❖ The Language of Flowers

❀。The Bouquet Boy



Taemin had grown a strong distate to anything related to sappy love. Luhan, on the other hand, was a die-hard, closet romantist (thanks to Sehun). He appeared tough on the outside because of his status in the football team, but on the inside, he was a giant marshmallow.

And boy, had Taemin noticed. It was itching the back of his mind, a pain in the root of his stomach. He had kept control of his image the whole way through Luhan's excrutiatingly corny plan, albeit, he cracked within ten minutes. "Red roses for a confession? Are you joking?"

Luhan frowned profoundly. "Everyone likes roses!"

"That shows incompetence, lack of individuality and has no meaning whatsoever. Get her..." Taemin's eyes skimmed over the cramped green house, eyeing each flower that lay in his path. "...an Amaryllis. It means splendid beauty." 

The older boy scrunched his nose up, cutely. He eyed the bright red flower, with it's long, green stems. "Well, it's ugly, and I sincerely doubt that Nana will be able to speak the language of flowers. I just want something pretty so—"

"'So', nothing! Listen to me, or your entire plan to woo this kid will fail, fail, I tell you." Luhan had a little pout on his face, obviously shocked by Taemin's sudden change of character. It was as if he had changed within the mention of 'flower', like Luhan had stirred up some hidden persona deep within Taemin. It was oddodd but intriguing. Taemin was a box of mysteries, just waiting to be solved.

"What do you suggest I do then, oh-mighty-love-guru?" Luhan sneered.

"Bouquet of Amaryllises, along with a love letter filled with your serene desires. Pop up at her next class and give them to her, okay?" Taemin blew his fringe up. Must he do everything for this hopeless senior?

Luhan bit his lip. "Yeah...okay. But..." He cast his eyes down, refusing to look Taemin in the eyes. "I'm shy." Taemin used a vast amount of self-control to resist slapping Luhan on the head.

"Not my problem! All you asked for was to collect flowers, and I did—will. You fix the messenger up yourself."

A long silence passed, neither of them uttering a word. It was as though Taemin could hear the gears churning in the back of Luhan's head, planning, preparing. "No," he seethed. "No, no, no, no, a thousand times no." 

"Oh, please, Taeyeon, please!" 

"No. I refuse to be your deliverer! Ask someone else." Taemin pulled the edges of his skirt down, extremely angered. Luhan was pushing him around, asking him to do things that he didn't want to, and worst of all, he let him! However, his scheming plans would soon come to a halt, for Taemin refused to do any more of his bidding.

"Come on, Taeyeon. You're in her class! You're friends, you can just say, 'These are from a secret admirer,' or something dazzling and jazzy, I don't know—but please?"

"Ugh, the amount of corniness that fits into your little body astounds me. This is crazy, just man up already!"

Tears brimmed on the corners of Luhan's bambi eyes, framed so prettily with thick eye lashes. Taemin almost felt his heart lurch, but fought against the urge to help the senior (even if he did look like an abandoned puppy). "Please do this one little thing for me, Taeyeon," he whimpered, purposely using his squeaky, adorable voice.

Taemin groaned.


Seeing her sit on the edge of her seat with such oblivious innocence made Taemin frown. Nana was lounging in a lazy, messy manner, and trying to hit Zitao's head with her eraser.
His hands suddenly felt clammy, his grip on the bouquet in his hands tightening like a vice. Be a man, he though to himself. Or a very masculine girl. Whatever. Taking a deep breath, he sashayed into their Maths classroom, and plopped himself right in front of Nana, who barely noticed his presence. Taemin cleared his throat.
"Hello, Taeyeon, how are..." Her eyes landed on the neatly wrapped bouquet of Amaryllises.
"These are from—"
"Oh, wow! How did you know what my favourite flowers were? Well, except for sunflowers, but everyone likes those, you know, and oh God, are those for me?" Without waiting for Taemin's reply, Nana grabbed the bouquet and hugged it tightly to her chest. She peeked inside. "There's a card, too! Thanks, Taeyeon," she said, smiling.
Oh Lord, this was NOT meant to happen, Taemin thought bitterly in his mind. The situation was raging out of control, Nana believed he had been the one to give her flowers, had thought she'd wrote the letter—the letter! Of course, Luhan would have written his name on the end! Taemin hoped he wasn't so daft.
Pulling out the small white envelope from the bouquet, Nana skimmed over the words. Slowly, a crimson blush tinted her cheeks delicately. "Um, thank you Taeyeon. That was really nice of you to...to say."
Taemin felt like slapping himself. Or Luhan. She thinks I'm a lesbian, doesn't she? he thinks in his mind. "No, you don't understand—"
"Taeyeon, sit, please," a booming voice said, interrupting his speech. All of the class's eyes flickered up to their fiery Maths teacher, Mr. Kim. Taemin sheepishly quietened, and took the seat across from Nana, who was still blushing furiously.
The maths lesson continued on, although the only thing that was on Taemin's mind was what was in that letter? He was going to kill that stupid senior.



this was kind of ugly but eeep
i redid the layout and made it pink and adorable

plz comment i'm getting ronery.

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tbb } shalala had a random re-vamp, will update soon! ミ★


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SHINeeFever_95 #1
Chapter 14: So that means you are not continuing this?! WAE!? I love this story... well... I guess I'll have to accept this... It's your decision after all... Fighting!
Chapter 12: i love this story like omg vnhsghdbvhs but in your story 'A Cat's love Story' you stated there that you'll go hiatus first and omg ; ; but who cares i dont care. ; n ; i love Nana's personality ( and i want my hair to be like hers but e n e )

gonna wait on this story!! fighting author-nim! n__n
Chapter 4: oh my the story is soo interesting so far even if i just started well im going to go read the rest of the chappies!!!!! btw aurthor-nim in your little side note you said my name (honeybooboo)!!!! in chapter 4!!! ^_^
Chapter 12: i love the fact that Myungsoo is like the guy from Ouran High School Host Club
that episode is really hilarious
SHINeeFever_95 #5
Chapter 12: Woah, I just finished reading and where is the next chapter *looks desperatly for the inexistant "next" button*
Anyway, I love Nana so much, because as you said, she isn't perfect but just a 'normal' girl. And the failed confession xD poor Taemin first having to crossdress and now being 'mistaken' as a lesbian, I swear he does have reasons to go crazy.
I think someone called Minho fell for someone called Jonghyun, though I'm not sure...(did he???)
You write so well, I love it <3! Congrats and I hope to read the next update soon!
Chapter 11: lol
lesbian Taemin
who is actually straight
Wow! This is the first fan fiction where I was fascinated by the trailer first than the story itself (Whut. I know it seems weird. Sorry about that). However, the plot didn't fail me, too. To be honest, this is the only story that I read where Taemin is a cross-dresser (Because I'm THAT much of a nitpick when it comes to fan fiction). =))

The writing style is commendable, yes. However, I was a bit intrigued when I saw the pieces of written literature in the story (e.g. Nana's English work, and the 'news' about the Lee's business - looks opinionated.) If you don't mind, I'd like to help and edit those when the fan fiction is finished. =))

Please update soon, unnie. :)) I rarely comment on the fan fictions that I read (yeah, I'm a silent reader), but this story really moved me, and to think that I read it until it's all ready midnight. xD

God Bless. :D
BurningDown #8
Please update author-nim! I really am in love with this story. I even recommended it to some of my friends to read ^^
Chapter 11: hahaha omg luhan u hopeless romantic xD poor taeyeon/taemin xP when i read tht nana blushed @ taeyeon i did suc ha facepalm x.x update soon please(:
Yumichan18 #10
Chapter 10: Update soon... I really really love your story!!! :D