❖ Consultant

❀。The Bouquet Boy



Once was more than enough. It was tiring and actually extremely annoying. Luhan felt his stomach churn, as Nana described, for the seventh time, her encounter with Yang Byul High School's Prince Charming. Everything about her changed. Even her walk, as they clambered home from school, was a little too chirpy.

"He's so perfect, Luhan," she said, her eyes bright. He glanced at her once. She, as it seemed, had been infected with the disease that spread across high schools like wild fire: the love bug. Of course he knew Minho. Minho was the boy (unfortunately) in his class who every single person loved. He was a social butterfly who flittered around from clique to clique, as school president and also as the captain of the soccer team. As they were both lead athletes, Luhan and Minho had exchanged awkward, one-word conversations. He wasn't mean, or anything. Just bland. Flavourless. Far too perfect for Luhan's casual tastes.

"Come on, Red, he isn't even that great," Luhan said bitterly. There really wasn't any reason for him to be so worked up over this. But a sinking feeling grasped his heart like a vice, as if Nana was his own little secret and she was slipping far, far away from him.

"You're in his class. What kind of girl does he like?" she asked, biting her plump lower lip. 

"You want to know what kind of girl he likes? He likes flashy girls, who wear high heels and make-up, who are as pretty as models and way too girly for sports. He hates tomboys," Luhan blurted out angrily. He didn't know why he said what he said. Maybe he was jealous. Or maybe he just hated Minho's perfect guts. His overall expectation was that Nana would give an exasperated sigh, say she couldn't ever be his ideal type and head over to the park for a one on one game of football. Instead, her expression changed drastically.

"Really? That's who he likes?"

"Yeah. Girls like Kara and Lee Hyori. He likes them," he said awkwardly. Really, he had no idea what kind of girls Minho liked. He barely knew his favourite colour. All Luhan knew was that Nana wasn't exactly Kara.

A silence passed between the two. Luhan sped up, attempting to walk beside her.

"Dimples, I think it's time for a makeover. Are you any good with fashion?"

"WHAT?!" he exclaimed, almost falling over a rubbish bin. "You're kidding right?" Luhan said, regaining balance. He jogged up to Nana, who was still in a dreamy stance.

"No, I'm not. Haven't you ever realised that no boy treats me as anything but 'one of the guys'?"

"What's wrong with 'one of the guys'? I like 'one of the guys'," he said, sighing as they reached Nana's broken down apartment. It truly was a suburban building. With graffiti splashed across every corner, it looked like a gangster's hideout. Even though Luhan was worried about Nana living there, the rent was cheap, and she was strong enough to bash the living daylights out of anyone else.

"Are you coming in?" she asked, edging away.

"Nah. I've got extra training with Kris today. See you tomorrow though?"

Nana nodded. "Don't overwork yourself!" she called, before walking up to her apartment.

"Say hi to Taejun Hyung for me!" he called, a few metres down the road. After a minute's pause, he said, "And don't try to wear any make-up!"


"Are you going to tell me why you're not at school?"

Taemin threw the sheets off his half- body, groaning. With his phone pressed against his ear, he listened to his half-sister babble on.

"Are you listening to me, Taemin?! It's Monday! Monday! And on Monday's, students attend school. Don't tell me that you've been lazing around that old apartment all day, Taemin, or I'll—"
"Haven't you heard, Noona?" he said, in a chilling voice. "My name is Taeyeon now. Lee Taeyeon."
Seohyun paused. "You really need to work on that girl voice, you know."

Taemin gave a little sigh, and stood up. Wearing nothing but boxers, he walked over to the fridge, only to find it completely empty. "Where are you now?"

"Japan," she replied curtly. Japan. She was in Japan. His sister was in Japan, and Taemin was living in a place that would fall apart any minute, dressed as a girl. And his parents said they never played favourites. Maybe it was because she was older, wiser, had a better education. He still needed to graduate.

"I don't suppose you're wearing a moustache and pretending to be a guy, are you?"

Seohyun gave an awkward laugh. "No. But hang in there, buddy. At least until this blows over. Then Mum and Dad can come get you and me back, okay?"

He nodded somberly to himself, knowing he wouldn't be able to see his family for a long time. "Love you," he said quietly.

"Love you too, Tae." She hung up. Taemin was left in his own silence—well, not literally. The leak was still dripping from the tap uncontrollably, the neighbours downstairs still blasting rock music. He sighed for the last time, and picked up a Gucci dress. Time to start taking things seriously.


we got a new poster! It's by jongholove, and its very purdy 
throws glitter on jongholove and my subscribers
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚
and also, you, please comment! 
getting empty and lonely down there v

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tbb } shalala had a random re-vamp, will update soon! ミ★


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SHINeeFever_95 #1
Chapter 14: So that means you are not continuing this?! WAE!? I love this story... well... I guess I'll have to accept this... It's your decision after all... Fighting!
Chapter 12: i love this story like omg vnhsghdbvhs but in your story 'A Cat's love Story' you stated there that you'll go hiatus first and omg ; ; but who cares i dont care. ; n ; i love Nana's personality ( and i want my hair to be like hers but e n e )

gonna wait on this story!! fighting author-nim! n__n
Chapter 4: oh my the story is soo interesting so far even if i just started well im going to go read the rest of the chappies!!!!! btw aurthor-nim in your little side note you said my name (honeybooboo)!!!! in chapter 4!!! ^_^
Chapter 12: i love the fact that Myungsoo is like the guy from Ouran High School Host Club
that episode is really hilarious
SHINeeFever_95 #5
Chapter 12: Woah, I just finished reading and where is the next chapter *looks desperatly for the inexistant "next" button*
Anyway, I love Nana so much, because as you said, she isn't perfect but just a 'normal' girl. And the failed confession xD poor Taemin first having to crossdress and now being 'mistaken' as a lesbian, I swear he does have reasons to go crazy.
I think someone called Minho fell for someone called Jonghyun, though I'm not sure...(did he???)
You write so well, I love it <3! Congrats and I hope to read the next update soon!
Chapter 11: lol
lesbian Taemin
who is actually straight
Wow! This is the first fan fiction where I was fascinated by the trailer first than the story itself (Whut. I know it seems weird. Sorry about that). However, the plot didn't fail me, too. To be honest, this is the only story that I read where Taemin is a cross-dresser (Because I'm THAT much of a nitpick when it comes to fan fiction). =))

The writing style is commendable, yes. However, I was a bit intrigued when I saw the pieces of written literature in the story (e.g. Nana's English work, and the 'news' about the Lee's business - looks opinionated.) If you don't mind, I'd like to help and edit those when the fan fiction is finished. =))

Please update soon, unnie. :)) I rarely comment on the fan fictions that I read (yeah, I'm a silent reader), but this story really moved me, and to think that I read it until it's all ready midnight. xD

God Bless. :D
BurningDown #8
Please update author-nim! I really am in love with this story. I even recommended it to some of my friends to read ^^
Chapter 11: hahaha omg luhan u hopeless romantic xD poor taeyeon/taemin xP when i read tht nana blushed @ taeyeon i did suc ha facepalm x.x update soon please(:
Yumichan18 #10
Chapter 10: Update soon... I really really love your story!!! :D