Chapter 2

Lost in Love


Hoya’s POV


Sunggyu was too funny, completely in love with him a second and totally ignoring him in the next. He placed the food onto my lap and sat next to me on my bed, waiting for me to have a bite. I picked up the spoon and scooped a spoon-full of soup, bringing it to my lips slowly. I glanced up at Sunggyu;s avid stare, he coughed and stood up awkwardly dusting off the non existent dust from his clothes. A grin became evident on my face, enjoying every moment of teasing the leader. I watched him head for the door and waited for the exact moment to stop him just when he is about to leave the room. “Sunggyu-” I said coolly, he spun around quickly unable to mask his eagerness. “The soup is….” I grimaced and tried to not erupt in laughter, “very…” I put all my fingers together the shape of a dumpling and moved them a bit. His eyes became wide, well…as wide as Sunggyu’s eyes could get. He moved forward and sat back down carefully with his attentive eyes still on my face. “Hmm…what’s the word I’m looking for…” He obviously didn’t notice the fact that he was inching towards my face. I leaned in carefully leavening a small amount of space between us “Good” I breathed in a husky voice. 


Sunggyu’s POV


My heart felt a little cold and my breath caught in my throat; I blushed and slurred “PABO”. I had to admit my heart stopped for a moment… I thought he was going to say my food was bad! HA! I am the best cook in the dorm after him. I smiled and leapt up from the bed “let me know if you want anymore” I said before leaving the room. I guess he got over what ever was bothering him, If only my problems where as easy to forget as his. I crept into the kitchen-hopefully unseen, and proceeded to wash the remaining dishes. Suddenly,I was attacked by an intruder that had silently crept into the kitchen. The stranger laid their head on my shoulder and let out a shudder sigh onto my neck. Scaring me to death, well…practically; ANYWAYS! I looked down onto my shoulder and was met with a lazy black-haired male. I gave Woohyun a slight glare and proceeded with my cleaning spree. He cooed, “HYUNGGG- don’t ignore me! First you starve me and now you reject me,” his fake pleading eyes that almost made me believe him until my mind reminded me how good of an actor he was. “Yah- Nam Woohyun. Don’t you have anything better to do? I’m seriously running out of ways to reject you” he smiles at that and wrapped his arms around my waist “then don’t reject me hyung” he said too seriously. My mind went blank, like a paper before an essay, like the sky after a storm, like a plate after being placed in front of the hungry members. Yes, that was my mind, “that way you can feed me and wash my laundry forever!” and there you have it folks the dense idiot I’m in love with. My chest was filled with a burning sensation and felt tight slowly rising to my tongue. “This bastard- YAH!” I peeled off his arms that where around my waist and raised my hand like I was going to hit him and clicked my tongue, opening my eyes wide in a threatening way. He laughed and plopped onto the ground totally enjoying my comment I took a step closer and he scurried away in almost fear.


Hoya’s Pov


Sunggyu came in to my room clearly NOT okay, my guess was Woohyun. “Stupid …” he mumbled. I played dead for the time being and let him come close and sit next to me on my bed (back against wall, so next to his head). Now it was my turn, I made a sudden movement and gripped him by the waist making sure he would be Unable to move without “waking me”. I snoozed softly and buried my face onto his thigh; he jumped at my sudden reaction and was tense for a few minutes. I knew he wouldn’t move, I lay there for about 2 hours or so until I was sure he fell asleep. I looked up at the sleeping Sunggyu who had fell asleep in an awkward way, making me feel guilty. I placed him gently onto the pillow putting him in a more comfortable position and gazed at his tranquil physiognomy. Until I too, nodded off to sleep. 




Yet another day < A > yippie it’s like sim days, in fast forward.


Sunggyu’s Pov


My swollen eyes slowly opened trying to adapt to the dazzling sunlight that lit the room, I looked up at a tall figure and tried to get past the blurry vision. I blinked a few times and stared up at Hoya emotionless, and then realized I was in HIS room in HIS bed. “Morning sunshine” he smiled and he fixed the buttons on his shirt, totally flashing me with a body to kill for. “Flashing me so early in the morning? What kind of vulgar act is this?” I questioned and stood up shakily still drunk from my sleep. “Says the guy who crept into a sick, poor, defenseless boys bed” bulls eye. I blushed “w-well, that was because a certain poor, defenseless boy grabbed me and wouldn’t let go”


Hoya’s Pov


I chuckled, that liar he didn’t even make an attempt to free himself from me. It makes me wonder when was the last time anyone hugged him or showed him what real love really was. I mentally kicked myself what love!-what do you care?! I shook my head scaring Sunggyu who glanced at me in concern. “Are you sure your okay?” “Yeah of course! The doctor said it was only my muscle I’ll be fine” I masked. “Well… Don’t expect me to go easy on you!” he dashed out of the room and yelled at the members rushing them. There he goes, leader instincts at full force; “YAH L GET OUT OF THE SHOWER” after a creaking noise I heard “BOH! YOU DARE FALL ALSEEP IN THE TUB!?” which was following by loud hollers from L. I chuckled and made my way downstairs to grab a bite and some coffee. Sungyeol was already on it; skillfully using the coffee machine that our fans had gave to us. I poured myself a cup and one for Sunggyu knowing the leader would appreciate it. He walked in with the members at his heels now fully dressed and awake, they sat down and wolfed down their food in a rush. He took a seat next to me and I handed him his coffee; smiling at his grumpy expression if he kept this up he would have grey hair before he hit his late 20’s. Woohyun dozed off into sleep and almost dropped his face into the plate. “Woohyun-ah if I have to tell you to wake up again you’ll die in my hands today” the leader warned in a low thrilling voice. Woohyun blinked and shoved food into his mouth and chewed slowly with his eyes closed. He looked up at the leader and smiled with crumbs around his lips.


Sunggyu’s POV


He smiled at me in the dorkiest way possible, making my heart race. I took a long sip from my coffee and finished up my breakfast not stopping even for a breath. I led the members into the manager’s car and with that we started off towards the game show. I knew the guys would be happy most of the girl groups would be there and in shorts. By the time we got there they where fully awake and pacing around confidently trying to show off in any way possible. I glanced around keeping all the members in my vision, making sure none of them got lost.  Of course Nam Woohyun would use half time to flirt with all the girls in his reach and I had to stand there and witness it all. Of course i never got in his way but it was when he wen't to grab some water near the waiting rooms inside the building is when I HAD to follow. To make sure he didn't get into any trouble...I mean this is a valid reason to eaves drop...right? I inched closer trying to hear their conversations but they where too far away I could only see Woohyun laughing and making jokes with a beautiful girl. My heart sank when he leaned over to remove strands of hair that has blown into her face. I jumped when i felt a hand land on my shoulder, i spun around with my heart in my throat. Hoya looked at me puzzled, i glanced back and Woohyun and Hoya followed my gaze. His expression hardened and he looked at me concerned, "I-I was just making sure he didn't get into any trouble!" he looked at me still not believing "You- you know how Woohyun can be sometimes, i just don't want him to mess up and say something unnecessary and maybe even cause a SCANDAL or get us in trouble it would totally mess up the album sales-" "Sunggyu-" "and you know-" "SUNGGYU!". I looked up puzzled at the now angered Hoya, his expression softened and he looked down at his feet. "Its okay, I didn't ask you why you where here" I exhaled awkwardly and nodded. "Sunggyu...don't do that anymore" I looked up at him confused "don't do what?" "Don't chase after that guy" his vision went off to where Woohyun stood and my heart fell to my feet instantly. "w-what? what are you talking about?" I tried to laugh but came out as a shuddery breathing, he looked up with the two black jewels of eyes he had. They seem to pierce into your mind leaving you completely vulnerable in front of him "Sunggyu don't love him anymore, I know you do its okay, I understand" all the alarms in my head went off. Why was this happening?,why to me, why did the only true friend i have left have to be the one to find out. I choked "im sorry-" "No, don't be...I don't mind the fact that you love someone i just wish that someone wouldn't be Nam Woohyun" my eyes remained on the floor. I was supposed to be their leader, and example a person you can trust and depend on at all times not this emotional reck that i have become.


Hoya's POV

He stood there in complete turmoil not knowing what to say or do, so i told him this: " I just wish you would love me". I let that sink into his mind for a few seconds that glided by in slow motion he blinked once,twice, and even thrice. He looked up stunned and puzzled "Hoya-" "give me a chance, I know you are still in love with him, I accept that but give me a try to make you love me all i need is a chance" i insisted. I searched his face for an answer for a yes, for a no, for something.  Suddenly our awkward atmosphere was broken with a musical laugh coming from Woohyun and the girl group member that where flirting near the water coolers. *BTW this is happening indoors! its like in a hallway where the waiting rooms are back stage, the set is like a field/football stadium* He glanced over at them and his eyes glazed over in thought "fine.." he whispered. "what?" he looked up at me blushing all kinds of bright shades of red "I said fine.." he once again mumbled but this time I understood. I let that sink in...I stood here in a bliss wondering what to do next, i only had planned till the love me part. Sunggyu brushed passed me and headed back for the field and I still stood there in aw wondering if i go after him or just enjoy the moment. Woohyun walked past me and i smiled smugly at him I would win Sunggyu, even if i was a replacement...I will be the best damn replacement there is, heck! I will become the original.

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update coming soon...


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TEENTOP10031996 #1
hey.. I guess you're not gonna complete this?? its a nice fic
princehobo #3
Chapter 16: HI! A new reader here and I really love this!! Hogyu <3 can't wait for the next update~ don't end it yet authornim I'm depriving of hogyu ff huhu
Chapter 16: OMG!! HOOGYUUU!! omg.. you succesfully did that.. they are so cute..
PS: am sorry! I didn't realize I unfollowed you ;_;
salflower #5
Chapter 16: Omg yes fluffy and thank you because you already made my day with your updates and yay Hogyu ♡
Chapter 16: Yesssssssss it was a perfect combination of fluff and I'm solo happy that they "finalized" their relationship and in broad daylight how bold my feels are now in overdrive lol. Thx author-nim for the updates
Chapter 15: Omg ur backkkkkkkkk and with an update annnnd soon To be double update I missed hogyu so much my feels are like akdisjfakgskhsurs right now. Thx for the update.
Samona #8
Chapter 15: *loud over-dramatic gasp* You updated. :D YAYYY!
So happy.
They better start telling each other stuff.
I don't want my HoGyu to be broken. :/
Awesome update. :D
Chapter 15: Yup!
U're back!
Welcome back !
HoGyu please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
arrpuucho #10
Chapter 15: Where is this gif photo from.. GYU IS SO CUTE OMG