Chapter 1

Good Boy, Bad Boy


As he stared at the clock, Taemin was waiting for the last bell of the day to ring so he could go home and meet his knew room mate. The teacher turned and continued speaking “now your homework is to interview one person that you think influences you or makes you who you are or someone who you think is interesting, like a best friend. This will be due tomorrow so get to it, I’m giving you time to work now.” Everyone got to work and started on the paper, Taemin started forming questions but, he didn’t want to interview anyone because he wanted to interview his new roommate. He was packing his things as the final bell rang. Taemin was so excited he practically leapt out of his desk once he got his things. He walked to his dorm to drop off his things and then he was going to go and meet his new roommate. However, he ran into the usual bullies “well, look at this, its Taemin the baby.” One of them said smirking. Taemin wanted to back away but, he was surrounded. “Looks like you can’t run to your mommy for help you selfish brat!” Before things could get ugly someone came over and stepped in front of Taemin “If you lay a finger on him, things won’t be pleasant for you that is.” He said. The bullies laughed “and who the hell are you punk?” The boy picked his nail and said “that’s none of your business, leave him alone.” The bullies backed away and went to go about their business. Taemin looked at the boy he bowed and said “thank you for helping me,” but the boy just huffed and walked away. Taemin pouted ‘well that was rude.’ He thought before checking the time. ‘Eek! I’m late!’ Taemin quickly ran to the principles office where he was supposed to pick up his new roommate.




Key had arrived to his new school and went to the bathroom, on his way out he saw a kid being bullied. He decided to help and start by getting the bullies to leave him alone when he officially starts his day. After that, he went to the principles office to meet his new roommate.





Taemin sighed and walked into the office. He looked up and saw the same guy that helped him with the bullies. “Ah, there you are Taemin. This is your roommate, Kim Kibum.” The older smirked and bowed “nice to meet you please call me Key.” Taemin gulped and bowed “n-nice to meet you too.” The principal smiled “I’m sure you two will get along.” The two boys nodded and they left the office. Once they got into their new shared dorm. Key walked into his room and closed the door. Taemin sighed ‘this is going to be a long year.’

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jongkey248 #1
Felt a bit rushed but over all beautiful!
jongkey248 #2
Yaay key! I was wondering where that attitude of yours went!
he's gonna come back to Taeminnie~~~ ^^
jongkey248 #4
That did not just happen
jongkey248 #5
gahh he better let his diva attitude stop him from moving
Kironstree #6
Key got in trouble ;A;
jongkey248 #7
Awww so cute! :)
jongkey248 #8
You never fail to amaze me!!! I may love jongkey to death but with the way you write this taekey story is seriously having me question my otp
GaemChau #9
Aww Tae apologized...but then ended up hurting Key >.<
I hope Tae realizes his feelings for Key soon!! (He knows he liked it XD)
Poor key ><
I bet Taemin liked it though xD