Chapter 3

Good Boy, Bad Boy


After school, Taemin was walking back to the dorm with Key. The two were chatting and Taemin kept on laughing at his comments about the teachers “…seriously! That woman could be a snake in disguise.” Key spoke with no real enthusiasm but his voice had all of the emotion that he needs. Taemin was laughing. Key stopped and saw the bullies that always pick on Taemin. Taemin looked at Key and then looked at the group of boys, “come on, we’ll take a short cut.” Key spoke as he took his hand and they went into the other direction. “Hyung, tell me, are clubs really that fun?” Taemin asked as they walked around they ended up in a garden that the school made in honor of the 1st principal who died in a car accident. Key chuckled “depends on which club you go, when you go, and who you go with. Why do you ask?” Taemin shook his head “nothing I was just wondering.” Key arched his brow “come with me.” He said, he wasn’t asking he was telling the younger. “What? I don’t want to, I was just wondering.” Key sighed sadly and said “Your curiousness will be cured if you just come with me.” Taemin was a little pissed off “I said no! I just wanted to know that’s all that doesn’t mean I am going to give up my time to turn into a party boy like you!” Now Key was pissed off “do you think that life is meant so you can just sit and study? You are not supposed to spend your entire life studying! When was the last time you went out and enjoyed your self! Go and have fun and don’t study for once!” Key stomped off and walked into their dorm building. Taemin huffed and followed the older.




That night, Taemin did what he did best; study and Key was watching a movie. They didn’t even bother to speak to each other before going to bed. Taemin felt really bad for not trusting Key, and here he thought that they could get along.

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jongkey248 #1
Felt a bit rushed but over all beautiful!
jongkey248 #2
Yaay key! I was wondering where that attitude of yours went!
he's gonna come back to Taeminnie~~~ ^^
jongkey248 #4
That did not just happen
jongkey248 #5
gahh he better let his diva attitude stop him from moving
Kironstree #6
Key got in trouble ;A;
jongkey248 #7
Awww so cute! :)
jongkey248 #8
You never fail to amaze me!!! I may love jongkey to death but with the way you write this taekey story is seriously having me question my otp
GaemChau #9
Aww Tae apologized...but then ended up hurting Key >.<
I hope Tae realizes his feelings for Key soon!! (He knows he liked it XD)
Poor key ><
I bet Taemin liked it though xD