Chapter 7

Good Boy, Bad Boy


During the school day, Taemin was getting really worried; Key hadn’t come to any of his classes. During lunch, the older didn’t come either so he went to the principal’s office, “excuse me sir.” He said walking into the office. The middle aged man looked up from his paper work. “Yes?” Taemin smiled and asked, “Where is Kibum?” The principal sighed and said, “I put him in lockdown at his dorm. He won’t be coming back for today.” Taemin saddened ‘hyung got in trouble to help me.’ He then realized that the principal was still looking at him and plastered a smile before saying “oh, alright thank you.” The younger left the office and went back to the cafeteria to finish his lunch and go to class.




In the dorm, Key was sitting in his room clutching a letter that he had received from his parents; ‘they can’t do this to me.’ He thought. He read and re-read the letter, hoping that maybe he misread something but, no, everything was clear as day in this letter. ‘How will I tell Taemin?’ He wondered. A single tear escaped his eyes and he wiped them away, ‘they can’t do this to me.’ He repeated in his head. He stared at the letter that said, “You’re transferring schools.”



Taemin was walking down the hallway of his building; he took out his keys and opened the door. He dropped his bag and went to Key’s room. He found the older sitting in his room on his bed a bruise prominent on his neck from the fight, probably. “Hyung, are you alright?” He asked as he walked in and settled on the bed in front of the older. Key nodded and looked at his lover with a sad look on his features. “Hyung, what’s wrong?” Taemin asked cupping the older boy’s face. Key leaned into the touch as more tears flowed down his face. “Hyung..-“ “Taeminnie, I’m so sorry….I’m sorry….I didn’t…I-“ Taemin embraced the older, not allowing him to finish his scentence. The older returned the embrace and cried. They stayed like that, in one another’s embrace, not wanting to ever let go. Key looked at his dresser that was behind Taemin and saw the corner of the letter sticking out.

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jongkey248 #1
Felt a bit rushed but over all beautiful!
jongkey248 #2
Yaay key! I was wondering where that attitude of yours went!
he's gonna come back to Taeminnie~~~ ^^
jongkey248 #4
That did not just happen
jongkey248 #5
gahh he better let his diva attitude stop him from moving
Kironstree #6
Key got in trouble ;A;
jongkey248 #7
Awww so cute! :)
jongkey248 #8
You never fail to amaze me!!! I may love jongkey to death but with the way you write this taekey story is seriously having me question my otp
GaemChau #9
Aww Tae apologized...but then ended up hurting Key >.<
I hope Tae realizes his feelings for Key soon!! (He knows he liked it XD)
Poor key ><
I bet Taemin liked it though xD