Chapter 4 {PG-13}

Good Boy, Bad Boy

Annyeong! This chapter is rated PG-13 for kissing



The next day, Taemin and Key were relaxing on the couch. Taemin was watching a show while Key was paging through a magazine. Taemin still felt really horrible so, he placed the remote from the T.V. down and walked over to the older. “What?” Key asked not looking up from his magazine. Taemin took the magazine from the older and said “I’m sorry, ok.” Key was a little taken back, “why are you sorry?” Taemin looked down at his feet and pouted “for not going with you to the club.” Key chuckled “you thought I was mad?” He asked. Taemin nodded. Key chuckled, “fine if you’re sorry then come with me. It’s Minho’s birthday today and we are going to the club, your coming too.” Taemin’s jaw dropped, “a-are you kidding me? Please tell me you’re joking.” Key chuckled and sighed “of course I’m not joking. He’s your friend too, come on don’t do it for me, do it for Minho.” Taemin thought for a minuet before releasing a defeated sigh, “fine, fine. I’ll go.” Key smiled “good now get dressed.” He said as he stood from the couch to go and change. “Hyung! Wait, I don’t know what to wear.” Taemin mumbled the last part. Key sighed and walked into the younger’s room and opened his closet and looked at the clothes then at the younger and back to the clothes. He took out some black pants and a nice button up white shirt. “Put these on.” Key then left to change for the club. Taemin started to change as well. After they changed, Key looked at Taemin and said “ready?” The younger boy nodded nervousness already kicking in. Key walked over and placed his hand on the younger boy’s shoulder, “don’t be nervous, I’ll be right next to you, ok?” Taemin nodded and the two left the dorm to go and celebrate Minho’s birthday.




Once the boys entered the club, Jonghyun and Minho immediately went to their table and began to eat. Onew, Taemin, and Key joined them after they got checked in. Taeming was silent the entire time he was really nervous. Key saw this and decided to loosen the kid up a bit. “Come and dance with me Taemin-ah.” Key invited the younger. The other boy’s nodded, “yeah go on have fun.” Jonghyun said smiling kindly. Taemin nodded and followed Key to the dance floor. Key took Taemin’s hands and placed them onto his waist and then he did the same with his own hands, “let go Taemin-ah, no one will judge you on the dance floor.” Key smiled. The two began to dance, and as time went on Taemin was feeling more comfortable. The two were pressing closer together with the bass of the music. The two boys were covered in a thin layer of sweat as they danced and then Key leaned in and pressed his lips against Taemin’s. The younger’s eyes widened only for a brief second but then they closed and they kissed. The fog machines in the club making a thick cloud around them as their bodies continued to move. Taemin was the first to break the kiss, he looked up at Key who smirked at the younger and pecked the boy’s lips before deepening the kiss again. This time, Taemin didn’t push the older away; instead, he wrapped his arms around the older and brought him closer. Key’s hands went to Taemin’s waist to keep him in place. After the party, the boy’s snuck back into their dorms acting as if nothing happened.




The next morning, Taemin awoke with tremendous amount of guilt. ‘I can’t believe I did that.’ He thought as the memories from the club replayed in his head. He perked up when he heard a knock on his room door. The wooden door opened and Key walked in, ‘great, this is the last person I want to see right now.’ Taemin thought. Key sat down onto the boy’s bed, “I was wondering when you were going to get up. I made breakfast, come and have some.” He said. Before the older could leave, Taemin grabbed his hyungs sleeve, “um, Key hyung. About last night, I hope you didn’t take it to personally, I didn’t know what got into me. I wasn’t myself; please don’t think that we are like that in anyway.” Key was trying to hide the hurt in his eyes, “so, your saying that you are straight, is that it?” Taemin saw through Key and he knew that he hurt the older, “hyung I’m sorry, I just-““no, forget it, I understand. Hey, it’s not like it’s the first time. Don’t worry about it.” Key said plastering a fake smile. He then stood and said “come and eat breakfast.” He turned and left the younger’s room, softly closing the door as he left. Taemin collapsed back into the pillows and sighed, he knew very well that he hurt the older boy’s feelings but, he couldn’t lie to the older and make him believe that he liked it, did he really like it? Or not?

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jongkey248 #1
Felt a bit rushed but over all beautiful!
jongkey248 #2
Yaay key! I was wondering where that attitude of yours went!
he's gonna come back to Taeminnie~~~ ^^
jongkey248 #4
That did not just happen
jongkey248 #5
gahh he better let his diva attitude stop him from moving
Kironstree #6
Key got in trouble ;A;
jongkey248 #7
Awww so cute! :)
jongkey248 #8
You never fail to amaze me!!! I may love jongkey to death but with the way you write this taekey story is seriously having me question my otp
GaemChau #9
Aww Tae apologized...but then ended up hurting Key >.<
I hope Tae realizes his feelings for Key soon!! (He knows he liked it XD)
Poor key ><
I bet Taemin liked it though xD