I have powers?!

The EXO world


I was a little freaked out the moment one because I had no idea where in the hell I was and two because I didn't know how I got here! One minute I was in my home room listening to my teacher blab on thinking about how I wish I could be anywhere but in that classroom. Then 5 seconds later a flash of light and bam I'm in a big city! 

Maybe I could do it again. Just wish I was back at school---Suddenly I was sitting in my chair in home room like nothing had ever happened. I looked around, pitched myself oncce or twice then decided I wasn't dreaming. When the bell rang I brusted out of my seat and ran to D.O's locker not caring that I was knocking people over as I went.

"D.O!!!" I yelled when he saw me coming at him his eyes got wide as he branced himself for the impact. I knocked us both over me landing on top of him and our faces oh so close, but honestly I was too busy freaking out to notice. "I just tellaported out of the classroom into an unknown city!!" I blurted then made a funny face knowing he probably didn't want to hear it all spilled out like that plus I accidently spit on his face.

"Kai, could you umm get off of me? I kind of can't breath." D.O said. I quickly got off of him pulled him up with more strength than I thought and he was a little wobbly.

"Okay, so explain what happened?" D.O said getting his books for his next class which he was already late to.

"I tellaported out of class. I was sitting there thinking how I wanted to be anywhere but in that room and then this big light came and BAM I was in a city." I said making booming noises and throwing my hands up in the air. D.O face palmed himself shaking his head.

"That's not possible. I'm best friends with a nut job, this is just great! Oh and I'm sure next you are going to tell me there are aliens too! Yeah sure. I'm not stupid Kai." D.O said glaring at me.

"I'm not joking look. I'll show you!" I said stepping back but grab his hand and thought of going to my bedroom, the light came and bam we were both in my room. D.O stood there in shock. "Now, do you believe me?" I asked but D.O  didn't answer. I waved my hand in his face but he didn't respond. "Well, guess while we are here I'll get some food." I said smirking.

"Food, where?!" D.O said jumping back into reality.

"Haha! Got you! Isn't this freaky?" I said poking the wall making sure it was real.

"Yes, but then again you are a freak." D.O smirked earning himself a slap on the shoulder. He pouted but I stuck my tounge refusing to give in to him.

"Let's get some food then head back to school." I said racing D.O down stairs. I manged to beat him by at least one foot. I was proud of myself and grabbed a sandwich then tossed one at D.O who wasn't paying attention and got smacked in the face with it.

"You my friend are a fail." I said smirking at D.O as he picked up his sandwich. He just glared at me taking a big bite of his sandwich before turning and leaving. I was about to chase after him when I remember I could tellaport.

Haha to all those losers who still have to drive, run, ride bikes, or walk places. I thought of the school and was there in a flash. Even though it was only a few blocks from my house walking was overrated. I stood by my locker leaning against it waiting for D.O who should be here any minute.

Finally he walked in after a few minutes. I yawned pretending I had been waiting for a long time. "What took you so long?" I teased poking him in the side. He giggled trying to push me away but I continued to tickle him.

"Sorry that not everyone can tellaport like you can." D.O said finally managing to push me away. I smirked, he was just jealous of my amazing powers and that he had none.

Then suddenly the earth started to move, was it an earthquake? Then out of no where a big thing of vines came at me.


Mmm vines...kind of curious (i'm so curious yaya!! anyone know that song? It's by SHINee! :D) I have finished chapter three! Let me know what you think!! :D

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awwwwwwwww it was really good but then.... it should be ChenMin and SuLay.,oh well good enough :l
sumomoyuki #2
Kai got drenched poor fellow lol where updates <333333
sumomoyuki #3
XDDDDDDDDDDDDD lol Baekhyun u better be happy it's cooked instantly ! now u dun have to be always hungry XDD
LOL, Evil Chen is zapping the Angel leader x3
efeline #5
you must update soon. i cnt wait to see what's going to happen next.
sumomoyuki #6
lol Kai is going to so use that teleportation thing a lot XDD DO's got his powers too!!
KaiKwang #7
So... I am extremely excited. Thus... YOU MUST WRITE :D :D :D
Nadjell #8
It was to short xD
Update soon plz