Chapter 8

Good Boy, Bad Boy


The next day, Taemin was in class taking notes. Even though he was paying attention his mind was still tugging on the fact that he saw Key at his most vulnerable state. The younger had no idea why he acted that way but, he knew he never wanted to see that again. So that day he came back to the dorm to find his roommate gone. “Hyung? Where are you?” Taemin wondered as he looked around his dorm. He looked everywhere and yet still nothing. Taemin ran out of the dorm and ran down the hall and stopped in front of Minho’s and Onew’s dorm, he knocked and the older opened, “Taemin? What’s wrong?” He asked. “Have you seen Key hyung?” Taemin wondered. Onew blinked, “No, I haven’t.” Taemin nodded and ran to Jonghyun’s dorm, who said the same thing.




Meanwhile, Key had his bags and was at the school entrance waiting for his parents to come and pick him up. He felt horrible, and he knew how worried Taemin must be. He wanted to go back, go back and tell him that it was just a game, at least that’s what he wanted. Key’s dad pulled up on the curb and said, “Why the long face? Come on lets go.” Key sighed and he loaded his bags into the back seat of the car before getting into the car. At this moment he released a single tear and hoped that this was just one horrid nightmare.





Taemin was beside himself, what had happened that he didn’t come back. Taemin slid down the wall and cried, ‘hyung where are you, hyung…..I miss you….I want you here…hyung…’

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jongkey248 #1
Felt a bit rushed but over all beautiful!
jongkey248 #2
Yaay key! I was wondering where that attitude of yours went!
he's gonna come back to Taeminnie~~~ ^^
jongkey248 #4
That did not just happen
jongkey248 #5
gahh he better let his diva attitude stop him from moving
Kironstree #6
Key got in trouble ;A;
jongkey248 #7
Awww so cute! :)
jongkey248 #8
You never fail to amaze me!!! I may love jongkey to death but with the way you write this taekey story is seriously having me question my otp
GaemChau #9
Aww Tae apologized...but then ended up hurting Key >.<
I hope Tae realizes his feelings for Key soon!! (He knows he liked it XD)
Poor key ><
I bet Taemin liked it though xD