My Boyfriend?!

Is Your Love for me a Lie?


"Are you sure that's the girl?" He asked. The leader nodded.

"She's going to be the next victim."

"Ok I'll try my best."

"Be careful not to get caught, this is your first time. Good luck." The Leader patted his back.


Hyoyeon stamped her feet in the snow trying to keep warm.

"BOO!" Her best friend Yuri yelled in her ear.

"AHH! What was that for!" Hyoyeon glared at her friend but immediately softened.

"Hey Hyoyeon! You better be careful. Lately there's been a con going on." Yuri dropped to a whisper. "Taeyeon was one of the victims, she was so depressed she wouldn't eat for two days! Her parents were also mad but didn't do anything bad to her."

"But why are you telling me this?" Hyoyeon asked.

"Don't you know! Those people only date rich people like you, they try to get your money by pretending that they fell in love with you. Keep your eyes wide open, look at what they wear, usually they wear expensive brand to convince you that they are not poor." Yuri said.

"Yah! Don't worry! I'm not that dumb!" Hyoyeon said unworriedly, pinching Yuri's cheeks.

"OW!" Yuri rubbed her cheeks. "Just be careful alright!"

"Yeah, yeah." Hyoyeon said carelessly. "Come on we're going to be late for the movie!"


(Two days later at the Flower Shop)


"Welcome! How may I help y-yo-you." Hyoyeon stammered, her jaw dropped. She has never seen such a beautiful boy before! Blue eyes and golden hair. 

"Are you Hyoyeon? Hi I'm Eunhyuk." The American said in fluent Korean. Hyoyeon allowed her jaws to drop even further. Quickly she shut and straightened up.

"Yes, I'm Hyoyeon. How do you know my name?" Hyoyeon asked puzzled. Eunhyuk pointed at the badge pinned to her apron and giggled. Hyoyeon could feel heat rising up, she went red as a beet. "So how may I help you?"

"Can I please buy a bunch of tulips?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Sorry their not in season only in Spring." Hyoyeon replied. She walked around the flower shop with Eunhyuk trailing behind her. She stopped at numerous flowers and explain them to him whilst stealing glances of him.


It's been more than two weeks but Eunhyuk's been coming to the Flower Shop everyday and leaving without buying anything.

It was a sunny day for winter and Eunhyuk was talking to Hyoyeon at the Flower Shop.

"Hyoyeon..." Eunhyuk began, leaning over the counter.

"Hmm... What is it?" She said flicking through a magazine about flowers.

"Will you go out with me?" He said.

"WHA!" A surprised Hyoyeon nearly shouted dropping the magazine on the floor. 'Should I say yes...???' She thought panicking. She opened and...


lol! my third story. i know i shouldnt write new stories without finishing my other onesbut i guess this one would be a short one so it wouldnt hurt to write it before i finish the others. comments would be loved and plz subscribe!!

qutie133 ^_^

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this is really great! i like it^^
awww this is gooooood ~ ^^ please write more hyo pairing fanfics ! love it ! hwaiting ! <3
Moknahurgronje #3
love hyohyuk n hyokey!
awww so good<br />
love HyoHyuk
I really like this story!<br />
Just shipped HyoHyuk!
hyohyuk_seokyu96 #6
waaahhh!! im addicted to this story!!<br />
its too sweet!! <3<br />
i kept reading it again and again!!
ChunjiLover #7
I love your fanfic !!!!!!!
hyohyuk_seokyu96 #8
so great!! your fic is beyond awesome!!<br />
love it sooo much!! hyohyuk sooo sweet!!! <3<br />
please make another fic please!! maybe you should make the fic a bit longer...?<br />
its too good to end shortly
HyoHyuk4ever #9
your story is amazing. love HYOHYUK!
love the ending... so sweet.. cogratz!