claire*:* wrote: babyyyyyy~~!! <3 no. I wanted to go outside, but the weather is awful ;-;

                                           are you done with your schedule?


            xxAidenxx wrote: aww, too bad ;-;… yeah, I’m done^^.

                                            I’ll spend some more time talking to you before going to bed if you’re not sleepy yet and if you still want me.


            *:*Claire*:* wrote: why wouldn’t I want you? *pout*

                                            *sigh* I’m so bored. Are you sure you don’t want to sleep yet?


            xxAidenxx wrote: 100% sure! I need to entertain my princess first ㅋㅋ~


            *:*Claire*:* wrote: aww~ you’re the best!! <3

                                            still…I’m hungry ><


            A: wanna eat me, love? <3


            Now this looks like a fun game *smirk*.


            C: do you taste like?


            A: how should I know? have I ate myself?


            C: no haha~


            A: then?

                you can tell me how I taste like~


            C: then come here and let me have a bite~


            A: baby, I won’t come only for one bite


            C: then for what?


Playing innocent… he loved it when I did that.


            A: isn’t it obvious from the context?


            C: I don’t know…

                wanna enlighten me?


            A: not really


            C: why?!! you’re bad!! ;-;


            A: aww…is my baby sad?


            C: yes ;-;


            A: then I’ll let you have a bite ^^


            C: yay!! come here~!!


            A: where?


            C: in my arms ^^


            A: and what are we going to do?


            C: well, you said you’ll let me eat you and I have the perfect topping for you ^^


            A: don’t tell me!! strawberry? *O*


            C: and Nutella ㅋㅋ~


            A: open the door!






Note: Is this confusing? o_O...sorry if it is ><. You'll see (if you can't tell yet) that the next chapter is gonna be really interesting ^^.

P.S: the ish edit is mine ^^.

and it's way too big!! sorry sorry sorry sorry~!! m(_ _)m

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